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  1. khmage1918
    "Continue... Do you know anything about the title Pure One?" Yen Sid eyed the Pyro, who kept her eyes closed with another graceful sip of her tea.
    "No. But it seems like it's something Xehanort is afraid of. He called him a Pure Dark too, so maybe there is such thing as a Pure Light one. But right now we have no clues. We have another request, some information. Please tell us if the Keyblade of a Master Wielder may purify hearts bathed in diseased darkness."
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. khmage1918
    "Translate: We went off to fight Xehanort. It didn't go so well. I lost my body to him, and my heart. Gex got it back, but we learned something. Xehanort's darkness isn't right. It's wrong, diseased... it almost killed me when Gex tried to give me a form on my own to cope before I got my body back. Right now I'm pretty much bathed in his darkness, so I do have some temporary power over his domain. Gex here is what Xehanort called a Pure One. Something I suppose Xehanort fears, for whatever reason." Eden watched Yen Sid keep his stern look, which shifted to Riku. He knew the language a bit better, as he too was once a host for Xehanort's darkness.
    Equius happily chomped on some meat and oats the fairies provided, making loud noises during consumption.
    Blaige watched his plate as he seated himself, annoyed he couldn't properly eat anymore. Trying to use his hook to pick up his food would result in him cutting his lip or mouth from trying to eat off of it.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. khmage1918
    "Hello, Shadow. Care to translate and join us for tea?" Eden hummed, idly sipping a cup of tea with her pinkie out. She did have some manners, and tried to keep the practice for as long as she could.
    "Riku, Sora. Everyone. Come, sit. Tell me what happened. It has only been a short time and my students are already in trouble." Yen Sid had a slight smirk to his tone, but his was quite hidden. He allowed the fairies to get extra ornate chairs for his guests to sit at, expanding the room slightly for his company.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. khmage1918
    Eden shrugged. "You'll have to translate a bit too. You know my speech better than anyone we can trust." she sighed, giving a bow to Yen Sid. He looked slightly surprised with some hints of fear.
    "Child, what happened? Gexln, please tell us what happened." He asked, calling in the fairies to bring in tea and some snacks for a proper sit down.
    "We will be explaining it later, when everyone arrives." she muttered, almost forgetting about how those who haven't been bathed in darkness could not understand her.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. khmage1918
    "Well we needed someone big and powerful to make sure things don't go any worse then they have." Eden bitterly followed, a hand kept on Gexln's shoulder to make sure she didn't wander off anywhere.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. khmage1918
    Eden shrugged. They were already starting to land in Yen Sid's Tower far faster than she imagined. "End Call." she ordered the gummi, and it did so. She nudged Gexln to move, looking outside. "Gex, come on, we're here."
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. khmage1918
    "Funny, wouldn't expect him to be so calm. Designed him to be a murderer." Eden mumbled. She stared at him, eyes glinting a venom yellow.
    "Hello Artist." Blaige groggily greeted, slightly swaying back and forth in rhythm. "I was Kenna though."
    Equius decided to try and bother Gexln, nipping his ears a bit. He made a few crooning sounds, also trying to nip away dirt from his hair.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. khmage1918
    "I thought you would have left already.... Let's find a better place to meet. Yen Sid's. He'd be the best to ask about the topic." Eden looked at the camera, typing coordinates to get to Yen Sid's Tower. She noticed red in the camera, a figure getting up. "Is that Blaige?"
    Blaige awoke, flailing his arms to try and get up off the floor. He felt something stirring within himself, a change going to occur soon again. But it would take time. He walked to Riku, lightly tapping his shoulder with the point of his hook.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. khmage1918
    "We were going to come to you. Somewhere out of Xehanort's reach. You have to tell us were you are and send us coordinates. That is my best guess. Sora, you better prepare yourself to show me how much light you have. If anything, Riku and Kairi will have to help us out." Eden looked back, petting Equius. He only shrinked back, afraid of the darkness that overtook master. He just didn't want it hurting him. She sighed, pressing a few buttons to at least take off into space.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. khmage1918
    Eden raised an eyebrow at Valerie, sighing. "I am me. I'll even show you the hearts I got." She took out the hearts in her pocket, worried about the flickering ones.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. khmage1918
    ooc: Remember, she's speaking in the tongue of the Dark. Though her appearance has gravely changed.
    bic: Eden shrugged, tapping her chin. "I don't know. The Keyblade? That would be our best guess. I've got Terra's heart, and Glen's. Does that help?"
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. khmage1918
    Since the gummis had visual calls, a large projection showed both side what was going on. "Hey..." The Pyro sheepishly waved, the aura of darkness about her thick like smog. "Sorry, but we need a favor. We need Sora's light to help purify some hearts."
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. khmage1918
    Eden shrugged, unable to truly know. "It's my best guess, and Sora is the Master of the Key, so I would hope he knows how to at least bring light into hearts." she looked around, spotting her gummi ship and walking into it. "Now come one, we have to follow him. I'll contact them." Pressing a few buttons she slightly forgot about the walkie-talkie and her new-found language she was stuck with. She finally spotted the Master's Ship, transmitting a call.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. khmage1918
    "Simple. We get Sora to purify it. Along with the others." The pyro replied half-heartedly. She yawned, pocketing the heart until it would go back to it's normal home.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. khmage1918
    She smiled at the hug, presenting the heart again. It gave off a black smoke, that reeked with the same intensity of darkness as hers did. "Call it woman's intuition... or just the side-effects of Xehanort. Felt attached."
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. khmage1918
    Eden bit her lip, eyes darting into the environment, as if hoping they had the answer. Some vague recollection hit her, and she grimly sighed. "I handed my power to Sora as Master of the Key. I can't remember my exact words though... I do remember trying to get you out of there before he got me. Dunno why you didn't leave though...."
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. khmage1918
    "The same way I got Terra and I out of our cage. I don't know how I"m doing it right now but I don't expect it to last." Eden gruffly responded, annoyed.
    Equius nipped her ear, flinching back at the odd steam of darkness about her that left a foul ashen taste in his mouth.
    "Anyway, we're in the Land of Dragons." She looked around, the Pyro nodding. She turned back to Gexln, placing a hand over where his supposed heart would be. It held the pulsing seed, which she whispered words to it. Escape seemed to be the most prominent thing said in her broken tongue. A small wriggling seed left him, bringing some relief into the body as it was rid of the parasite. "Do you trust me now?"
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. khmage1918
    "Did you get dumber or something?! You have portals! Now quick, I can sense him coming!" Eden urged, looking to the south.
    And she was quite right. You were watching through your little traitor, and neither or them were getting away. You called upon your darkness, the tendrils doing as you commanded and trying to curl around your victims...
    "Stand down!" The Pyro of Earth screamed, causing the tendrils to shrink away. Looks like she had some control over the darkness, while submerged within it anyway.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. khmage1918
    Putting herself out (and shivering as the flame was actually quite cold), Eden nodded. "Just get me out of here. I'll even get out that dark seed in you, I can see it... somewhat. More of a sense but anyway, let's go!" she nearly yelled in her whispers. She held on to Gexln's free hand, and kept her other one occupied with Equius.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. khmage1918
    "Gex.... Gex, please. I just want to get out of here, we don't have much time. If you want to see your heart, it's right here." Eden held out the dimly blinking heart, cradling it like a child. "Gex, I don't know how I can prove to you I'm real! Umm..." She stared at Darkness' Sorrow, nervously taking a step back as Equius was examining her scent. There were traces of Master, but it felt clouded behind everything else. "My ability is fire. But... it's not as bright as it once was..." hoping that lighting herself up in a dark firaga would be proof enough, she found herself coughing at the oppresive stench of darkness it held.
    Post by: khmage1918, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home