Check again, mate. :/ The "X" in their names symbolize their brotherhood as Nobodies. Their names are also scrambled up to emphasize that they're not who they used to be, I think. And like Darkwatch said, this should be in KH2...
Talkin' about cheerleading and Michael Jackson! :D lol, Seriously?! That's hilarious! Heh, I've never tried it... I does look fun, though... XDD I enjoy sunny days, but not hot days. Winter is my favorite season. ^^
I second that. o_o Ha! Thriller is pretty much the only MJ song that people still listen/dance to... :/ Double ouch. I hate hot weather! I want it to stay cold! ;_;
It's hot where you are? It's freezing here! D: Now I see what you mean... Michael Jackson? Ouch. It's not Thriller, is it? xD Don't worry! I'm sure you'll do great! ;3 Thanks. <:3 Hey, don't say that! Practice makes perfect! *shot* Saint. . . :rofl:
Hmm, I could have. I guess I didn't clean it up as well as I thought I did... ^^; I'm really rusty. D; Thank you! ^w^ lol, really? xD
Hiya family~! Lookie! I finally got the time to draw something! :-O
I needed an excuse to draw something and this idea popped into my head. :3 I'm pretty proud of it, considering it was my first time drawing Sora... CnC is appreciated and ever so helpful. ^^
Aww, how sweet! You've gotta be the youngest person on KHV! ^^; Well then, welcome to the site, Fairy Princess Sara~ Please follow the rules, post lots, and stay active! The most important rule, though, is to have fun! ^_^ See ya around~ -- ☆
Hey there, Breakdown~ Welcome to KHV! ^_^ Now that you've joined us, there is no escape! >:3 Follow the rules, make friends and enjoy yourself, okay? If you need help with anything, you can PM a mod (members with red, green, purple, or blue usernames). See ya around~ -- ☆
Hello there, Lrignaf (aka Fangirl)~ Welcome to KHV! ^^ Follow the rules, stay active, and enjoy your stay! See ya around! ;3 -- ☆
Yep! ^_^ Yeah, I thought as much. You meant Paint Shop Pro. x3 I've never played a Play Station Portable, but I've seen my friend get internet on it...
Ooh! Ooh! I'll be Kaoru! xD lol, I think she means something like Photoshop, right? Not the game console...
lol, maybe you're right. Whatever happens, though, it would still be fun! ^^ That's a cool pic, 1love1riku1! It's your fursona?
^^ Yeah, girls could be just as good! We could be the character that represents us the most. Coco would probably be our leader, Tamaki. xD
Science bores meh. >; I usually just sit in the back and talk through the whole period... xD zomg, a KHV Host Club would be sooo fun~ x3 Hi. ^^
Hi there, TwilightParasite~ Welcome to KHV! =3 Please read the rules, and if you need any help, you can contact a mod/admin. They'll help you. ^^ Have fun and enjoy your stay! :lol2:
Hi there! ^_^ Welcome to KHV! lol, You're pretty frank, aren't you? You seem to really know what you're doing, though. And you do have Coder potential. I trust you'll follow our rules. :3 Have fun, and I'll see ya around~
You rang? :ninjacat: lol, Hi everyone! Yeah, Destiny, I really like your username. It's unique! ^^ Mastersword! You're Prem! Congrats! *_*
Woof. >:3 Hi Cat! Welcome to KHV~ Have fun, and I'll see ya around, 'kay? ^^