i was gone and didn't know... You saw the other thread i made...
Charlie The Unicorn 2!!! Finally, they made a second one! Charlie The Unicorn 1 Charlie The Unicorn 2 I rofl everytime I watch them.
FunOrb, YouTube, places...
I knew the first comment was going to be hateful in a way :'( That's actually one of the reasons why i left...
So I am back. I was on FunOrb, and I was on my own Forum for a while. I was also on YouTube, HAVE YOU NOT HEARD OF YTWATCHDOG!?!?! I bet noone missed me :'( ________________________________________________________________________________________ SyF The Giver Gets to test WoW:WOTLK!!! WoW:WOTLK BETA!!!
I think of "I am an enzo" whatever that means!
Yeah, but their music sucks XD
He's wise emo. HiPPi said so!
So you are a wise emo?
The problem is, my friend trying to get me to do something, that I don't think he will do.
Sora 13 is a wise emo.
Unsaintly, I now know why you are an unsaintly saint. You're just going to piss him off more, Let me join :} Toolahrioaem?
WOOT!!!!!!!!! I WIN!! I shall now eat the cookie! *eats cookie* Tank you Goimez! First time I ever won anything!
You have 360 posts?
The Creat Catz.
I'd show you a picture of the girl that like meh friend >:}
My friend told me he was taking orchestra next year. Our two other friends said they were also taking orchestar, but I don't think him and my other friend are taking orchestra. I need to know what to do! He promised and he swore to God. I think it's one of his jokes. What should I do?
ummm..? okay?
Eragon.. I know somebody already said this but.. THey completely got off track from the book! They should've made 3 films, like the 3 books! The ending was HORRIBLE! He killed the king in 1 slit second.. can you beleive it? I hope they remake this movie.. High School Musical 1 & 2.. they failed miserably..
Rules were made to be broken XD