Dang. you're all about destruction of Earth =/ You must be Hitler xD
llol that was a quote from FF7: AC
You sure ?
we're still in the middle of WWIII and you're talking about how it will all go down
I knew you were playing a video game...
... Doesn't eat babies
omg We're going through WWIII, and you're talking about how the world will end, you will rise up and revive the planet!
xD .
... lol you two will fight over this for an hour now won't you? xD
lol dude This was funny xD
rofl .
okay so you have a really good imagination?
I doubt that's gonna make him stop
Dude what game are you playing!?
He's playing a game. or he has a large imagination...
Dude where are you getting your info from?? Or What game are you playing? You do realise that Vatican has a wall around it?
YAY! canada is gone!!
What game are you playing? It sounds pretty cool. and sorry dude, Vatican is in Italy, and Luxembourg is in germany
NOO! NOT EUROPE!! THATS WHERE NORWAY IS!!!! Germany can't do anything...