You pause at his ballsy words, a slight smirk gracing your lips. "Yes. I suppose one of the Pure would be better at fighting the Wielders than my... puppets." You watch the seven pods circling you, and the tendrils taking away both offerings. "You know, my people of the Dark were never as smart, always got too close." you mumble, thinking to the countless of others that crumbled from your plague of a darkness. "I will take you in, and plant a seed within you to be sure you won't defy me." with a slight wave, your extensions pull the two of you into the dark, no illusions of the deceased or maimed trying to claw or maim Gex.
With a big grunt and a falling groan, the Shadow fell to the ground, coughing slightly. "Good shot..." she mumbled, curling up to suppress the pain. The silver dot grew, the form of tan, red and black cloth being circled by 7 dark pods. "Ah the Pure one." You spoke with both the voice of this body and your own. Just to mess with him. Brushing away the silver hair, how thick and annoying it was for your vision, you notice Xikari in his arms and the heart she was supposed to present to you. Instead he did. You are not pleased. The tendrils sense your anger, taking away Xikari to a holding station, and the now screaming heart with the others. "So..." Your floating form descends to stand before him eye to eye. "What brings you here? Bringing back my failure and my property?"
Ooc: you dolt I'm at school! I can't be on Skype. And I don't have my comp, but I try to go on Skype when I can. Bic: The Darkness stirred at the call, the echo still fresh. A slight chill rang the air, and aa silver dot on the horizon started closing in. Eden heavily breathed her nervousness, but fell to the floor to look as if wounded. "Hurt me or something you dolt, before he gets here."
Ooc: 1. Text will be plain until I can edit it later 2. I'm really bad at directions in real life, I work off familiar visuals @_@ Bic: Eden nodded, walking ahead a bit. The Dark Tendrils of Xehanort stirred. "When we get close, make it look like you caught me too, okay?" She whispered, wondering if these extesnions of the inky dark could hear and relay messages.
Within such a thick darkness her heart was coated with, Eden could retain a physical form rather than an image. "Don't forget, we need to save a bunch of people. Ven, Aqua, Terra, some loved ones we saw..." with her voice trailing off into a sharp whisper at the memory of the diseased illusions, she almost had to sob. "Sorry." She murmured, holding onto Gex's arm.
Saw Karkat's, though in the Rogue of Void's Dream Bubble. And 4/13/09 was the first day of homestuck
Wait.... you're into homestuck?...... hmmmm...... Bucket God tier Cascade Bec Noir Sober Gamzee And... 413
Before the portal closed, a small little gold keychain flew out and landed on the ground. It was Mickey's, clean and glistening since the first day. Silently waiting, it felt a bit pure, even from it's encounters and possession of the dark.
Eden paused, following Gexln as she waved the group goodbye. I hope I can get Terra out of there too...
Eden pondered over why Valerie wouldn't reveal what they already knew? "If she won't speak, should I clarify what Xikari is instead? And no Doubt Xehanort may have six more like here, with other names. Wolf, Kiarai.... some names I remember." Waving it off like it was light news, nevertheless her voice had a nervous tone to it.
Eden, though her 2D shadow form, waved at Valerie, in some small hopes she could see it. Looking back to Xikari, she kicked the shadow to which it was quite visible she jerked in pain.
"It is how we'll show our strength... By defeating one of his minions." Eden sounded a bit worried by that statement, again, being visibly shaken.
Eden visibly cringed at the idea of going back to Xehanort, but a visible thumbs up was her response. "Ready as I will ever be.... And Sora? We'll try to bring Terra back. I saw his body and heart there, when he tried to store me."
With the sun out again, Eden was visible as the shadow of Gexln. "Thank you Sora. And thank you Gex, for making sure the broad doesn't try to take me back." With that, you give her shadow a great kick. "What should we do with her? Take her to Xehanort?"
Eden was surprised to feel the sudden thud of Xikari, but sighed still. There was no light, and with a body of shadow, she couldn't do anything but pray Gex was okay, and she'd be able to see the shadow's of the world soon. Soon... soon things will be right, I hope. Let's hope that my attempt to make Sora the Master wasn't in vain.
ooc: Xehanort does not like failure. =( Sorry to say, but if anything, he'll just recycle her.
It was quite odd, being a shadow. The Earthling was still there, just blended and trapped in the hue of everything. It was unnerving, being unable to view the battle. She hoped Gexln to win, which was possibly going to happen, but why scared you was that Xikari was not doubtedly Xehanort's. It terrified her, the idea of going back. You watch in frustration as your child is failing you already. Where was a heart you wanted back? She should have had it already! "If that wretch fails me she shall pay the price..." you mutter, though it is quite audible in the dark. You form more clusters of slaves similar to her, each with a better design. They shall stay dormant for now. If she is to come back a failure, they will have the most excellent of dinners....
Eden quickly panicked, the sword and it's shadow clattering to the ground. "Gex! GEX! GEX SHE'S BLO---" With that, you couldn't see a shadow anywhere, and that was a problem.
With Eden helping, she nicked away Xikari's blade's shadow and held it. With it being in the air, bee-lining towards her two dimensional shadow, the Earthling would strike... She hoped at least.
"Gex, be careful...." Eden nervously shifted in her form, but went to attack the servant's shadow to attack on her own. She was only able to use hand-to-hand combat, unable to summon her fire or weapons. After the attempted attack, she coughed heavily, coming back to Gexln.