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  1. Star_Seeker
    Vexneah looked around at everybody and blinked. "Um, while we wait for Wing and Xardius, how about we make ice sculptures, or something like that...?" Vexneah suggested, already making a mini version of The Thinker out of ice. "I hope everything is all right." she said, worry visible across her face.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Jun 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Star_Seeker
    OOC: Lol, hai Xeg. I've been in school. Doing school things. I've also been spending a lot of time with my friends before summer. :/

    BIC: Vexneah stared at the spot where Wing had just left. "Well, I dunno about you guys, but I trust him if he says he'll be fine. And he will call if he needs help, won't he?"
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Jun 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Star_Seeker
    "But, Wing..." Vexneah peeked over the side of her seat, joining the conversation. "What if something bad happens, and you need help? With no one there, you could get really hurt."

    OOC: Yeah, even I'm here. :D
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Jun 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Star_Seeker
    OOC: Yes, that's right. Ugh, I don't have to take finals yet, but from what I've heard they're not something I should be looking forward to... Good luck with those! ;_;
    And no, I didn't know that, but I kinda put the pieces together when I checked out Hidden's usernotes earlier...

    BIC: "Tch, I doubt I'll ever get used to it..." Vexneah said. She suddenly looked somewhat disturbed, "Aw, c'mon! This cold weather is great! You make it sound like it's torture."
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Star_Seeker
    "Oh, um, hey to you, too." Vexneah replied, slightly startled but smiling cheerfully. "What's up?"
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Star_Seeker
    OOC: Okay, I'm on now, too! :D
    Grr, you people are so lucky. I've still got two weeks of school left as well. It's around this time of the year where you start to regret those snow days... XD

    You've just saved me an excuse to how Vexneah is where everyone else is. Thank you. :3

    BIC: Vexneah was sitting in her usual seat, patiently observing what everyone else was doing. "So this Richards guy is in Twilight Town now? I thought he was on Kiris... Oh, well. I like Twilight Town, so I'm looking forward to this, I guess." she thought out loud.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Star_Seeker
    OOC: Yeah, I apologize for being gone, too. Gotta get ready for summer, right? ;3

    BIC: Vexneah was awkwardly positioned on one of the gummi ship's chairs, where she had been taking a much needed nap. She stirred a bit, and fell out of the chair... right on her head. "Ow!" she yelped, switching from sound asleep to wide-awake in an instant. "I'm gonna get brain damage one of these days..."

    Yawning, she could sense the emptiness in the room right away. She stumbled up and looked out the window. "Oh, wow! Snow!" she exclaimed, a grin lighting up her face. She walked up to the cockpit, looking for any sign of something she could remotely understand. She quickly found what she was looking for. "So we're on a world called Kiris, huh? Sounds cool." she took another look out the window at all the ice, "Very cool."

    "Alright, if I were anyone else, where would I go?" Vexneah said to herself, looking around for the others. She sighed, and she could see her breath as she stood there, out in the cold. Of course, it didn't bother her one bit. She loved cold weather like this. "The others won't mind if I take my time finding them, right?" she continued to talk to herself, casually walking towards civilization.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Star_Seeker
    OH NOES.
    *sits and watches*

    omglolwtfbbq... wait, whut?
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 11, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Star_Seeker
    Yay. :3

    *throws carrots out of her magical bag* Hurry and eat them before the bunnies find out I took them...
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 11, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Star_Seeker
    I'm not speshal? D:

    *throws another lemon at Oblivion* Careful. It be supah sour.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 11, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Star_Seeker

    *throws a lemon*
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 11, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Star_Seeker
    Thank you ._.

    Mommy is all-knowing. o_o
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 11, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Star_Seeker
    *cracks door and peeks in*

    Hello...? <:/
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 11, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Star_Seeker
    Vexneah shook her head. "Last time I suggested firing these things, it was a stupid idea, 'cause we didn't know if there was anything worth saving at the time. Same situation now. If I ever open fire, it'll be on a signal. For now, I'm trusting the others."


    Jones was still scowling at him suspiciously, but his expression was also thoughtful. "Aye, they have my heart. I don't know where it is." he grunted angrily. "If what ye say is true, bring me my heart." he demanded.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Star_Seeker
    Davy Jones stopped playing immediatley, slowly turning around to face his intruders. The air in the room became tense and hostile. Although it was hard to see through his tentacled face, he was glowering. "Who might ye be?" he hissed under his breath.

    OOC: Just so you know... Me + pirate speak = PHAIL
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Star_Seeker
    "Glad I rank below a feather." Vexneah smirked, noticing Geryl looking at his feather when, or so she thought, his job was to watch her. "Y'know, you're probably better off helping the others fight those pirates. You could tickle them all to death with your feathers." she stifled a laugh.

    OOC: I'll give it a try, Xeg. For now, anyway.

    BIC: Jones didn't hear Xegreny enter, as he was playing an organ rather loudly, although the tune was somewhat sorrowful...
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Star_Seeker
    "I thought it was just for that one time..." Vexneah pouted, slumping back down to her earlier position, her shield hitting the ground with a clunk. "Hmph. Like I need a babysitter!" she thought out loud.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Star_Seeker
    Her concentration abruptly interrupted, Vexneah quickly jumped up and summoned her shield in a flash, prepared to face the enemy. But it was just Geryl. "Oh... H-Hi..." she smiled nervously. "Sorry. I thought you were one of them. You're gonna give me a heart attack one day... Metaphorically speaking."
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Star_Seeker
    Vexneah murmured something to herself as she watched the ambush on the Dutchman, keeping her head low and squinting her eyes, trying hard to stay alert and not get distracted. If by slim circumstance any of the grotesque members of Davy Jones' crew made it onto the ship, she would be ready. Her back ached a bit from carrying heavy cannon balls, which she'd already loaded into the nearby cannons with much strain. Albeit Vexneah was almost positive that no one would need her help, luck always blessed the prepared...
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Star_Seeker
    Vexneah groaned, watching through an opening in the forecastle, where she'd taken cover during the Kraken attack. She'd heard the whole conversation outside.

    "So they're gonna go towards the thing that almost sank us? Well they can count me out. That Jones guy sounds like someone that shouldn't be messed with... Besides, someone needs to stay here and hold down the fort. What's left of it anyway." she said to herself, attempting to give herself a good enough reason to stay behind. "Of course, if they called for help, I'd be there in a heartbeat." Her statement reminded her of what the others said about Davy Jones' heart, and she shivered.

    She took a drink out of a jug of liquid she'd found nearby without a second thought, instantly regretting it. "UGH! Is this rum?! It is! I can't believe I just drank it! Gross!" she spat, sticking her tongue out in disgust.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, May 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home