This is what I look for in guys to love them... Attractive: 1) Nice 2) Cares for their own family 3) take care of me 4) willing to put up with me 5) smart 6) better than me in games 7) muscles are nice, but skinny-avg is fine 8) willing to go out and do things 9) has plans for the future 10) interest in games/anime 11) taller than me -- 5' 4.5'' Not hard to beat 12) i prefer asians but other ethnicities are ok. 13) Likes asian foods Unattractive: 1) smokes/drugs 2) mean 3) disrepects my parents 4) shorter....
It's always good to sleep when you're tired. No matter WHAT time it is.
I kinda hope they put in the psp's battle system in there. Getting knocked down then taking a turn to get back up was kinda evil. Also, controlling the party definitely gave more control. Other than that, keep everything else =D Though it would be awesome if they could put in the girl story, cutscenes and all.
YOU GET THIS!!!! spoilers for seasons 5 and 6 btw. just stupid....JUST STUPID. Why would they need your password? There is absolutely no reason why. You have rights to show what you want to show on your facebook and if your employer wants that info, you can show them yourself.
Just to show people I finished it... =p
avvy: 7/10 Siggy: 9/10 The sig just looks really well made.
Lol, Dunno why I didn't say hi to a fellow brony. =D (technically, I'm a pegasister since i'm a girl) Anyways, welcome to the forum! abide by the rules, feel comfy, hm...etc..etc... Spam zone is where you derp around btw. =D
Man, i really dunno about a movie in theatres. Sometimes once there's a movie, the show goes down hill.....It can be a 1hr television movie, that would be awesome. More Discord please!!!
I dunno if i take offense of that. D=
Mhmm agree. It's hard stuff.
Comp sci should go up more.. it's still under Engineering...
Ok, I know plenty of people who aren't religious, yet they still do the ceremony of marriage. Hell, I know I'm going to do a wedding when I'm married and I'm Agnostic. Weddings have become more than just a religious ceremony nowadays. They're more of a tradition and so embedded in to the legal system that it can't just be exclusive to christians/catholics/etc. I bet you in all of those countries where christian beliefs are a minor religion, all of them do some sort of ceremony similar, if not exactly, to marriage. So marriage cannot really be just a oath under God to be with someone forever.
Rule the World with Mario. Not bad.
Gotta love wikis =D So reliable on info.
It's "dying" not "dieing." :D
That's not a contest, just a short they made for Children in Need. Chip was talking about things like the Enstien short or this one: [video=youtube;tKStG48nruQ][/video]
what about BBC America? Any sweepstakes there? I haven't checked.
Some questions for people against gay marriage. Why? How is it wrong?(if you say cause the bible said so, that is not your own opinion, you are just referencing a book written by someone else opinion) Is it hurting anyone? Is it hurting you? Do you need to even associate yourself with these homosexuals? I have no idea how you can say yes to the last three questions. Gay marriage should be allowed. Why? It is a symbol of the ultimate oath to be with the one you love, where both will support and love one another. Is it hurting anyone? NOPE Is it hurting you? NOPE Do you need to even associate yourself with homosexuals? No, but some of them are just so awesome.