Whoops, sorry ... I sometimes get acoustic and brass confused. ~Nights
You can find the micro-USB cables in Dollar Stores and even in most gas stations. You don't need to visit an electronic store to get one. As Mixt stated, they are extremely common as they are universal for most modern devices. However, I am unclear as to what type of charger your phone uses. If the phone came with a cable that connects to a usb socket dock, if you can unplug the cable from the adapter piece on the end, then you could just use it. ~Nights
Nights, unsure of the situation he had just gotten himself thrust into, decided to play things smooth and see where this turn of events would take him. While he wasn't completely interested in claiming Cal for his own, he was, in fact, interested in the current affairs of the shady looking figure, known as @Sebax, and the one who goes by @al215. "Well then, gentlemen, care to make a little wager? I'm not particularly interested in partaking in your game but I do enjoy a good battle every now and then. The wager is this: the first man, woman, or child to arrive on the field of battle will decide their opponent. That should spice things up a little bit more, eh?" Nights finished with a laugh. Judging by the intensity of both participants, this would surely be a battle for the ages and he wasn't going to miss out. ~Nights
Hmm ... I think I understand what you're talking about. I have a similar thing about making people happy. I only do it because it makes me happy because I made them happy. It's a self gratification that I can't help but fulfill when the chance arises. It's not exactly the same thing as what you're talking about but it's similar in a psychological sense. You're doing something, not because you want to but because it's an ends to a means ... I think. The human psyche is a fickle thing and it's easily confused. You might not be confused but your mind is in the sense that there you feel no reason to be disappointed but you do. I only took a semester of psychology in high school so I wouldn't take my word on any of this. I just wanted to say that there are people out there with similar issues such as this and to let you know you're not alone. ~Nights
I have problems smiling. It's actually caused problems for me in the past. Not that I frown or anything like that but smiling just doesn't feel natural all the time. I hate having to put up a front in official business. They tell you to smile and wave and play the role but what's the point in that? I do find it easy to smile when others are smiling which is why I'm usually the jokester, the class clown if you will. I don't cope well in situations where nobody is smiling, especially situations where it would be inappropriate for me to make them smile, or try to anyway. Like when someone dies and everyone is in the coping stages, I know it's normal to try and comfort them but I can't do that with a joke because it wouldn't be acceptable. It may seem rude but I walk away from those situations. I do makeup for my shortcomings by doing one good deed a day. I'm the guy who you can trust with ten bucks and a gas jug when you're stuck on the side of the highway. I'll be the first one to pull over and give you a jump. Hell, I keep a medical kit in my car for scrapes and bruises. Need a ride? I'll get you there. I don't do it expecting something in return ... well, that's not completely true. I expect a smile because when you smile I smile and I love to smile. ~Nights
I think I'd trust them in this situation. After all, they're always doing something fishy. Huh? Huh? 0_o Too obvious? ~Nights
I'm afraid I'm going to have to call it ... time of sleep, estimated within the last 48 hours. We've lost another brave soul. Don't worry *sniff* ... we'll get revenge ... Revennnnnnnnge!!! ~Nights
Actually, from up to twenty feet, so long as the gun is holstered, a knife can win. Throwing knifes specifically. A tomahawk would be even better. Don't let @cstar know that though. We'll give the opposition a fighting chance. I might make the trip just to watch the battle ... and stab the winner in the back. ~Nights
It actually looks like you're just shy of wifi capability, which really sucks. I was going to suggest the photobucket app to transfer. Typically, smartphones come with usb charging cables that double as a connection to your pc. I am afraid to say it but there are very few means for you to transfer files with this type of phone. You could use @Midnight Star's idea for bluetoothing the images. I don't think any option you have available to you in regards to this hasn't been posted already in this thread. If anything you could call tracfone and ask them ... good luck getting help from them though. Hope you figure it out! ~Nights
I don't know anything that isn't already produced or in the works. I'm totes mcgotes newb when it comes to underground ... or manga. I'll sign your petition if this guy has anything that's shiny and sparkles. Shiny and sparkly always catches my attention, except for when it comes to Twilight ... I just plain hate that shite. ~Nights
@Crash Another update: I decided I hated how that one turned out so I decided to try a different method. Here's an updated version with better lightning and color effect for the guy in the image. View attachment 41024 Now it looks like the lightning is actually there! I'm actually proud of this one. ~Nights
