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  1. Star_Seeker
    OOC: Yes, ask Division 2 first. ^^

    And now, things will get exciting...

    BIC: “We’re almost there.†Heaven assured everyone as they all approached the castle ruins. But suddenly, she stopped. “Do you… feel something?â€

    Sure enough, the ground under them began to shake violently. Heaven stayed put, while Vexneah was starting to get panicky. “Is this an earthquake?!â€

    “I dunno. Under these circumstances, maybe someone’s coming…†Heaven replied, still calmly contemplating their options. Once again her perception was right on the money. Fatally so. The ground under her opened up, and before Heaven could react, an incredibly large, monstrous wolf emerged from the fissure and grabbed her in its jaws.

    “HEAVEN!†Vexneah cried, horrified as the wolf snapped its jaws shut without a second thought. Heaven was gone.

    Or not. The wolf let out a pained whimper as it spit Heaven out quickly. Then it spit her claymore out, which was covered in blood. Looking disgusted, Heaven wiped off some of the saliva that covered her and scoffed, “When devoured by a giant canine, stab its mouth before you’re swallowed.â€

    “Is… Is that thing a Heartless?†Vexneah mumbled, staring at it in terrified awe.

    “Don’t think so. Last time I checked, Heartless didn’t have internal organs. That thing does. I discovered that the hard way… Either way, we need to take it down if we wanna get to Shadow.â€

    “R-right. But now that I look at it, some part of me is saying to hold back for some reason…â€

    This demonic, white wolf truly looked grotesque. It was huge, about ten feet in diameter. Its eyes looked soulless and hell-bent on killing everyone. Its claws and fangs were also unnaturally large. The beast even drooled a little as it scanned its prey with its empty gaze. A rumbling growl came from under its breath as it slowly stepped towards everyone, as if waiting for them to make the first move…
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Star_Seeker
    OOC: How convenient. XD

    BIC: Vexneah smiled as Xegreny impressively destroyed the Heartless. "That's... a good question..."

    "I'm pretty sure she's underground somewhere. Most likely under the castle's rubble, since that's where all her stuff is, I guess. We should probably head that way." Heaven said, putting her claymore away and running in the ruined castle's direction.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Star_Seeker
    Vexneah managed a smile amidst the fighting. "Xane! Wow, you know how to make an entrance... Yeah, help would be great! It looks like these Heartless are almost gone, though, but who knows what'll happen afterwards..."

    "I'm afraid we might be taking too long to fight these things. By now, we've probably made it obvious that we're here." Heaven commented, slashing at one Heartless while drop kicking another.

    "Then let's finish this, right guys?" Vexneah nodded, her shield disappearing. She concentrated hard, finally releasing a powerful ice spell that froze the remaining Heartless. "All we have to do now is get 'em before they defrost..." she said between exhausted breaths.


    Shadow had been doing some quick, silent thinking. She didn't care if this stranger who called himself Ex was here anymore. In fact, she needed a witness anyway. She turned her attention back to Fenris.

    "I have what I need, so I was just about to dispose of you myself. But I've suddenly found a job for you to do. It seems your friends are meddling again, and I think it would be far more entertaining if you got rid of them instead of me having to dirty my hands." she smiled maliciously.

    Fenris' weary eyes widened in horror. "Never!" he snarled, pulling at his chains, trying to escape to no avail.

    Shadow's hands glowed powerfully, "Oh, I'm not giving you a choice..."
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Star_Seeker
    OOC: That's...somewhat comforting... XD

    BIC: "T-thanks a lot." Vexneah breathed, resting for a few seconds before drawing her Keyblade and flailing it. She hadn't held any weapons for a while, so her aim was a little off.

    "We're almost through all of them. I'll admit, there are more than I'm used to fighting... I might actually break a sweat..." Heaven chuckled, slicing a few more Heartless.

    OOC: Arg. I have to go. I'll definitely try to be on tomorrow. See ya. >_>
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Star_Seeker
    OOC: Same here! If I spell one little word wrong, it'll bug me until I fix it. It's crazy. But at least I'm not alone... <:3

    BIC: Shadow twitched, rapidly losing her temper. "What exactly are you gaining by standing there? You have no business here. Get out." she repeated.


    "Do I need a hand? Why yes, a hand would be nice." Vexneah replied, fending off one group of Heartless while blasting others. "Sorry. I'm rusty."

    "I got this group!" Heaven declined the offer, quickly taking out large numbers without trouble.

    OOC: Bye Xeph. >:
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Star_Seeker
    OOC: Despite what you might think, I'm actually a fast typer. I just like my posts to be perfect, so I review them, like, three times before I post. I can't help it. Don't laugh. ;_;

    BIC: "I don't care. You're still a trespasser, and I told you to get out." Shadow hissed, angry that she had just been so rudely interrupted.


    Vexneah smiled nervously and blocked the Heartless' attacks with her shield. She'd occasionally step out from its protection and blast the Heartless with her Blizzaga, taking out large numbers.

    Meanwhile, Heaven was slashing through them all like a maniac.

    OOC: I don't like the cracking sound. It's annoying to me. >:
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Star_Seeker
    OOC: XD

    BIC: "Sweet. Thanks!" Vexneah said, staring at the phone before realizing that everyone had already left. "H-hey guys! Wait for me!" she cried, catching up to them.

    After minutes and minutes of running, Heaven stopped, slowly putting her hand over her claymore, ready to pull it out. On cue, Heartless rose from the ground in front of them. "Heartless. Shadow must be close." Heaven declared, her sword making a shwing! noise as she took it out.

    Vexneah summoned her shield, placing it in front of her. Things were going to be getting exciting from this point on.


    "What the..." Shadow abrubtly turned around to face the stranger, "Exuse me, but, you're intruding. Get out. Now."
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Star_Seeker
    Vexneah stared at the phone in awe. "Fancy."

    "Whatever. Let's just go!" Heaven snarled, already starting to run through the exit and towards the ruins of the castle that, coincidentally, Xegreny had destroyed.


    “I must thank you.†Shadow said in her chilling voice. “I now have the most important piece of the puzzle. Soon, I’ll be unstoppable!â€

    “G-give it…ugh…back…†Fenris demanded weakly.

    “Not a chance. With this,†Shadow held up a large key-shaped jewel, “I’ll be able to reach heights no one has ever reached. And you,†she playfully tugged at the chains that binded Fenris, “no longer have the ower to resist me…â€
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Star_Seeker
    "Still a person." Vexneah replied. "That's why I'm worried. In that state, he's vulnerable to anything! Shadow might do something awful, and I've already lost him to her before..." She shuddered as she remembered the memories best left forgotten. "Um, well, glad to have you aboard!" she smiled.

    Heaven was grumbling something angrily to herself again.

    "Let's head towards Shadow's quarters!" Vexneah said with new confidence.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Star_Seeker
    OOC: M'kay. ^^

    BIC: Hearing Xegreny's story, Vexneah couldn't help but laugh a little. "That's...good to hear? Uh, anyway, I guess you got left behind too. Wanna come with us?"

    "NOOO!" Heaven shouted, overhearing. "Don't invite him! You're enough of a headache as it is, and I ran out of Advil!"

    Vexneah ignored her. "We're going after Fenris. He disappeared. But if I can find him, we can combine our powers and I could teleport us to the others..."
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Star_Seeker
    OOC: Do whatever you want. If you want to come with me, feel free to do so. I have the whole side story already planned out. :3

    BIC: Vexneah heard her name being called, and she stopped and scanned the area around her. "C'mon, pick up your feet!" Heaven angrily called from way ahead of her. "Hang on," Vexneah muttered, trying to listen, "I thought I heard..."

    Target sighted.

    "XEGRENY!" Vexneah exclaimed, rushing over to him. "I haven't seen you in so long! How've you been?! Why are you here?!"
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Star_Seeker
    OOC: I know I'm way late... Sorry! DX

    BIC: "They...left me..." Vexneah murmured, staring blankly at the empty square in the Undeground City. She looked around, noticing that she was alone. "Heaven...?"

    She saw Heaven nearby, punching a wall. "NO!" her Other sobbed, "Now... Now I'm stuck with you! ...And now my hands hurt!"

    Vexneah sighed. Apparently, the others had something more important to do. At least now she could look for Fenris, who had been captured by Shadow. Knowing that she'd have to confront her again made Vexneah sick to her stomach. But she was with Heaven, so she wasn't completely depressed. Though it didn't look like Heaven felt the same way... "Hey," she finally said, "I'm gonna look for Fenris." With that, she turned and started for the exit.

    Heaven grumbled something inaudible, rubbing her sore hands before regaining composure and running ahead of Vexneah.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Star_Seeker
    I love Demyx because of all the hilarious stuff the fandom makes him go through. :B

    And he's just adorable when he goes all "Dance, water! Dance!" and rox off everyone's sox wit his sitar~<3
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Star_Seeker
    Heaven, never the patient one, was tired of waiting for Xegreny to pick his poison. "This thing got real boring real fast... I'd like to end the game!" she shouted, drawing her claymore so quickly that she had impaled the left Vexneah before anyone could comprehend what she had done.

