After the epic season 2 finale.....sooo much potential for a movie. =D In fact, the season finale was really close to being a movie. The song, "This day Aria" was basically Disney quality! Let's get a movie with Changling queen and Discord? =D Doesn't have to be theaters.
Thank you for the advice guys. >< I think I was just feeling really down that day =) Looking back at it, the post is a little dumb.
What anime is this? o_o
How do you find them? I've seen my brother on tumblr and it just looks like a mess. o_o
Where do you get all your gifs? o-o
wtf. D= such perverts... =.=
What do you mean by taunted? o_o
It could've been much worse. The animation could've been the crappy jumpy style made in Garry's mod. The creator could've made it more of a joke with characters running all over the place with goofy grins doing the opposite of what the speech wanted, but he kept the tone. He kept the feeling of Charlie Chaplin's speech, full of warmth and determination. He just simply put tf2 over it and there's really nothing wrong with it. Think about it, there ARE some people who never heard this speech before. If a video game as popular as tf2 was simply put over it, with no editing to the speech whatsoever, the message will reach a further audience. (more tf2/video game fans)
Warning: some ranting I'm 20 right now and I feel like the whole world revolves around girls with nice breast. I'm only a size a34 , just REALLY small. I just get so bugged when girls with B's are all like "omg, i don't have much boobs." No offense, I kinda just want to punch them! I have a boyfriend and he seems ok with them, but I feel so bad I can't be sexy for him. I can't wear things like lingerie or nice dresses, cause they require cleavage, which I don't have. Most petite dresses I've seen are pretty bad, btw. I saw some topics around KH-vids about breast and all the guys are all saying how great they are and are like a gift from heaven. I just get depressed whenever I see things like this. Actually this applies to all over the internet, it just seems like guys just want boobies, or wont even talk/pay attention to you unless you got some. I just....don't feel beautiful and I don't know what to do about it. I am NOT doing any breast implants because I hate the thought of artificial things in my body. (unless it's to save my life, but that's a different matter)
I didn't mean it O_o I'm just wondering why you seem to have so much hate for the tf2 version of this. o_o
wtf, man. O-o You hate tf2 or something? o_o
Riot riot riot! Woooooooo!
Spoiler thought of the 10th Doctor. I say...none of us are really f**ked. O-o Well, maybe I would because I would die of a fangirl heart attack. xD
I'm gonna take account of ALL the Companions of the new Gen Doctor. Now starting from the worst... 16)Adam Mitchell (9th doc): Oh god he was just annoying an won't listen to the Doctor at all and just seemed to cause MORE trouble. 15)Jackson Lake (The Next Doctor w/ 10th doc): eh....not much 14)Rosita Farisi (The Next Doctor w/ 10th doc): eh....not much 13)Adelaide Brooke (water of mars w/ 10th doc) : she was really stubborn, but at least she was pretty courageous 12)Lady Christina de Souza (planet of the dead ep w/ 10th doc): Pretty cool thief 11)Astrid Peth (Voyage of the Damned w/ 10th doc): She's chill and crrraaaazzzyyy and it's pretty sad what happened to her D= 10)Mickey Smith (9th and 10th doc): I seriously was kinda annoyed when he "hacked" cause it wasn't really hacking in the ep where he launched the missle. And cause he did that, he suddenly became a computer wiz. =.= 9)Martha Jones (10th doc): She just seemed to just follow the 10th doc JUST cause she liked him. At least she got to her senses in the end. And she became pretty cool later. 8)Rose Tyler: Yeah, never really liked her. Personally, I HATE it how she literally just left Mickey at the beginning and went with the doc. Such a heartless move there! And I really don't like how she fell in love with the Doctor. I just don't like it when companions fall for the Doctor. I want to see the Doctor's Adventures, not his love life. But at least she became pretty cool at the end of season 4. 7)Wilfred Mott: He may be an old man, but he's just awesome and hilarious. 6)Craig Owens: HE IS SOOOO HILARIOUS! I just love him! I want to see more episodes with him! 5)River Song: I just HATE how she married the doctor. but her ending is so tragic. Plus, she can kick so much butt! I love her personality. 