It doesn't look as good as the original but here's what I came up with. View attachment 41020 Not to great with lightning effects and not sure how or where the original background came from so I just played around with filters as per Llave's advice. I think it ended up looking kind of neat. Hope you like it! ~Nights EDIT: Noticed the difference in cropping. Here's a revision. View attachment 41021
My favorite, thanks! (Now all the secrets of the sea-salt flavor shall be mine, all mine! Muahahahahahahahahahaaaa!!!) ... *lick* (Well, so much for discovering the secrets ... I just can't resist the flavor!) ~Nights
You're my favorite. Will you give me ice-cream now? ~Nights
Merry Christmas, @Lightning Farron Avatar and Signature gift pack! Hope you like them ^^ Merry Christmas and happy Holidays to everyone! ~Nights
Spoiler I mean ... Mako was kind of a jerk to both of them if you think about it. Broke up, well I suppose it was mutual, with Korra when she really needed him most. Basically cheated on Asami with Korra because he was too afraid to tell the truth. Hearts were played with. I honestly doubt that's the case though. The two-part series finale was to die for. I almost had a conniption at the end. It started out with me happening to see it was released. I decided to watch it out of boredom. Got pretty interesting. Then I was hit with so many 'things' all at once my mind began oozing out of my nostrils as I continued gazing intently at the screen. So much stuff was going on that this has to be one of the best finales I've seen in a long time ... except for the season 3 finale of Once Upon A Time but that was different feels. Spoiler: Series Overall To be honest I wasn't quite ensnared in the first few episodes of the series. After the finale of Last Airbender, I was afraid that Legend of Korra wasn't going to be able to compete. I stuck with it just to see if it had a chance. It took some time and a few character developments, like Mako/Korra to Mako/Asami, to make me see that this wasn't Last Airbender and I was happy it wasn't. It's a new time, a new place and the show definitely made sure you knew it. It was a nice change to see a modernized avatar. I was completely fangirling by the final battle with Aman. Things took a change of pace in Season 2 where the spiritworld started to coincide with the human world. In Last Airbender we knew that the spirit world was there but it was never thoroughly investigated. There was no real explanation of the history of the spirit world. To be frank it was nothing more than a recurring plot device due to the lack of an in depth explanation. Some might argue there were scattered explanations here and there but nothing that warrants an understanding of the background. That's what I loved about Legend of Korra. If I liked anything in Book Two it was an in depth rundown of the spirit world and its origins ... though origins isn't a very good word for it. Season 3 was exciting from the get go simply because Airbenders made a comeback. At first I thought it was going to be a simple villain gets introduced and defeated after an epic battle with the avatar but I was actually shocked to see that the avatar lost. Seeing Korra in the last episode, suffering from the after effects of the poison, was completely depressing. There's a lot left to say about Book 3 but nothing that would really effect my opinion on the series overall. Book 4 was absolutely the most horrifically spectacular season of the series and ... my favorite out of both shows. There was so much going on. The romance, the breakups, the reunions, the battles ... and Toph! Book 4 was a nice wrap-up for the show and I wouldn't change it for the world. The fact that it's been three years since the previous season was a nice touch. A lot can happen in three years and a lot certainly did. Kuvira "rebuilding" the Earth Kingdom, Bolin working for her, Republic City's new look. Overall I would say the series was a complete success and came close to, if not succeeded in, surpassing its predecessor. It's kind of like when a new Doctor gets introduced. At first your iffy and kind of irked but after awhile you grow to love and accept the new. Legend of Korra gets a 9/10 for being an overall great watch. Point deduction for some of the needless drama but that's just because I'm not a huge drama fan. Yay, Korra! Spoiler: Book 4 Finale / Fangirling Everything happened so suddenly in the finale that I was left in awe. The epic battle, the final win ... but none of that matters. Varrick friggin proposed to Zhu Li right before the final battle with the BFMS ... and she said yes! I mean, of course she said yes. It's obvious she's loved him the whole time, not so obvious about the reverse but meh. We even got to see the wedding which was totally Varrick. My favorite part is during the after party. I can't put into words how much everything happened exactly the way I wanted. Korra and Mako had there touching little scene where their friendship was reinforced ... some might argue there was a "spark" but it's up for speculation. My favorite part was the last scene, when Korra was off to herself. The camera angle changed to where any avid