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  1. Star_Seeker
    Oblivion... :rofl:


    And Saint, think for a minute. Suicide is just plain selfish. Think about all the people who would be sad if you died. The kind of example you'd be setting. :/
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Star_Seeker
    lol Oblivion. XD

    I <3 my avy too. Sora looks adorable. Definitely kawaii~

    If you like it that much, here's where I found it. ^^

    We say 'kawaii' cuz it's unique and fun to say, Saint. :3
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Star_Seeker
    New thread~! X3

    ...And what's all this talk about emos...?
    You know what? Whatever your problem is, you gotta find the silver lining! Yup. :3
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Star_Seeker
    Ciao, UzumakiRage~~!

    Welcome to KHV! And don't be sorry, your English was great! ^^

    Don't forget the rules and have a great time, m'kay?

    I'll see ya around~

    -- ☆
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. Star_Seeker
    Wow, this is a great topic. 0_o;

    I think your descision depends on what kind of person you are. If you're the type that likes to draw, paint, take pictures, etc., then you'd probably be better off deaf. If you're the type of person that loves music and plays an instrument or in a band, etc., then you'd probably want to be blind. Same goes for people who are and aren't social. It all depends.

    As for me, I think I'd be better deaf. I'd prefer to be able to see my surroundings, and not being able to make art would suck away my will to live. D':
    Besides, I could always learn sign language, and playing video games or watching a movie wouldn't be hard, since you can turn on subtitles. ;3
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  6. Star_Seeker
    Hiya Roxy-chan~! Welcome to KHV!

    Have fun and post lots! And if you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it!

    With that said, you still have enough time to escape before the site pulls you in and gets you addicted. :D


    I'll see ya around, m'kay? ^^

    -- ☆
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. Star_Seeker
    *jaw drops*

    No way...

    OBLIVION!!! :glomp:

    How've you been? 83
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Star_Seeker
    - Kairi really annoyed me. She lacks character developement. All she did was get kidnapped to provide a source of motivation for Sora and Riku. It kinda ticked me off when she finally decided to do something at the end of the game and a Keyblade randomly popped up out of thin air for her convenience... :-/

    - The un-skippable(is that even a word?) cutscenes and screwy camera in KH1 were also aggravating.

    Those are really all the complaints that I have. The rest I just over-looked.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 18, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Star_Seeker
    Welcome back! :3

    Remember the rules and have fun! Happy lurking...
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 18, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. Star_Seeker
    I've watched:
    Wolf's Rain
    Fruits Basket
    Death Note
    Code Geass
    Ouran High School Host Club
    Air TV
    The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

    Currently watching:
    Lucky Star
    Romeo x Juliet
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 18, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  11. Star_Seeker
    OOC: Um, yeah... About the database errors...

    A few months ago, it was discovered that the reason for the da's were threads with too many pages (i.e. OU). Hence, there's new rule saying that all threads must stop at... 10,000 posts, I think it might have been... You guys, if we don't make a new thread, we might infest the entire site! Now's a good time too, since Spring Break is in a few days.

    Sorry, I guess I should've said somethin' earlier. >_<;

    On a lighter note:
    Wow, DK, those AMV's are great! I can't give much CnC, since I know nothing about AMV making, but I can definitely say I really like them! ^w^
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Star_Seeker
    OOC: Okay, I'm finally back now. Sorry I haven't been able to be here... >':

    BIC: "G-Gale...?" Vexneah inquired, setting her tea down and standing up to meet his height. "Wow, I'm really glad to see you too! It really has been a while!" she said as she smiled at him cheerfully. "What have you been up to?"


    Soundlessly, Shadow pulled her hood over her face and turned around to face Xaron. "Who might I be? Actually, it's more like 'what might I be,' but I suppose that's for you to decide." she chuckled quietly to herself before turning her back to the stranger. "You know, we've never met, but I have to say that I recognize your aura. Are you-" she started to ask, but decided against it last minute. "Nevermind. I apologize, but it would be rude of me to put one without a heart before the others who do have hearts. You understand. Maybe we could chat again sometime when I'm not busy..." she couldn't help but smile at her lie, and she was thankful that her hood was hiding her expressions. "Well, ta-ta then." she nodded to him and began casually walking away.