4)Rory Williams: He's pretty solid of a companion. and he freakin PUNCHED THE DOCTOR for his love O_O such guts 3)Amy Pond: I admit...she reminded me of a whiney teenager at first, but in the end. She became just amazing and lovable. 2)Jack Harkness: He's pretty sexy. ;3 And how can you NOT love him. BARROWMAAAANNNN! *shakes fist* 1)Donna Noble: At first, I thought she was just plain annoying and so naggy. Which she was, actually. But when she became a companion, she was just awesome. She wanted to explore the universe just because she wanted to! Not because she wanted to follow someone she fell for. =.=lll She was so compassionate to others and wasn't afraid to challenge the Doctor when he either went too far or became heartless. Remember in the Turn Right episode? The doctor wouldn't even have been alive without her. Her attitude and sassy remarks just made everything a plus. She also became Doctor Donna and saved the universe! I must say she is probably the most important out of the main 4 companions. Then I just feel so bad for her that she had to forget all of it. It was just so tragic. I cannot put in Sarah Jane Smith because I know there is more to her from the original series, so I cannot make a fair judgement on her. Agree or not agree to the list, I'm not changing my opinion. =D
Donna won't be much of an annoyance later. I mean the christmas ep she was in....damn, she was so annoying. Spoiler But she grows on ya when she joins. ^_^ She's by far the best imo. She doesn't fall for the doc, she's sassy, and she's not afraid to challenge the Doctor. She's just plain awesome and most tragic.
I see them as a combination of hard work and determination by a programmer. They are a product to bring joy and entertainment to others. Yes and no. There's the entertainment part for just pure fun but then there is also the social part of it.. I made many friends through playing games and it's a way to hang out with others. Also, it's a great topic to talk about when socializing to make friends. Yes. I tried to make a game before and it was pretty difficult. There's a lot of work that is put in to video games. Making video games is like making a film (which is considered an art form). There's music, story, and artwork to consider when making a film, but there's also programming and designing the interface when making a game. It all depends on the game. If there is really good story, I'll keep playing. If the gameplay is fun, I'll keep playing. If my friends are playing it, I'll play with them. Most of the time, I prefer good gameplay/story over graphics. Graphics is a temporary thing that will always get overrun by later games as technology gets better. Good gameplay/story can barely ever get overrun by the new cause it will either the newer gameplay is based off the old, giving the old gameplay some credit still or the gameplay is worse. An example is Tales of symphonia vs. it's sequel. The graphics were better in the sequel, but it's original has a much better story/gameplay. Yes, everyone wants entertainment nowadays. The level of how big gaming is for a person, depends on how much they like games. What is your opinion on the "video games make our kids violent" argument? YES! Games will suffer a bit from it. Games are not essential to live and people will have to make sacrifices. It has gone a long way in only about 30 years. Video games used to be just pixels on a screen, now they're works of art in general. Yes, all big toy companies are going to try to get in to the video game industry to get some extra income, even if the game is bad. Now this is difficult to say. Kingdom hearts has a bunch of sequels, but they're doing fine on all sequels. But there are the times when there are too many sequels that are just simliar to one another. (Call of duty?) They just need sequels to be different. Fun gameplay, good story, worth my money, and graphics are a tiny plus. I don't have one. I have too many games that I love. Amnesia :D It wasn't stupid, but it was just hilarious. [video=youtube;H4w0_n1Yras][/video]
Wait..what? I have no idea how that really relates to Coded. o-o It seems more of a general KH thing. o_O Anyways, I liked Coded too. (or at least Re:Coded). I hated the magic system of 358/2 and Coded seemed to just go back to the older mana system and sent it to the DS. Story was OK. It progressed the story a bit. I guess I just liked this game cause it was another KH game for the DS with the right battle mechanics. And the little extra gameplays were pretty fun.
