It is owned by Nintendo, thus making Nintendo the real owner. You really don't own it, they're just letting you borrow it from them. How would you like it if Nintendo walked into your house and opened up your microwave, and screw around with it? That's how Nintendo probably feels when they figure out you're modding their game.. That's how it's illegal..
it kills you.. I wish meh wish waz wishesh!
They gang up on you and kill you! I wish I had a wish that had a wish that had wish!
Sora gets jealous and kills you.. I wish Xaldin went on meh forum!
Xemnas cuts off your head! a propósito, su bueno. ¿ayuda en mi Spainish 1 poooooooooooor faaaaaaaaavoooooor? ¡No, abandóneme solo noob! I wish people went on my forum!
Lives in Shhh....I'm invisible
Hates me lol
Why do you meditate before you go to sleep? What difference does it make? YOu're still going to sleep. Inadvisable force? You mean Invisible fore? or inevitable force?
What? WTC? Meditating? Beam of Light? Inisible force?
Cuz he is! lol
The kid likes lucario! LUCARIO!!
oh.. lol I was gonna say.. FF is the weirdest pokemon lover ever.. serously something like dat..
^ OMg!! NUUU!! JOHNY DEPP IS TEH SUXXORZ!! < fine! just one more please? V will let me do one more?
oh God! you really talk to him?!?
^nope < Watching oompa loompas do each other on tv! V ish also doing and oompa loompa!
no way! You like final Form, FF likes Lucario!! lol jking fine ILL TALK!!
omg.. omg.. I can't stop laughing!! I'm diing!!
^ I wish.. <Done.. V Ish definately screwing a water vottle!
ye but it still works!!
lol.. thanks guys, I'll get the screenies and show 'em to him, I lol'd at some of these posts!