    OOC: Btw, in case anyone was wondering, I've decided on Vexneah's anime representative. I think I'm gonna use Mayu Tsukimura (kudos to anyone who knows the anime). I'm still working on the theme song, though...
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Star_Seeker
    "Oh my..." Fenris said as he walked into the woman's house and saw the commotion.

    "What? Aren't they in here?" Vexneah asked, entering the house after him. She had obviously recovered, but still looked tired as she yawned and rubbed her eyes. "" she finally said after clearing her vision and seeing the ruckus going on. "This is..."

    "None of our business." Fenris finished her sentence, picking up a tea kettle from the stove next to them and pouring two cups of tea. He handed Vexneah one of the cups and they both sat down and watched the fight going on. "I hope the woman who lives here doesn't mind more guests." Fenris commented.

    "I guess I'll just ask them all what's going on after their little show." Vexneah chuckled, sipping her tea.


    “K-Kingdom…Hearts…ruined…†a shrouded figure whispered as it shook with anger. “All that hard work…for nothing…!â€

    The figure threw off its hood, revealing fearsome eyes glowing with hatred. “THOSE IMBECILES!!!†Shadow roared. When she regained composure, she glanced around the sad state of TWTNW. “First, they lock me up in that damned country, then, I find out that it’s all been some kind of illusion! Now, I finally escape and come back to find that MY LIFETIME OF HARD WORK HAS BEEN DESTROYED!†she shouted, angry again. She took deep breaths, calming down quickly.

    Changing moods almost unnaturally, she was suddenly laughing quietly to herself. “Well, at least I got this back…†she said, holding a file in her hands. “How that damned girl got a hold of this, I’ll never know!†she hissed, tucking it into her cloak.

    Shadow sighed , “Now I’ll have to start all over again…but, this place isn’t a bad beginning…†she muttered as she looked around at the pitiful inhabitants that lived near the ruins. “Yes, I see the potential!†she said, growing excited.

    “And I’ll start†she chuckled evilly, whirling around to face a man that had been watching her, “with you.†With a loud screech, Shadow’s arm disintegrated into nothing but darkness, shaping itself into what looked like a large claw. Before the poor man had time to react, the claw shot right through him, ripping out his heart…

    Shadow couldn’t hold back her malicious laughter as she absorbed the heart and watched as the man was reduced to a lowly Hook Bat. “Now you belong to me.†she said, clutching her fist in a capturing gesture. The Hook Bat disappeared into a ball of darkness, off to join the other souls whose hearts were stolen. “Nowâ†Shadow said, her arm returning to normal, “on to the rest of them…â€

    OOC: Wow... Long post... x3
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Star_Seeker
    OOC: Sooo sorry, everyone! Been busy lately! X_X

    I love the idea you all have! I'll have to get started on finding pics...

    Btw, if you all still want song suggestions, I have to say that every time I hear "Have A Nice Day", I think of the UO. Srsly. That's just me, though. xD
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Star_Seeker
    lol, seriously? Well then... :laughing-smiley-004

    You'll still be KxR, no matter what. ;p
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Star_Seeker
    *huggles back* Same here! ^^

    Well, some of the members (i.e. DSK and RRMS) have shortened their usernames to what used to be their abbreviations, and you could do that, if you want. But, other members (i.e. Cupcake and numerous others) have changed their names completely.

    I think Chulou would be a great username (it sounds so cute!), but I have to ask, is it some kind of inside joke or something? xD

    Hey, Demi! :3
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Star_Seeker


    Hello, rIkUsBlaD3_999~

    Welcome to KHV! ^^

    Well, Amber pretty much covered everything... There's not much to say except for stay out of trouble and have fun, m'kay?

    See ya around~

    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  18. Star_Seeker

    Chulou? Heh, it does sound kinda cute... Change it to that, if you want. :3

    I was going to suggest "KxR" too. xD

    Btw, hi! :D
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Star_Seeker
    No, look at this.

    I think the hilt is designed like a shooting star, and what you think are wings are actually the tails of said shooting stars. Kinda like this.

    But I digress.

    I still think that the wings on those Keyblades are just there for show, like how the demonic wings on Oblivion give it a darker feel.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Star_Seeker
    Insanely accurate. 0_o;
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone