D'oh! *facepalm* I forgot about PSPs. XP But yeah, that does sound pretty funny. My brother locks himself out all the time, and I always sit there and laugh while he's begging me to let him back in. XD Cookehs. >w< Ah, well, it just depends on how badly you want the PS2 then. :/ Yeah, do they give you an allowance? Jap! It's Konata Izumi from Lucky Star. :3
Is there a way for you to earn money? XDDD ...Then how are you at a computer? Did you get back in?
No, they're cheaper than 200$, I think. I checked Wal-Mart.com, and they had 'em for 130$. The price can't be too far from that...
Vexneah had been running for a while now and stopped to rest. She had managed to escape the UPA, and of that she was pretty proud of, but now she didn't know where she was. She was hopelessly lost. Go figure.
"Actually, yes." Vexneah said matter-of-factly. In a matter of seconds she had created a large wall of ice that separated her from the soldiers. Then, she ran away. OOC: I'll be back in around an hour. I have to do something.
"In that case..." Vexneah sighed and summoned her Keyblade. A few clouds above everyone darkened, casting shadows over their victims. It began to rain, but soon the rain turned to hail, which pelted the soldiers violently. "Eat frost!"
"W-what?" Vexneah whimpered, beginning to step backwards again. "I don't know where the others are! I'm being completely honest! So why are you all being so mean?"
"No, I don't." Vexneah scowled, "That's not even a deal; you're threatening me. Besides, I can't help. I don't even know where my friends are. In fact, I was just looking for them. And even if you came with me to look, with my luck, we'd all get hopelessly lost."
The soldier's tone made Vexneah back away. "...What kind of deal?" she asked, looking at Stitch, then back at the soldiers.
"Ally..." Vexneah contemplated, slowing her pace. Finally, she halted completely. "Alright." she said, turning around to face the soldiers, "What do you want with us?"
Vexneah yelped and grabbed Stitch, attempting to run right through the surrounding soldiers. Leave it to adrenaline to cure depression. She did her best to dodge and weave through them all, avoiding anything that could possibly slow and/or harm her. "What's happening? Why are they after us?"
"Stitch...?" Vexneah inquired, getting down on her knees to match his height. "Where did you come from? I'm sorry, I don't undertsand what you're saying..."
OOC: Vexneah left, so she's by herself. BIC: Vexneah continued to walk. She felt like she was being watched, but she wasn't in the mood to pay much attention to anything. Especially her feelings.
OOC: I'm kinda on and off right now, but yes. :3
Heaven had seen Xegreny leave and looked back at Vexneah, who still hadn't moved from where she was. "Y'know," she said, "he seemed to be in kind of a hurry. Maybe your friends need you." Vexneah didn't answer, but she didn't move either. "He's...so cold..." she muttered solemnly. "Vexneah..." Heaven tried to reason with her, but she really couldn't find the right things to say. After an awkward silence she finally said, "Listen, I'm going to stay here and finish what I started. I'll take care of Fenris while you go and help your friends." It surprised her a little at how sincere she really sounded. Damn, these people were making her soft... But no answer came. Heaven sighed. "Please. You can trust me." she mustered. Still, Vexneah didn't speak, but this time she actually stood up. Heaven watched as Vexneah somewhat hesitantly took out her phone and began texting. After putting the phone away, she slowly began walking away. "So you're going to them?" "...Yeah."
As the wolf fell down into the abyss, the earth began to reform itself back to the way it was. A pillar rose from deep underground, carrying the beaten wolf on it. When the pillar arrived, Heaven rushed over to the body, yanking out her claymore. "And that's how it's done!" she smiled, satisfied with the monster's defeat. Vexneah was silent as she walked over to the wolf's face and placed her hand on it, whispering something inaudible. Slowly, the wolf's figure melted away, finally revealing a bloodied and motionless Fenris. OOC: And I'll stop there. G'night. XD
But the wolf was too fast. It was already standing on the pillar, ready to knock Xegreny off as soon as he was close enough. It crouched down, ready too attack. "Leave him alone!" Vexneah shouted, shooting icicles that whistled as they flew through the air and pierced the wolf's body. That thing had just crossed the line. "Hurry!" Heaven called down to Xegreny, uncharacteristically holding out her hands to help him up. This time the wolf fell. OOC: Of course. Sorry. >_>;
The wolf cried in agony, recoiling and shaking its head as if trying to throw the pain off. It snarled again, even angrier now. It took its front paws and slammed them into the earth, causing it to shake again. Sharp, rocky spikes shot up in different directions around everyone. Heaven just barely dodged one. Vexneah was holding her injured arm and running around in circles, fortunately avoiding every single spike. Seconds later, the ground around them began to break apart, separating the four fighters. Now the battlefield had large gaps between them, making it even harder for them to stay together. The wolf, with its large size, easily jumped from section to section, shaking each pillar violently. Vexneah and Heaven both shrieked when the only thing keeping them from falling to their doom was wobbling weakly. "Great," Vexneah sighed, "Now we have to be extra careful!" "Not if we just go and kill the damn thing! Push it off the pillars!" Heaven commanded, becoming aggravated to no end.
Working under pressure, Vexneah quickly leapt up to the wolf, landing directly on its snout. She took one split second to look into its eyes. With a gasp, she jumped off and fired another powerful ice spell at the wolf, freezing it in midair. She skillfully landed on her feet, only to lose her balance when the frozen wolf hit the ground with a thud next to her. Breathing a sigh of relief, Vexneah looked at the others seriously, "You guys, I think that thing might be..." But her thought was interrupted by another 'earthquake'. Vexneah yelped and jumped backwards when the ice around the wolf cracked, soon shattering completely as the wolf shook it all off and howled angrily. It moved so quickly that before Vexneah realized it, she had large gashes on her arm. Heaven breathed with contempt, throwing her claymore directly into the wolf's side. It howled in pain, but still lunged at Xegreny, who happened to be the closest.
"I... I..." Vexneah was getting even more panicked, searching for the right thing to say. "I've never seen a wolf this big. Um," "The head!" Heaven shouted, wiping off the remaining saliva and standing up, holding her sword readily. "Head wounds are always the most critical." "No! Please!" Vexneah pleaded, surprised about what she was about to say. "Something's telling me that we shouldn't injure it!" "Then what do you expect us to do, huh, Vexneah?! Give it some flowers before it kills us?!" Heaven retorted angrily, losing her patience. The wolf roared impatiently as well, charging straight through the arguing two, sending them both flying in opposite directions.