"Magic can't suspend the human body for this long. We couldn't be thinning if that was true." She stood up, a bit too quickly. Eden's wobbly stance led her to almost fall down with a light head. Staggering around with what had been hoped a pacing motion, she fell over with dark spots in her vision.
"No no, I've had a lot of air. I... Did you notice how much we haven't been eating? I can't remember the time my body told me I needed to go to the bathroom, to eat, understand illness... Something feels wrong. I don't feel quite right..." With a heavy sigh, she curled herself into her knees. "I think something happened to us from being away from Earth."
"Yes... Though, I do... Like I know why you uh... used to wield two Keyblades." Letting go of his hands, she gripped her own hands tightly. They looked thin and Eden looked a bit shaky, trembling even.
"Roxas... I want you to understand something." Holding his hand a bit tightly, she sighed. "I know your history. I know Sora's and Riku's and Kairi's... I know everyone's history, their timelines... It's complicated. But I know things you were forced to forget." Eden bit her lip, her grip tightening on his hand. "I know even Terra's story, Lea's... everything."
Pissing with laughter
"Its fine. I understand. I know what it's like to not feel anything. Tch, sometimes I wonder if I was ever a nobody with how much I don't feel. At least back at Earth." With a sigh she sat down on the stairs leading to the deck, leaning on her burning hand. "It's very hard to react... or it was. Roxas... Have you ever had someone die in your arms?" Eden knew the answer, yes, but was almost curious if he did.
Walking below deck, the Pyro snapped her fingers numerous times to try and light her hands like a lighter. Soon enough her index finger was covered with a tiny flame after some serious concentration. "So, Thirteen. Roxas... Um..." Rubbing a hand behind her head, she awkwardly tried to play cool. "How does it feel to be a uh... Nobody? Or you don't have to answer. I just wanted someone to talk to."
"Oi, don't push around my crew." Eden groaned with some distaste. Walking on deck, she watched the two nobodies scramble about; She only eyed at one, Roxas. "Thirteen, come with me below deck, I wish to speak with ye."
With a smirk, she looked more at the ship she wanted to sail.... only to sadly realize that she had never sailed with such a majestic boat. "Riku! You need to help start the ship! I don't know how to sail!"
"Trust me, Valerie is unfamiliar with this world like I am... But she does not know the dialect, and it could cause her problems." Looking down at the two nobodies on the deck while she was at the steering wheel, she whistled. "Everyone! Let's get moving!"
With a slight nod, Eden caught herself. "Unlike me, she has complete control of her magic. " she offered that as a reason, slightly glaring at him. "I know you don't have emotions but we're tired and trying to keep hope due to our losses."
"We have little time to wait for them. On the boat!" With that, Eden jumped upon the ship, adjusting her hat as she went to the steering wheel. "Let's go before the lightning bug causes trouble!"
Ooc: this thing is dying real fast Bic: Whistling slightly, the Pryor nodded some respect to Shadow and boarded the ship with utmost care. "Lets go."
Running to the docks, Eden grumbled in annoyance. "She's left. I'm a bit nervous about that, especially since she controls lightning." She mumbled with a visible worry on her face, but shook it quickly off. "C'mon, tell me what we could do. I've got a card The Chariot I could use."
"What do you mean "only time"? I'd assume they have a recharge function that steadily grows their power over ti--??" Eden looked around, finding nary a hair or sign of the ninja in sight. "Bollocks." she cursed, looking around. "C'mon Ri, we can't afford to lose anyone."
With a groan and eventual thump of the head, the Butcher passed out without giving much of a fight. "Next time clean your store and keep your hands to yourself." Eden huffed, the sparks from her arms going back to the strength card they originated from. She gave a grin at the others, a bit silly. "Didn't weigh a thing."
With such a tiny hand completely stopping a large and slightly hair arm, one would not be able to believe their eyes. "For shame, your business will fall. Like you." With the red spark from earlier rippling around her arms, the Pyro flung the butcher in an arc above her head and into the ground. His weight caused the ground to crack.
"Poured hot wax on him!" She giggled, Eden feeling a bit light headed. "Get back here ye filthy Harlet!" The burly man yelled, which sent a sneer towards her face. "Gex, since we're the only ones here, I want to try something out." From her deck kept in her boot, she pulled out a card called 'VIII Strength'. With a small red spark jumping off of it and into her skin, she pocketed the card in time to stop the charging bull of a man. Luckily he left behind his meat cleaver in his fit of rage. Trying to pull a right hook at the smaller female, she held out her palm to it only for it to stop dead in its tracks. "I think you shouldn't touch a Lady."
Currently there was a slew of swears and derogatory slang coming from an angry butcher with a very red arm. It looked as if burned by something. He was chasing after the Pyro of Earth, who was almost screaming with some sort of ill laughter.
ooc: Oh no you don't. bic: There was a great scream in another part of the market, along with a set of laughs and quick steps. She ran straight past Riku and his party, the running figure very visible.