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  1. khmage1918
    Blaige growled, not really listening to Gexln. Again he tried to attack, movements lanky and tight. The pattern repeated. Hook, Jab, Slice, Hook, Repeat.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. khmage1918
    Blaige, trying to hold himself back at these newer violent urges, charged and attempted to hook the figure around and stab him. There was a deep coldness that left no mercy.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. khmage1918
    "So my name is Blaige now?" he asked, getting used to the new voice and tongue. "Blaige... Did it... I... do anything in the past?" Hungry for questions, but the curiosity stopped as his acid green eyes noticed a hooded figure. With a hateful demeanor and an offensive stance, his blade and hook were poised to attack.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. khmage1918
    Kennna, or whoever he/she/it was now, stared at Valerie with the same confused looks as the rest. Thankfully the headache was gone and now the nobody was ready to fight, but still clueless as to how. These ever-changing shapes weren't making things easier. "Valerie?" it questioned, keeping both points of the blades far from her. "Why are you scared of me?"
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. khmage1918
    Kenna felt quite ill. Her body had thinned a considerable amount in such a short time. During that time she had been coughing out dark clouds of smoke. It had a familiar taste, which surprised her. Her loose and airy garbage were becoming tight and red, even covering her legs and feet. Midsection bandaged, feeling weak. She stared one more at her arms, the red-tight cloth going up to the now silver wrists that portruded a peculiar machete and hook. Finding more of her gray hair gone, she presumed the brilliant red had settled in. Feeling a drop in her throat, she presumed to be a he, though quite a gangly one at that. Stepping out, he stared at Sora, calling in this new-found and yet slightly higher pitched voice. "Sora?"
    Ooc: will provide a picture for Blaige's newer design later.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. khmage1918
    ooc: Not one clue
    bic: You nod off, letting the body rest until your servant fetched you a good body with not so many human weaknesses. It would all pay off in the end. You were sure. She would come back, and you would plunge the universe in darkness so that you and her would live properly. Without some insane people saying she could never come back. That was a lie, and you knew there was a way... You always knew.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. khmage1918
    Ooc: shouldn't you be in bed?
    Bic: You nod, a new body would be a fine thing. But where to find one... Tapping your chin you hesitantly think a bit. "Yes. A new body would be ideal... go and find me one, a preferably strongly one." Waving Gexln away, you go back to change your gaze at the hearts. Frowning, and feeling quite sick of their presence, you throw them into a little orb, which would take them to a holding cell with Terra's body.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. khmage1918
    You smirk, watching his feet. "Good. It will allow time to grow in power." you stare at him, noticing details that were blurry. "Ugh, this body is only good for nothing. Cannot even see you properly. I thought it was just my adjusting, but the girl is half blind."
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. khmage1918
    You laugh at his pain, you knew of was temporary."That would be my seed. The pain will cease when the process is complete. Now.... what news do you bring?" Leaning on one hand felt quite relaxing, lulling you to almost sleep. But you keep yourself awake by your body's dwindling willpower, eyes slightly closing. Seems the body was much more weaker then you would have imagined.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. khmage1918
    You look at your guest, creating a chair of darkness. You call upon your throne, sitting upon it in a regal manner. "Hello Gexln." You almost purr this, clicking your hearts into the throne again.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 31, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. khmage1918
    Kenna eagerly accepted the water, trying to drink it with stiff fingers. She sighed in some relief, but nodded Sora off to rest and watch her body change further, noticing strands of red vibrant hair replacing her dusty brown.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 31, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. khmage1918
    Kenna nodded, feeling parched. "Yes... Water would be nice." she huffed, floating toward her somebody's bed. She slumped within it, awaiting the cooling liquid to quell the desert within her throat. She scratched her head in discomfort, finding the curved fingers stiff, metallic, and sharp. She watched, the process fascinating and somewhat disturbing in the fact that she hadn't felt these changes earlier.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. khmage1918
    Jenna peered her head out at the mention of Gexln, elevating herself to get a good view. She could barely see him, the leaves made it slightly difficult, but his black cloak made him quite visible. She hovered back down, paling further, feeling dizzy.

    You sit at your throne, bored. You never fought the unworthy, and that's what everyone was. Unworthy. Unworthy to live in a universe of which you governed with a bride. You heavily sigh, thinking for the perfect body needed to fit her. This weak thing you were within currently wouldn't do. But you dissmiss these thoughts, feeling too hopeful. You stand, the seven buzzing pods floating off somewhere else to be held and incubated. You watch the tendrils, calling forth your hearts. Keeping the hearts of the bodies you kept was wise, as the newcomer could be a thief.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. khmage1918
    Kenna sighed. "I can't seem to become Ashir again, and I prefer my first... face, if you will. Felt like it was me." she watched the others, feeling a slight pang of deja vu. But dismissing their tree punching, she returned to her somebody's gummi, head sweaty and her complexion paler than ash.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. khmage1918
    Kenna (who I almost forgot about) watched, unable to hit any tree or anything stable really. "Sora, is there anything I can do?... Gexln and... Eden, are gone and I don't know what use I am." With each little flap of the transparent wings, a trail of smoke dispelled from her, leaving behind a sweet, mild scent of Honey.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. khmage1918
    You nod. "Yes, others. To take care of Sora and his companions. They shall not fail me like my demo subject is." You dismiss the thought, easily bored by it. You stare off into the abyss of darkness waving Gexln away. "Go watch over and report status updates on the wielder. If you come in contact, fight."
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. khmage1918
    You have always been intrigued by the number of partners Sora collects over time. It was like that boy could just smile at you and light up the world. You sneer in disgust, as it was the very thing that prevented you to achieve what you truly wanted. Taking your mind off of it and turn your head to Xikari, raising her body and allowing the 7 pods around you latch onto her and absorb her being, slowly and painfully. "It is upsetting she failed me so easily... the others will benefit from this, not make her mistakes..."
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. khmage1918
    "There isn't much there for them." You nod, slightly bored by this news. "Any companions? How did you beat Xikari?"
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. khmage1918
    You click your tongue, contemplating things. "What is the status of the Wielders? Details are welcome." You think some more, trying to figure out how to fight against Sora. You still have Kingdom Hearts, the artificial one Sora helped build... it was broken and scattered, but the hearts were all yours. Yes... That would be the best tactic.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. khmage1918
    You smirk, raising a hand to your kingdom of the Dark. A small ball forms into your palm, the size of an pill. "Eat this. It will root itself and grow in your chest." Casually handing it to him, you pick up the new form your heart acquired, allowing your tendrils to consume it until the bare heart remained. It pulsated weakly, a dull light. You take a few steps, creating your throne, each arm having an empty dip. One was filled with a darker pulsing heart. "This one belongs to my other body. Terra. He served his time. I will discard of him shortly." you mumble to yourself, clicking in the heart and sitting on the throne.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home