Hello. Currently thinking of where to post, looking for someone to draw a free reference sheet of demon Janus (the guy on my avatar). Where would...
Just thinking about who or what to model in 3D.
what are you doing?
Hi there.
Starting to feel uneasy. People have begun to hate me, even on this site. I'm a total wreck right now.
Basically, I could not find a place to post about this matter.
Really want to talk to someone to get myself out of depression.
You're not going to do anything about it, are you.
By the way, I want to report someone for being disrespectful when I try to say hello, but I'm nervous about how it will turn out.
Same here. Definitely miss the days of the Komodo Bros. from that series.
I want to report people that have disrespected me, yet I am nervous on how it would turn out.
Face it, we miss video games series that are dead, yet have fans. Our favorite game series die off because of lack of funds, disagreements, or the creator leaves the game's company. I found it appropriate to talk about this matter, because I have favorites that have died off. Examples would be Wild Arms, Bushido Blade, and the classic Spyro the Dragon series. But what about you guys? What do you miss?
Excuse me, but what would be the best place to talk about monsters from different video games?
Hello there.
Upset. Hero of Time is demotivating me dramatically, and suicidal thoughts are starting to gather in my mind again.
*sigh* Hello
Suicidal thoughts are starting to crawl back in. Just got rudely told off by a couple people. I'm really starting to hate people right now.