Go for it pal but only if I am able to smell you back. Because that would only be polite~ H3H3H3
Spoiler wow what a slob! also i need to get a haircut...badly
Gold Dust (Flux Pavilion Remix) ~ DJ Fresh
20 ...sigh
Don't worry about bro. It's all good. c:
chill out i was just joking~ sometimes i forget that some people here are a bit too sensitive.
holy **** you're on a role tonight if i didn't know any better i would think you're part of the kkk
way to be a racist, asshole
barf .
it's my rapper name of course stunna shades
spdude is my waifu and i love her.
I honestly think it would look BUT HEY MAN THAT'S JUST LIKE MY OPINION AND STUFF
Zoosmell Pooplord
Not like this would have affected me anyways since I would still be a Pisces. glub glub huge fish Ophiuchus kinda sounds pretty cool though!
Gender: Female Age Range: 16-19 About how many hours a day do you watch TV?: 1-2 hours About how many hours a day do you play video games?: 1-2 hours Is your eyesight good or poor?: Poorest of the poor Do you get headaches often: Yup Do you often have back or joint pains?: Yup Do you often get sick?: Nope
i believe the only LOGICAL answer to this situation is to eat the cat to put it out of its suffering
those are some SICK FIRES, BRO
Friday Night at Geek Club ~ Fear of Tigers