watcher could tell someone else was about to enter the scene. I had my fingers crossed, pleading that the one to come over was Asami even though I knew nothing would really happen. Of course it was frigging Tenzin. The two had a touching teacher/pupil scene where we all realized just how much Korra had grown since Book 1. That was the ending for the finale ... or so I thought, until I heard a voice calling out for Tenzin. Please, just please let it be ... Asami, informing Tenzin that he was required elsewhere. She's gonna follow him and ... wait, she didn't? Gasp!? Could it be? No, of course not. Throughout Book 4 there were moments that made me hop aboard the Korrasami ship and set sail for new horizons. Of course, it being a nickelodeon show nothing would ever come of it. It was just another ship that would never dock- ... wait ... Did Asami just say she wanted a vacation? Did Korra just say it was a good idea? Does that mean ... no, they'll invite the rest of the gang and ... Alone? Together? Let me rewind just to make sure I heard that right. Korra said they should go on vacation, explicitly stating it would just be her and Asami. To the spirit world? Well, I guess it would be a good bonding trip for two friends- ... wait ... Korra apologized to Asami for being gone for 3 years. Did she apologize to any of the others? I mean really apologize? Oh well, a bonding trip of friendship it is- what??? Did Korra and Asami just hold hands? Are they really holding hands as they go through the spirit portal? I must have been seeing things ... just watch one more time to- OHMYGAWD!!! Korra and Asami are holding hands going through the spirit portal!! Yes! Yes!!! YEEEEEEEES!!!!! Highlight of Book 4 finale: Korrasami confirmed to be canon. Of course it was simply holding hands and is left open to speculation as to whether or not there was a "spark" with Mako or if Korra and Asami are making out in the spirit world. I'd personally like to think it's the latter, well not necessarily making out but ... The show was directed towards teenagers. Even if it still airs on nick, it would be nice to see a homosexual relationship, especially one involving a character as important as the avatar. The creators, while not wanting to do anything to endanger the show being able to air, wanted to leave it open for speculation keeping its "innocence" about it, even though it's completely fine for any straight couple to kiss. But ... I just want to say that Janet Varney, voice of Korra, was openly supportive of the ship. *cough* Korrasami 5evah *cough* Thanks for reading, but if it was one of those TL;DR moments then here's the summary: Korrasami 5evah!!! Spoiler: PS How The Finale Should Have Ended ~Nights
I'm roughly used to $50 from my mom and about $200 between my grandparents. I really wouldn't be hurt if I stopped receiving money because it typically goes to clothes or other necessities, so basically like a christmas bonus from an employer. I hate asking anyone for money so they don't even ask me what I want because I'm just like, "Meh, whatever you get me is fine. Pants I guess." The cash is a pretty cool bonus but I enjoy christmas for the festivities. Mainly I just like the color differential in comparison to all the other seasons. I'm a very visual based person and christmas time is the most appealing, at least to me, holiday out there. I've had a fascination with christmas lights since I was old enough to be aware of them. So yeah, on average I receive anywhere from $250 to $300. That's more recent years though. When I was a kid, christmas was like $20 in toys, a sweater, and mcdonalds. I actually remember one christmas where my mom and stepdad couldn't afford to get me and my brothers anything. My brothers threw a fit and I actually started crying because they weren't going to get any christmas. I think I ended up wrapping up some of my old toys and put them under the tree for them. I still think to this day they don't know it was me. ~Nights
The internet is just something society came up with to make itself feel better. No more wondering where you go in your free time. I believe that there is a communication system out there but I don't know if it's the internet. ~Nights
I typically don't have a christmas list when christmas rolls around. The last several years I've been fine with getting pants, shirts, new shoes if I need them. This year I decided to finally quit putting off getting the only thing I've really thought about for the last several years. Here was my makeshift christmas list ... Microphone - Blue Yeti USB Pop Filter - Generic Headphones - Sennheiser HD 202 Vacuum Cleaner - Dirt Devil Simpli-Stik Happy to say that I managed to find everything for a pretty decent price on Amazon. Everything actually just arrived today. The rest of this stuff wasn't technically a list but like the last few years I just picked them up. I got two new pairs of pants, boxers, and socks. My mom actually shocked me by getting me a shirt and a pair of pants ... the most shocking part was the price. The price of both is worth more than 3/4's of my entire wardrobe ;_; All in all I'm more than happy this year. I can't think of a single thing that I actually want. ~Nights
You exposed my plan! But how?! Guess I have to let him live now >_> ~Nights