stare down bitches love stare downs
Laughing With A Mouth Of Blood ~ St. Vincent
I've Got Friends ~ Manchester Orchestra
dem pins i must have them
Never even heard of them. Are they some kind of underground band? man, you guys and your hipster music
Celestica ~ Crystal Castles
Far too young to have access to a keyboard.
Splice It was pretty cool and Dren was so cute until well...yeah But overall it was good and Adrien Brody is love.
Super Soaker ~ Wavves
Why run a marathon when you can take a nap instead?
Die Slow ~ HEALTH
Monster (Ft. Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj & Bon Iver) ~ Kanye West
Somewhere Only We Know ~ Keane
You should've told her to watch Bible Black. It's totally romantic.
First one was good but they really don't need a second one. But I'm just going to pretend that this movie doesn't exist and move on with my boring life.
this thread is toats kuhway33
I've Been Hearing That You're Freaky ~ Jonny Craig
No, they are still the black soulless eyes that Christopher once had but they are just a lot bigger and more buggy. Yeah I agree with the music. The Keane song is a little weird to put in a Winnie the Pooh trailer that's aimed for kids. :S
money monay muney ipod $$$ i'm too old for christmas presents anyways at least that's what my mom tells me ;U; edit: putting ipod up there because my old one was stolen