Yeah, this isn't exactly new news, but yeah, Tennant sure is sexy....shirtless....leather pants......*drools*
I am terribly sorry. Things kept popping up for me, it is STILL possible to record right now? I'm free today
Spoiler FIRST [ ]You think you’re better than other species [ ]You’ve run away from home [x]You have been bullied [x]You are frequently sarcastic [x]You have brown eyes [ ]You occasionally wear a cape [x]You wear reading glasses [ ]People say you’re very wise Total: 4 SECOND [x]Justice and righteousness are important to you [ ]You are ruthless [ ]You like playing the recorder [ ]You consider yourself a genius [x]Your pockets hold EVERYTHING [ ]You like hats [ ]Your eyes change color [x]You can be a bit childish Total: 3 THIRD [ ]You love science [x]You want peace between everyone [ ]You are a master of aikido [ ]You love playing with gadgets [ ]You tend to be optimistic [ ]You occasionally perform magic tricks [ ]You also love vintage cars [x]You can be somewhat bitter Total: 2 FOURTH [ ]You wear long scarves. Very long scarves [x]Yo-yo’s are fun to play with [ ]You occasionally wear floppy hats [ ]Would you like a jelly baby? [x]Your personality is very different from others [ ]Your pockets are dimensionally transcendental [ ]People say you’re charming [ ]You can tell if you can trust someone or not right away Total: 2 FIFTH [ ]You wear “brainy specs†to look clever, when need be [ ]You can be a bit venerable [x]You prefer thinking and problem solving over physical activity [x]You hate violence [ ]You like celery [x]You tend to panic when under pressure [ ]Rosemary makes you sneeze [x]You will openly express your hopes and fears to your companions(friends) Total: 4 SIXTH [ ]You can be compassionate, but hardly anybody but your friends see this side []You also can be very arrogant [x]And melodramatic [ ]You decided to become a vegetarian, but have abandoned that practice [x]You love poetry [x]You are very fond of cats [x]You have problems with directions [x]You are very determined to do what is right Total: 5 SEVENTH [ ]People don’t really trust you [ ]You tend to act like a fool to hide your intellect [ ]You have a very dark side, though [ ]You like chess [x]You would rather use words to resolve problems instead of violence [ ]You use umbrellas to accomplish tasks other than keeping the rain off of you [x]You are very eccentric [ ]You like manipulating people Total: 2 EIGHTH [x]You love and respect all life [x]You are very romantic [x]You often have panic attacks [ ]You don’t understand the idea of gloating []You have a habit of repeating someones name when trying to make a point [x]Or when excited [ ]You have smoked [x]You are very afraid of heights Total: 5 SHALKA!Doctor [x]You can be a bit bitter and *****y [x]You change your moods easily [x]You have a love for showtunes [x]You have someone very dear to you [x]You are a bit reckless at times [ ]You can be patronizing to others [ ]You have a dark sense of humor [x]You tend to be ignored Total: 6 NINTH [ ]You like wearing leather jackets [x]You can be very emotional [ ]Although, you can hide your sorrow with manic behavior and wit [x]You can be ruthless [x]You cuss frequently [ ]You tend to say “fantastic†a lot [x]You like bananas [ ]You can be violent Total: 4 TENTH [x]You are a happy person [x]You are also enthusiastic, especially at inappropriate times [x]You feel very lonely [x]You are a fan of Harry Potter [x]You are a very forgiving person [x]You prefer rock music [x]You think that life is beautiful [x]Allons-y! Total: 8 ELEVENTH [x ]You don’t care if people think you’re eccentric [x]You can be very childlike [x]Fezzes are cool []You have a very good memory [x]You talk with your hands [x]You tend to ramble a lot [ ]You would rather face situations alone, rather than put your friends at risk [ ]You have green eyes Total: 5 I GOT ALL OF THE TENTH!!! YEEESSSSSS