Nope. :] fillahz
But she was aware that she had known him, and she wrote that letter. She remembered him name soon after.
I guess I do wish Kairi did a little more than what she did, but since she was completely out of it in KH1 and was stuck back on Destiny Islands in KH2, she can't really be at fault. It is kind of sweet that even when everyone else forgot, she still remembered Sora. And she did attempt to help everyone in TWTNW. I used to be kind of annoyed with her, but now I see that she turned out to be an okay character.
I can't stand animal abuse. It makes me sick. Hunting for food I'm fine with, but I despise poachers who slaughter animals, skin them, and make things out of them that people actually walk around wearing in public. I've also seen pictures of the effects of animal testing, I've seen the disfigured and tortured faces of the poor animals, and it's brought me to tears. I hate it all with burning intensity. I think the people who can stand to do that sort of thing truly are heartless and deserve punishment ten times as awful as what they do to those defenseless animals.
Laziness and procrastination ftw.
OOC: Now I'm alone. I guess that means it's time for another "Dr. Vexneah moment". >:3 BIC: Vexneah skipped onto the deck, now dressed in different assortments of pirate garb. "Thought I'd take a change of pace, at least until we leave." she said in her own defense. "Anyway," she smiled at everyone, then looked at Noxas, "Hey there! You said you needed a hospital? Well, I hate to break it to you, but we're in the middle of the ocean." she stated bluntly, yet still smiling. "But I happen to know a little about how to treat the near-drowned, so this is your lucky day." She got closer and examined him. "Noxas, right? Well, I'm glad to say you don't look like you have any serious injuries, but you will definitely be sore later. It's also imperative that you find a comfortable place to get some rest, and be sure to lay on your back so you can breathe easier." she set a blanket she had carried out with her next to him, "And cover yourself up with this, 'cause you don't wanna lose any more body heat. Otherwise, you might catch something serious." She took a deep breath and smiled. "You're lucky. Any other person probably would have had a much worse diagnosis, but I'm pretty sure you'll be okay. As long as you do what I say, that is."
Vexneah was in the forecastle, digging through drawers and chests, just to see what kind of stuff was on this ship. "I don't see how a dismembered head could be a pet, but whatever floats his boat..." she spoke to herself, now looking through some clothes she came across. She found some that looked like they'd fit her. "Hm, I'm getting ideas."
Geryl and Vexneah exited the portal and arrived back on the ship. Almost instantly, Vexneah was in a cheerful mood again. "That was great! Let's do it again sometime." she smiled, walking around the ship, looking for the others. "Hey guys! Skinnar's not on thewhattheheckisthat?!" her words melted together in shock when she noticed Carl. "Oh, no, not you again. I thought Xane got rid of you..."
Vexneah closed the corridor quickly, so that no agents could follow them. "Mission accomplished! Run!" she continued with her orders, grabbing Geryl's hand and pulling him towards the exit that would take them to their ship.
"We have to hurry, before backup comes!" Vexneah cried, summoning a portal amidst the fighting. "In the portal! Now!" she commanded, holding off agents for Geryl so that he could escape first.
Vexneah yelped, avoiding the shots. "We most certainly are not!" she shouted, acting insulted. "We're from the underground movement...thing..." OOC: Aww... D:>
OOC: Midgar, apparently. AND I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T KNOW! ...There is only one way to stop the world's doom. Something only I can do... *goes back to invisible mode* :3 BIC: "...That's...fantastic." Vexneah muttered, trying to hide the sarcasm in her voice. "Okay, we'll come back another time, then. Thank you for your time, sir." With that, she walked back over to Geryl. "We'll blow them all up as soon as we get back." she whispered.
OOC: Nah, Vexneah asked. :3 See?
OOC: I'm not? *checks* Wow, you're right, I'm not... APOCALYPSE! X3 BIC: Darn. I guess we can't sink them with the shiny cannons now... Vexneah pouted inside her head. She noticed that the particular agent she had chosen to speak to was obviously drunk, and she decided that this twist of fate could be an advantage. "Oh, us?" she continued in her innocent voice, looking back at Geryl, then to the agent again. "We' My dear colleague, what exactly are we?" she asked Geryl.
Although her face was veiled by darkness, Vexneah still wore a smile as she skipped up to a random UPA member. "Um, excuse me," she began sweetly, "is Captain Rentu Skinnar aboard this vessle?"
"I guess this is it." Vexneah said seriously, "I promise I won't screw up." She sighed, pulling her hood over her head, shrouding her face. "This probably won't do much, but it's all we can do for now."
"If you want to know what I think..." Vexneah said, looking around thoughtfully. "We infiltrate their ship, maybe disguise ourselves a bit. Then we ask around casually, no violence, 'cause then they'll be suspicious. If Skinnar's not on the ship, then we sink 'em. If he is, well, I haven't thought that far ahead yet..."
Vexneah quickly caught up with Geryl. "Sorry," she smiled sheepishly, "Um, c'mon." She walked forward, even though she had no idea where she was going.
"H-Hey! Wait for me!" Vexneah blinked, entering the portal behind him.
"Uh, yeah." Vexneah replied, curiously staring off in the direction of the fire.