I hadn't noticed that you were able to nickname yourself. That's pretty cool. It's like a secondary user title for your profile fields ... though the only person who can see it is yourself. It's still something fun ^^ -Nights
Not sincere enough. Needs more emoticons. -Nights
*gets random alert about new response* ... *tries to remember viewing this thread* ... Um, right ... feet and inches ... stuff. -Nights
I was kidding ... but since you actually made it... -Nights
Not sure if I put this in here or not but to follow up on your S5 confirmation, if you check here you can see both the confirmation for S5 and a rumor that the current branding of the series has been planned out for the next five years. Long live G4! -Nights
Exactly. You get to be the one who ticks off all the Harmony fans.
Now, someone just needs to make a thread called "The Sorry Game" so I can use this ... -Nights