"I'm not sleeping. I just need to eat." Eden mumbled, just rubbing her eyes to keep herself a bit more stable. "I'm fine." Blaige mumbled, just watching over everything. "Just waiting."
Blaige was sitting in the corner, not watching anyone and more mumbling to himself. Throwing the cup into the sink (more like trying to place it and her spazzy arm went and dropped it), she watched Roxas with a very pale face. The paleness was most likely due to her coma, but the lingering feeling of her chest being impaled was still staying around. "Rox, please. I... I don't trust myself with fire right now." she huffed, going back to the bed beside Kurix. Her eyes were hazy, still tired most likely.
Eden shook her head. She wanted to be moving, physically active. She slowly limped over to the sink, grabbing a plastic cup (she did not trust herself with glass) and drank from it when filled. It eased some of her dizziness.
Eden watched Roxas, eyes a bit glazed, but awake. She swung her legs to the floor, standing up. She almost fell, balancing herself quickly. "Dude... I can cook better than you... I can do it... I'm fine." she huffed, a bit of a delirious tone in her voice.
With a swipe of an arm, the scythe ran deep and through the neck of the one who tried to flee like a fool. But, with a cause so bold and a death deserved, fate had the blade swing too far and it backfired... Right into the Witch's heart. As Death was the biggest shock within the existence of dreams... She woke with the biggest of starts. Her breath was ragged, and sweat was starting to cause her forehead to go sleek and oily. But with such a light head, she hissed in pain.
"Well, for the timelines to stay proper." She grinned, a little robed figure coming out of her card. With a skeletal set of arms brandishing a sleek scythe that gleamed within the light. "You must die." Charging in, the Skeletal figure mimicked her movements.
"I am a Witch of Time, I must make sure timelines keep to their rightful place..." Scanning the area, another card in tow. "Where...." Her sights eventually settled on the dog-one. "Oh... funny, how time works. Turns out you're the one that isn't right."
ooc: *shrugs* I dunno, the Land name I made up to fit the theme of time bic: "As I have said, knave, I am from the Land of Metronomes and Papyrus." She eyed the other members of this world, particularly the bulls and dragons. "So... are any in this World strong? I do not wish to make fights... but-- Oh..." She grimaced, kicking up to float. "Have to go kill someone. I shall be back soon."
With a smirk, the sword vanished into the Ace it had been. "Good. It is wise not to cross me. Now, dog, what is this world?" She watched the crowd that formed around her, many whispering worry.
As the dog-eared one tugged at her ears, the Witch decided it best to summon what was on her card. It was a sword, fit for the finest of Knights. "I am who I am. You should know, I am the Witch of Time. Now kneel." she hissed, eyes glowing to demonstrate what the degree of her power was. "I come from the Land of Metronomes and Papyrus. And I am not afraid to fight if needed."
With a smirk, she pulled down her hood with one hand, staring at the strange dog-eared one in the eyes. Her other grabbed a card from a deck kept in a little case. "Yes child? What is it?" There was a definite glow to her eyes, it almost felt powerful. The Witch's foot was tapping, in time to an unseen metronome. She almost wanted to fight. Almost.
It was easily noticable that Eden was the odd one out, but she didn't hide it either. Just walking around in her god tier uniform, surveying the area. No time powers. No flying. Not just yet. One needed to confront her, insult her... maybe. ooc: Witch of time
Eden smiled, running into the arms of her dead loved one. His white suit tattered, stained by a red wound in his chest. "Hey honey." she almost purred, arms tight against him. He stared, lost with no expression. An echo of a smile did grace his face. "Hey." he sighed, holding her tightly. Within the almost eternal moment, a grimace fell upon her. The eternal was cut short. "I have to go, I... Timelines to keep track of... People to kill, timelines to remain doomed..." she almost choked, but left quite quickly. He waved her goodbye without much else a thought. Floating within the void of her dreams, she landed in another world, one she did not purposefully go into. Men with bull horns, children with sharp little wings... People slithering by with only a tail. "Curioso and curiouso...." she mumbled, waltzing about with her god tier outfit. With her chin held high, she almost expected to be praised as a Goddess of sorts. She perceived herself as higher, what a prideful fool.
ooc: You could go on msn and we could try to brainstorm with Glen. bic: A pull. She felt a pull. The so called 'Time Witch' came into a bubble. A 'Dream Bubble', to be precise. It belonged to someone dead, sauntering about their bubble with some annoyance. "Hello honey." she chirped, living eyes staring into white dead ones.
Within this dream world and the land of reality, Eden did shiver quite a bit as a dark presence filled her dream. It wasn't due to fear, no no. This was due to the cold, and odd familiarity. "Hey Grim. Just dropping by to see you. I need to get going, lots of dead people to assist." With that, before even a good look as the one she called 'Grim', she fluttered off into a black nothingness her mind perceived as the Void of her own dreamland.
ooc: But something is going on that you could JOIN IN when you GO ON SKYPE FOR ME TO TELL YOU With a few parting farewells, Eden left Valerie once more with a bunch of frogs and an odd machine that seemed to be expelling some sort of green goo into jars. She left to the darkness once more, eyes scanning for something. She smiled a bit, teleporting into a land that seemed to be comprised of lava and steel frameworks of the clock variety. Stepping onto the gears that primarily made the ground, she smirked as no heat was felt. "Now where is he...? Should be here." she muttered, strolling around in wide paces.
The image flickered away, as if never existing. Eden side-stepped an artfully performed pounce, which had made the pouncer groan loudly in frustration. "Good to see you're still as active as ever." she smirked. "A Thief always needs to be on her toes." "Meh, I would have caught you!" It was Valerie, sticking her tongue at the pyro. "You Time Witches and your stupid flash steps!" "I'm the only one, you doofus." She smirked, rubbing Valerie's head.
The image left, vanishing with a flicker. Floating around seemed like the best option, but it wasn't the only one. Eden left the boat in a hurry, floating into a large red image of a clock she seemingly conjured. Within the past, she landed upon the ground of a terribly odd world. The palette seemed to be comprised of earthly tones and bright water. Landing upon the almost glowing ground, she walked to find another figure.
Within the emptiness of the Void, an almost angelic fog surrounded the Earthling. Within the light, it felt like a headache had formed. "The fuuuuuuu--" With a heavy groan, Eden lifted herself from the confines of the bed. She brushed away any dirt, performing her morning cleansing rituals with ease. Staring into her mirror, she put up her red hood. This however wasn't an ordinary hood, nor an ordinary outfit. Her hood had extended and split to have two tails, and she had a lovely short but long sleeved dress that slightly hid the thick ruffles of a red skirt. A single lighter red Gear donned her chest. "Hello Witch." She mused, walking to the outside. With a hand raised, clocks appeared around her, flashing her to pirate ship that Riku had owned. She sat near the sitting wheel, rotting a bit from when it was struck by a hard wave. "Hello again." she smiled, tracing the soft wood. An image flickered of Eden and her odd garbs, seemingly stuck in a single image that was quite static-y, but very clear. Not a word was spoken.
With the clouds of darkness overcoming her vision, she could not see hear, or even feel anything. There was no peaceful Station of Calling, no land of dreams... It felt like a void. A complete and utterly horrifying void. Eden had blacked out into the blinding darkness of The Void. She wondered if the other Earthlings would join her in this panic attack like she had.