Spoilers don't really bother me. I don't care if I know what happens, but how it happens is what I want to keep a surprise. :3 But I do try to avoid the grand finales of animes/movies/books. I like those as surprises, too.
Um... What? I'm kinda confused with what you're saying... Care to explain exactly how they won in better detail, please?
Hello thar, ZakuraWolf63~ Welcome to KHV! ^_^ Have fun and stay out of trouble, 'kay? See ya around~ :lol2:
Fenris could only stare at Xane with a disturbed expression... Then he noticed what Wing was doing. "Oh, of course. It's what I'm here for. Her injuries are my fault anyway." he nodded slightly and pulled Vexneah closer to himself, also grabbing Wing's bag in the process. "We'll be fine." he muttered before getting up and walking farther away. OOC: See ya Wing. I have to go soon too...
"Taking souvenirs, are we?" Fenris taunted Xane again before going through the corridor with Vexneah. "Quick thinking. Good job." he muttered to Wing as he stepped through.
Fenris jumped backwards as a zombie protruded from the ground under him. He sighed and shook his head, setting Vexneah down again and taking out the rifle he had kept. "Why can't the dead stay dead?" he wondered out loud. He scowled and prepared the rifle.
"No, no... I'm fine. Don't... mind me... It's nice to see you again... Bella." Vexneah managed again. She sighed and closed her eyes. Fenris flashed her a worried look and turned to Xane, his face suddenly showing malice. "My, Xane, you look a bit flustered."
"Mm?" Fenris stopped with everyone else as Bellatrix approached. When she heard her name, Vexneah squirmed again and opened her eyes a little, "Bel...la...?"
I agree. The wings on the Way to the Dawn probably have some meanings behind them, like Riku's torn personality, but I think that's it. The others are just there for aesthetics. Btw, the Star Seeker does not have wings on it. I would know. -_-;
I think I'll try this... Name: Hanami Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Click Other: She is a member of the noblilty and is also the keeper of the Emerald Crystal. Race: Human Side: Bad Fimilluar Name: Artemis Age: 6 Gender: Male Appearance: Click
JYB Crispin Freeman Vic Mignogna Yuri Lowenthal Quinton Flynn ^ LOVE <3 ^
Fenris had taken Vexneah from Wing and placed her against the nearest wall. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he let Vexneah suffer from his mistakes again. He stood firmly between her the approaching undead, clutching a rifle he had obtained from Xardius' mysteriously convenient bag. He didn't like guns and he didn't need guns, but if guns were the only thing that killed zombies... He scowled and took off in a flash. Fenris was practically invisible as he gracefully maneuvered around the mobs of corpses, the only evidence of his existence being the resounding gunshots that seemed to have come from nowhere. Unable to see their attacker, the corpses were defenseless. Fenris suddenly halted altogether, standing completely still. As if on cue, the zombies all fell in unison. Hardly showing any expression of triumph, he glanced back at Vexneah, who was now breathing unevenly as if she was having a nightmare. Apparently dead people have a negative effect on her, even in the comatose state she was in. All the more reason to hurry up and defeat these things...
"I see..." Fenris said again, looking at Nulix's hands and expecting to see a hook or something. Showing the slightest hint of disappointment in his eyes when he saw nothing unusual, he looked back at Xane, "We still need to find someone. If we do manage to find a hospital, Vexneah will get the treatment she needs and we'll have a temporary safe haven, am I correct?" OOC: Sorry, I gotta go. See ya. T_T
"I see..." Fenris exhaled and looked at the sky. "We need to hurry and find a place that offers medical help. Your friend looks like he needs attention too." He nodded towards Nulix.
Fenris rolled his eyes and looked at Vexneah, "She won't be if she doesn't get help. Like I said, I was looking for a hospital, but we were... rudely interrupted." He suddenly scrutinized Xane, "You were at an inn? Can Vexneah get help there?"
OOC: No, it happened when Kingdom Hearts exploded. Regardless of whether we went back in time or not, it was after the explosion. I think he might still be human... :p BIC: “You see,†Fenris began walking as the others followed, “I was finally able to pick up your scents, and when I confirmed your location, Vexneah impulsively created a corridor to get us here. I suppose she forgot that using so much of her power so recklessly like that saps all of her strength. When we got here, she collapsed.†He was almost growling again as he remembered what happened next. “I was looking for a hospital or something to treat her when we were confronted by a group of troublesome guards… They attacked us. Something about being affiliates with a bunch of wanted criminals.†Fenris shot them all a look. “It’s very hard to fight with an unconscious Nobody on your back…†he sighed, “I lost… I couldn’t… protect her… I’m truly sorry.†he apologized as he pointed to a pile of crates stacked against each other near an empty alleyway. Vexneah was lying against them, motionless. Her hood covered her face to hide her identity from anyone that could have passed by. Her black Organization coat was also stained with patches of blood. “Don’t be too alarmed…†Fenris noted, staring at the blood with hatred in his eyes. “Some of it is mine.†It was then that he cradled his right arm in his left arm, emphasizing the fact that he too had obvious injuries…
OOC: Whut...? So you're saying the entire experience in Kingdom Hearts was Castle Oblivion? That changes things... Thanks for the heads up. @_@; BIC: Fenris growled slightly and bowed his head in shame. Maybe you should follow me... I'll explain on the way. OCC: Bye Nul.
"You don't recognize me. I figured as much." the stranger sighed disapprovingly as he threw back his hood. His face remained stoic as he moved his snowy white hair out of his eyes. "Do I ring a bell now?" Fenris asked, his yellow eyes scanning everyone around him.
OOC: *coughs* Yeah... Let's just say I'm fashionably late... Sorry. ^^; Hi, I guess! BIC: A cloaked fellow, a man by figure, approached the UO group. His hood shrouded his face, so his expression could not be identified. "You guys... I've been looking for you guys..." he muttered sourly.
Thank you very much! I'm glad you like it. ^^ Arigato. I'm glad you like it too! :3 Thanks~ I was hoping he would be... I'm glad to know it was a success. Thanks very much! ^_^ Maybe I will; thanks. ^^ ----------------------- lol, no CnC? xD