... of this blue-haired demon... Then I want to find someone to make a model sheet consisting of back, front, and sides, yet no one feels like doing it because the character is underrated. I try several times to make one myself, yet I screw up every time.
Next thing you know, aliens named neosapiens will be invading Japan as their first target to find a new home. Spoiler: Why does it sound so familiar?
*Salute* Hello. Jack Cayman of MadWorld has joined High School Days. Want me to assist Shadow in tearing up some alien scum?
First crisis were the S-Types, now we fight aliens? Seems legit.
It is an honor to fight alongside.... Hey, there are newcomer fighters allowed to face the aliens, yes?
Seems like interesting things are going on. Mind if I join the battle with the aliens?Name: Jack Cayman Description: A former policeman, Navy Seal, and Special Ops agent, Jack Cayman is an American mercenary working with the Chaser Guild, and a former champion of the assassin game Deathwatch. He has experience with several weapons such as bats, daggers, swords, guns, as well as melee combat, but his weapon of choice is the chainsaw mechanized into his prosphetic right arm. He is currently taking a vacation in Japan, that is if there are no distress signals from the country of the rising sun. Occupation: Chaser Guild Mercenary Series Character is from: MadWorld and Anarchy Reigns Other: Spoiler Leave luck to Heaven: Nintendo High
Nothing much. Trying to get anxiety out of my path.
Just recently, I attacked my father, who bled a little bit as I struck his arm. We got over it... Or at least I am trying to. It was probably being taunted by people here that got me worked up and caused me to snap. I won't mention any names here, but I just wanted to talk to someone as the abuse began. Any idea what to do? I am left with nothing to do, and I keep coming back because nothing is living up to my expectations.
I don't remember you talking this nicely to me.
That's why you say it's a joke? I am NOT kidding, I am extremely upset about this.
What don't you understand?
If all of you people are only bashing my threads because you don't like me, I will tell you. Get out. Seriously, I feel like I am going to snap again at anyone who enjoys calling me a prick over things finished long ago. What the crap, guys? Are you kidding? This is how you treat people who need apologies? And before you go and say "AF", this is NOT a joke.
S*** happens and it leads to this. Second off, who said I am in charge of the Spam Zone? Oh that's right, NO ONE
Anything wrong?
Gee, I'm sorry, but you kids have to get off mah lawn.
Joining another RP might be a problem, because there are hardly any that match my criteria.