"Alright!" Vexneah exclaimed, grinning excitedly. "You don't need to worry about me, Geryl! I can totally handle myself! And I won't get kidnapped! Even if a I do, which I won't, I can escape by myself! But my one and only priority at the moment is being the most reliable backup you've ever had!"
"I saw that!" Vexneah exclaimed, leaping off of the cannon she was sitting on. "Geez. I get the picture." she sighed, "I found some cool stuff in the forecastle. I think it'll be useful to Geryl if he's going in cognito." OOC: See ya Hidden. >.<
OOC: I'm sure you can come back, Willi. Good to see you again. ^^ BIC: "Huh!" Vexneah scowled, folding her arms angrily. "I betcha I could do it! Without falling over or getting kidnapped! If I try hard enough... Let me go with Geryl, as backup! Please?" she pleaded.
"Then maybe we should send someone to find out, y'know?" Vexneah suggested.
OOC: ^_^ BIC: "Yeah. Nice to you again, Bella." Vexneah smiled back. She looked at Xane again, "Oh... Well, if we're fast enough, they'll be sunk before they know we're here! Besides, you think they won't notice another ship approaching them? I figured we might as well get them before they get us. The pirate way."
"Hey, you guys! Why don't we use these?" Vexneah asked, pointing at the cannon she was sitting on. OOC: Hooray for random entrances! :D
"Then I...won't do anything..." Shadow admitted. "I'll tell you, you're only wasting time here. If you're fine with sitting back and watching, then feel free to observe. Maybe you'll learn something.'' she chuckled, but then frowned, "But if you continue to be as rude as you just were, then I'll be truly angry. You've been warned." She shrugged and continued walking until she disappeared down a dark passageway. ----------------------------- Vexneah twitched at Xane's remark, but quickly let it go. Pretty soon she noticed everyone around her going to sleep, and the sight made her sleepy as well. She yawned and relaxed, but then she immediately shot back, alert again as her phone vibrated. Vexneah was shocked to see that it was Heaven. "Um, hello?" she answered. "Vexneah! I'm glad I could get a hold of you!" Heaven sounded urgent. "Listen, I was snooping around in Shadow's study..." "You got in?!" Vexneah interrupted in a whisper, not wanting to draw attention to herself. "Heh, and without getting caught, too! But that's not the point. So I was snooping around and I found a book." "A book?" "Yeah, a book. And get this: I was skimming through it, and I found some pretty interesting stuff about these things called Soul Keys, and... And Fenris was mentioned, too." "What?! Why?!" "I dunno. Haven't read much. I'll meet you at Disney Castle." "Uh, how do you -" Vexneah started to ask, but Heaven had already hung up. She sighed and tried to go back to sleep, but Heaven's new information was giving her troubling thoughts... OOC: I'll leave too. XD
Vexneah's eyes lit up, and she lowered her Keyblade. "Wing...?" she smiled hopefully. This was the first time she'd seen him in a while, and she couldn't help but get a little teary, glad to know he was okay. "I've been ready!" she sniffed, dropping her Keyblade and running up to hug him, ignoring Wukong completely.
Vexneah leapt in surprise, whirling around and summoning her Keyblade. She pointed it at the stranger, her hand trembling. "G-get away from me!" she said, a surprising hint of anger in her voice. "I've had anough of you! All of you! Just get away from me, or take me to my friends!" ----------------------- Shadow was using some sort of communication device when she noticed Ex. She gave him an annoyed glare. "Hang on one second," she spoke into the device, then turning to her visitor. She scowled at him. "Excuse me, but don't you know you shouldn't interrupt someone when they are on important phone calls? How rude. At least make an appointment or something. Oh, wait, I don't make appointments, so I guess you should just leave and stop bothering me!" she hissed, turning back to the device. "Yes, I've obtained the item." she whispered into it, "I'll bring it down as soon as I can. Ciao." she finished, shutting off the device and beginning to leave, but not before giving Ex one more threatening look. "Leave." she repeated.
"Ow... I'm sore all over." Vexneah moaned, wandering through any open doorway she found. She was hoping she could find her way out of this cave without being noticed, but she didn't hope that much. Her muscles ached from being tied up in one position for too long, and she faltered as she walked. "Geez, this place just goes on forever..."
Thanks! ^^ I really like how they both turned out. X3
omg rainbow cookies. gimme plz. XD btw, my newest drawing.
Yay! Thank you Jap! *nibbles pretzel* Yeah. She's funny. XD
I liek pretsalz. D:
"Just...a little...more!" Vexneah strained herself as she proceeded to cut the ropes that binded her with a sharp rock she'd found on the cave floor. It was a slow process, considering the ropes were incredibly thick and her rock was very flimsy. But whatever. She was getting somewhere. "I don't care how long it takes! I'm gonna get out of here, and I'm gonna give those UPA jerks a piece of my mind! ...Before they pull those cheap heat shields."
Vexneah slowly opened her eyes. The past few hours had been such a blur that she couldn't remember anything. What she did know was that she had been captured. Again. For, like, the twentieth time. She sighed wearily. Maybe she should change her name to Mary Sue. "Maybe..." she tried to comfort herself, "Maybe the others got my message. Ugh, so much for trying to help them all out..."
Oh, no...! Vexneah panicked inside her mind. This was not good. If she didn't think of something soon, the gas would take her out and...she didn't want to think about what would happen next. She made a run for it while she was still halfway veiled by the gases. After she'd gotten only a short distance away from the UPA, though, she started to feel dizzy. This...is...so not good... Vexneah thought, leaning against a tree for support. She wearily sank to her knees, struggling to keep her eyes open. I... I don't want to... Not this time... Not...now...
Vexneah faced the UPA and paused, searching her brain for options. She couldn't run; they'd catch her easily on their hovercrafts. She couldn't defend herself; she never was good at any kind of martial arts, and ice had an annoying tendency to melt with heat. There was only one thing she could think of to do, as much as she didn't want to. Behind her back, she slowly pulled out her phone and pressed random buttons, hoping that maybe one of them activated a distress signal. She needed help.
Vexneah sighed with exhaustion, "C'mon, gimme a break..." Without thinking, she turned around, curious about the noise she heard behind her...
Then maybe you should get one. There are other cool games for the PS2 too. :3 Ooooh. lol. XD Same here. But I'm debating on whether to get a new iPod or a new cell. (The Pokemon Killer ate my cell ;_;.) I don't think so. We're talking about PS2's and getting locked out of houses. o_o I kno rite?! XD