I'm finally making one of these, mainly because I just discovered the wonders of Illustrator. This is just going to be a place to dump all my random work for reference and for you guys to look at. So, um ... yeah '^.^ So I made this in about thirty minutes (first time working with illustrator) and I thought it turned out really great. Feedback is appreciated. Spoiler: Original View attachment 39450 Spoiler: Illustrator Remix View attachment 39451
If you're viewing a thread that they've posted in, just hover over their username and (if you're using Chrome) a bar at the bottom of the browser will display that users profile link. The ID will always be the digits after "Username." and before the final "/". So if you'd hover over my username you would see: Code: http://kh-vids.net/members/nights.44126/ My ID is 44126. -Nights
Kirito isn't a chick ... that is to say that he has a feminine looking avatar but the system in GGO still classifies him as male.
For data recovery, this is your best possible solution. I've done this on Win7 when my OS data files corrupted. Programs are recoverable but some things, like your writing, are not. Doing this will allow you to use the last resort method of a clean install without losing your files. At least this will allow you to access your files until you get a boot disc to re-install the OS. A couple things to note: When you have a virus and something like this happens, don't automatically jump into system restore. You can actually end up doing more damage that way. There's a difference from System Image Recovery and System Restore. System Restore can sometimes allow viruses to bury deeper into your hard drive causing files to become corrupted. It's always best to have a recovery disc just in case. Boot discs are much better. I don't follow this rule myself because I had always planned on downgrading my laptop to Win7 anyway. I'm just going to wait until I absolutely have to to do it. Fresh installs are often considered last resorts but I always like to do them after a serious infection just to make sure. Windows 8 might have the feature to keep your files and do a factory reset but it is impossible to do a clean install without wiping the hard drive. After a serious infection, and all important files are recovered, you should always format your hard drive three times before doing a clean install of your operating system. This ensures there is nothing left to infect or corrupt the new files. Programs can then be re-installed as desired. -Nights
I had always thought of it as a sort of emotional tether to keep me from focusing on the darkness. It was only after the fact that I realized it wasn't an emotional tether, rather it gave me a feeling of control over my life. I eventually got over the whole mess and decided to take up some new hobbies instead. No lies, marijuana helped me get through High School. Couldn't 'experiment' forever so I again had to move on to something else. Now I am technically an adrenaline junky. I'll do things just to get that sudden rush. To me it's like a feeling of complete euphoria. Considering I can't get an adrenaline rush all the time, I also rely heavily on tobacco. I don't consider cutting to be an acceptable method of coping, especially having gone through it myself. I also don't consider any of my current methods of coping to be acceptable. I do have one method of coping which I consider to be acceptable, while others may not. Escapism. I've heard the arguments that escapism is a bad method for coping for a multitude of reasons but I argue that in some cases it's the best possible solution. I wrote a paper one time on bronies and how watching the show is a form of escapism for some, myself included. For thirty minutes you can forget about everything and just become invested in a show. I normally only watch shows and read books/fanfics that are abnormally happy or comical for this reason. I think cutting is something that most people suffering from depression go through before they can find better ways of coping. Personally, I regret it because in the right light the scars are still visible. Still though, I accept that it was a part of my life and a part of who I am, or rather who I was. Cutting is a short term solution to a long term problem. -Nights
Ninjacat~ I just found out these emotes are called onion heads. Ran into this one and nostalgia took over.
If anyone is up for this, I'll get a tattoo of you getting a tattoo of Misty getting a face tattoo. -Nights
I have to be in a pretty good mood to gring on LoD. It just takes forever to get anywhere ... unless you have a butt load of satchets, then you can instakill rainbow birds all day long. I am able to grind easily on Tales of Xillia just because I like the leveling system a lot more and the battle style is a lot more fun. Turn based RPG's were pretty cool back in the day but now you've got realtime battle RPG's ... button mash anyone? -Nights
Only if you're really close and drive a gas guzzler or really far away with a gas saver. Maybe even at a moderate distance with a mid-range car. I'm about 20 miles from the nearest Walmart but my car is super tiny so it only takes life 5 USD to make it there and back. -Nights
Misty for 'The Face of KHV' 2014 -Nights
I thought about getting one to match my skin color, that way when I'm angry an image will suddenly appear and it'll freak people out. Seriously though, I've thought about getting a tattoo but I'm not sure what it would be. It would have to be something I'd never regret down the road, like when people go out and impulse buy a new pet and three days later they're like, "Wow, I should have given this more consideration." -Nights
I'm really sorry to hear about that ... but I'm totally buying that now. I have the original disc set but that's still a really good buy. It might not be much of a consolation but I totally love you 5ever now for that heads up ^^ -Nights
Myst. Just for reference ... What? doesn't improve, What? simply does. Statement, not a question ;) -Nights
cstar. I liked the one about procrastination. I can relate to that one on so many levels. The one about family was sad and told a story pretty well. It reminds me that family doesn't always mean blood and in my case it often doesn't. Great poems ^^ -Nights
I chose Ashwin because in terms of writing he is by far the best I've ever seen. Impeccable grammar and spelling, sentence structure that could kill, and I thoroughly enjoy reading most of his work ... reading, not understanding. Nova is pretty good himself. I have an easier time understanding his work but it doesn't stand out as much as Ashwin's does in terms of literature. We all know Ashwin's is a style hard to match ... not sure whether that's a compliment or an insult ... we'll say it's a compliment. -Nights
Not gonna lie, tl;dr. I'm not voting simply because my attention span won't allow me to read a few chapters, let alone the entire thing. Best of luck to the both of you though! -Nights
The Fallen was pretty interesting. -Nights
What is this even? Sorry but in terms of base story alone I find The Fallen to be the more intriguing of the two. Reset sounds too similar to Mirai Nikki. I will give it credit though, it's a very close second (SOS was third, if you were wondering) but I have to give first to The Fallen. -Nights
I'm sure you've all improved tons. Best of luck! -Nights