Can anyone fix the w/ reaction commands valor and final form?
Ok, ok... Sorry, don't be angry!!!!
Hi I have a question. Did u remember the battle in final mix against Roxas? Ok, in the battle there is a moment which sora has two keyblades. It is like final form. Is there a code to have those swords with normal sora?
can anyone post the page where i think psxman posted the jokers for all the buttons???
Ok! I have a question because of i want to make a video and i dont know which program I should use. Windows movie maker is the best??? Waiting for a Riku code
Ok, but it is a bad code i think. It is a little bad. Can i take riku's blade in a gameplay? I added jlhack to my msn.
To became riku???? Is there a riku code??? Has it be found?? (post 400) heheh
LP all that codes are in European codebase i think
can anyone post all the codes to play as w/ forms ??? I am saying all the forms with w/ reaction commands:valor, master, wisdom, final and antiform. And other code I want someone post is non mp bar. Does the infinite mp code work? Thanks
joker codes might freeze, no?
can anyone post the code for inf drive ( 9 drive bars) ????
I want the code to play as riku but i think it isn't made yet.
which codes rest??? (soft reset, riku code....)
is the wtf code for twilight town house??? It is because the digits are 829
evilman i have a problem with flying miki code. I activate it and glide is on miki abilities, but i try to activate it and it doesn't equip!!
sry for my english evilman. I wanted to say if u come back to kh vids because u said you are gone
where is lion form?? in other worlds it works?
evilman are u coming?
is limit form code glitchy????
xigbar is 0622 in universal char mods????? So... u must add 3 xigbar's??? And the armax code xigbar posted... is it for? (901M-MFGU-86TZM KPTA-RXXA-H7Y4N)