    The Vexneah on the right screamed in surprise and backed away, watching as the Vexneah on the left fell to her knees, the sword still stuck in her torso. "Y-you..." she whispered with strained breathes, glaring at Heaven with hateful eyes as her figure was swallowed up by darkness. The darkness melted off of her, revealing none other than Shadow herself.

    Shadow slowly stood up, faltering a little. The barrier around everyone broke, and the true Vexneah didn't waste any time to run over to Heaven. Shadow placed her hand around the blade that was protruding out of her stomach, and without hesitation, yanked it out. She stared at the claymore for a few seconds before tossing it at Heaven's feet. Heaven looked down at the sword and couldn't help but express surprise when she saw that it was completely devoid of any blood. Despite that, it was clear that Shadow was indeed wounded...

    "I...despise cheaters..." Shadow threatened before disappearing without a trace.

    After a few moments of silence, Heaven picked up her sword and turned to Vexneah, "Are you all right?"

    "I... I'm still not sure..." Vexneah said, tearing up and hugging Heaven, "You saved me!"

    "Hey! HEY! I have a no hugging policy!" Heaven scowled, shoving her off.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Star_Seeker
    OOC: lol, No Xegreny, the real Vexneah is on one side. If you get it wrong, it will be because you guessed wrong. I have a plan for whichever you choose. >:3

    BIC: The sphere sent a powerful jolt of electricity through Geryl.

    OOC: lol.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Star_Seeker
    OOC: XD
    And I expect you to not expect me to go back and look! It'll take me forever... ;_;

    BIC: Both Vexneahs looked dumbfounded. "I... can't remember that far back under pressure like this..." they both said at once.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Star_Seeker
    "Hmph, wouldn't dream of it." Shadow smiled, snapping her fingers. Vexneah appeared, still tied up. She seemed really shaken, as if she'd just been tortured. When she saw everyone, her eyes glowed with hope, and she attempted to escape again.

    A dome of pitch black darkness surrounded them both, and Shadow's voice rang out, "Here are the rules of my game: Find the real Vexneah. That's all. If you pick the right one, then I'll gladly give her back. If you pick the wrong one... Well, you don't want to pick the wrong one. All you have to do is pick left or right. And don't try anything funny, because I've surrounded us both with a barrier, and you will be terminated immediately. And also, you don't get more than one guess, so all of you have to agree on one. Okay? Start!"

    With that, the dome dispersed, revealing two identical Vexneahs. The Vexneah on the left took a step forward, "You guys! I'm the real Vexneah! She's an imposter! Please, save me!" she pleaded desperately. The one on the right moved in front of her, "S-she's lying! I'm the real Vexneah! That's Shadow! You have to believe me!" she pleaded just as desperately.

    OOC: DX The power of cardboard shall defeat you! *throws the box at you*

    Wow! That's great, DarKnight! XD
    Here's the site, Xegreny.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Star_Seeker
    Shadow glared at Xegreny, clearly annoyed. "Hmph. Is she all you want?" she breathed. "...Fine. I'll give her back. But you have to play a game with me first. Do you all accept?"


    Heaven saw Tyre and broke into a run towards them all.

    OOC: Hi DarKnight!
    *attempts to casually move away under the box* D:
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Star_Seeker
    OOC: Yay! :3

    BIC: Shadow, instantly feeling the castle begin to crumble, evacuated immediately. "THAT IMBECILE! Does he realize what he's destroying?!" she roared as her whole body glowed as soon as she was outside. She extended her hands and made strained motions, pushing back what remained of the fallen castle and stopping it from falling completely. Shadow breathed heavily, still scowling. "Doesn't much time I put into this?! How much power I'm going to have to use to rebuild?! How much time it's going to take to put things back to the way they were?! Does anyone have ANY MANNERS HERE?!"

    OOC: Oh noes! Save me Snake! *hides under a box* You can't see me now... >:3
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Star_Seeker
    OOC: Bleh! Missed everyone again! DX

    BIC: Shadow was standing in a pitch black room, looking thoughtful. "All the players are coming onto the field... I might have to act more seriously around them now." she smiled, "But considering what I just witnessed, I might not have to do anything. They'll all just end up killing each other!" After laughing at them all for a few moments, Shadow sighed, "Yet, there's still the matter of all the intruders I'm letting in... Especially the ones that are so rudely trying to interrupt my work..."


    A familiar figure walked through the ruined town, focused only on the road in front of her. On a whim, she'd come to investigate the person who was responsible for turning this once feared world into what it now was. She had a pretty good idea of who it was, and her suspicions only grew stronger as Heartless rose above the ground ahead of her.

    The young girl stiffened as she skillfully drew her claymore. Her long, blonde hair blew with the dusty wind.

    "It's good to be back..." Heaven murmured as she lunged at the Heartless.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home