What were your first impressions of me? Well, you were very annoying. A big tag-team Troll duo with Blue. Severely annoyed me and made me have to go through a lot of trouble to make sure things were kept sane What are your current opinions of me? You're actually pretty cool! Once Blue was away, you were a lot nicer. Yes a bit trolly, but you weren't a total jerk. You're a pretty good role-player, and some ideas you have are quite good! What do you think i could improve upon and how? Hmm.... Improve improve.... Well, I suppose improve on when it's time to mess around and troll a friend, or when to stop. But then again, some fault on that aspect was mine.... but either way, Um... Write every day Sing every day Be happy every day! And know some good trolling techniques. ;)
First impressions? I don't know! Just that you like asking questions =) Opinion of me now? That you could be a nice person!.... and I know your name and could have met you before but can't remember Is there anything I can improve on, if there is, how can I improve on it? Well... I don't know! What do you think needs to be improved? What is your opinion on cake? Well... I don't like cake all that much. Cheesecake, Carrot Cake, Ice Cream cake.... and maybe one day, the fabled Black Forest Cake!
"Be careful Gex! Try not to block out the light or I can't help you! You won't be able to see me and I won't be able to test this theory of fighting shadows!" Eden growled, wishing to attack Xikari head on but could not. You sigh, Xikari was taking an awfully long time. She was your creation, perfect... but maybe it was the fact that you used another's darkness to create her... Shrugging it off, you annoyingly lounge in your chair of your pets. The tendrils of darkness you command alone are quite cute from your perspective. Walking around in the body you harbor, you summon up Terra... at least his heart. It was time to relish in what the body could do. It wasn't attractive by the slightest, so you weren't planning to woo him down. You only wished to break his spirits once more, so he didn't get any ideas about doing anything stupid. "Can't let him get killed, in case this one does..." you muse.
Eden poised herself to fight, at least try to attack Xikari's shadow in any way. "Oh great, a distraction. And a horrible one at that." If she had saliva, she would spit at the sorry excuse of a bad guy. Even her seductive voice seemed too young and playful.
"Xemnas, Ansem, Xehanort... They are all the same! Just a borrowed form of Terra's! Gex, c'mon, let's get to that plan of yours. The sooner we defeat him, the better." Eden gruffly huffed, annoyed by the sound of time ticking away. You smirk, wondering the weaknesses of the heart you failed to observe in person. Some scraps of knowledge were kept, like the sound of ticking. It was quite persistent, filling in your abyss. Your once mortal mind fears it, but your immortal side dismisses it as silly. You place a finger on your soft chin, feeling the bumps within the jaw under the skin, noting one side felt pointier than the other. "Xikari...." you muse into your obsidian looking glass. "State your progress."
"If I was to detach myself, the disease he gave me will try to kill me again. I have to come with you, if only to return to his darkness. Gex, we're partners. We work with each other." Eden hugged the Nobody's shadow tightly, then proceeded to stare at the walkie talkie. "Sorry it had to be this way, Ri. Guess I'm the Shadow now, eh?" With a weak, dying chuckle, she sighed slowly.
The shadow nodded. "Yes. That's why I'm like this. A body of darkness from Gex almost died from Xehanort's darkness. It made me want to hurt Gexln. I kept saying it was his fault it all happened... I felt like I was dying." She shivered, glad Gexln was able to create a new body to at least temporarily replace her stolen one.
"Gexln, you know that is a stupid idea right? You'll be killed! He is also a disease, Gex, and it could kill you like it almost did me." Eden spun Gexln's shadow to face hers, amazingly doing that to the body as well, and a deep impression of her hands on his shoulders. The voice sounded stern, but a shadow couldn't show emotion visibly. Kenna stared back at everyone, fluttering slightly with a slight frown.
"Well.... Alright... Problem is with Xehanort now, is that I don't have a body to fight with. He has it. You'll be having to fight against my body." Eden huffed in odd strings of words that only those of the dark could truly understand. To others, it was a difficult other language that they could barely pick up, but slightly could. You sigh to yourself, creating an obsidian looking glass to view your creation. "Xikari..." He hummed. " State your progress... I do not expect failure of you."
Within the bright light that casted Gexln's true shadow, Eden's own put a hand on his shoulder. A slight depression of her hand mark was on the left shoulder, in a slight way to comfort him. "You weren't weak... We just realized we were outmatched too late. If anything, the fault is mine for thinking we could take him on." Kenna watched the actions of the shadows, amazed by their fluid movements.
"Well, there's one dragon that's so pathetic you could knock him away with your foot.... But as for important people, the Emporer of China is the best guess, next to Mulan." Eden recalled forth more memories, assisting Gex in any way possible.
"Gexln, we are in the land of Dragons. There are some um... not really any dragons here for the most part. Military camp, mountains, a palace for the emperor... Not very important. I know most of these worlds very well." Eden backtracked within her mind, her old days slightly fuzzy from the time away from home and amount of new memories trying to keep it away.
"Just keep your darkness flowing through me, and I'll be a lot more stable than before." Eden hummed, though her voice sounded winded, tired from combating her illness. Kenna walked out into the bamboo grove, pushing away the reeds and stalks. "Wow...." she mused.
With a slight push and a roll, the heart clinked into it's new body. Being absorbed, the body almost melted and faded away. The disease was again too much. So as a being of darkness, the Earthling didn't have much choice but allow the body to descend into a shadow, attaching itself to Gexln's body. The darkness he controlled flowed through her, and whatever disgusting disease she had was being flushed away. "I'm sorry Gex, I had no choice. None of that horrid stuff was me talking..." Her form quivered at the hurtful phrases that made him yell at her. "Now that I'm attached to you, your darkness will be keeping me alive right now. To keep the his darkness away. This is the only way I can live until we can get that corruption out." Kenna watched the events before her, amazed and slightly baffled. Her mild curiosity led her to step on the shadow form, only to receive no response in terms of registering pain. "Well, she can't feel at least.... comes with being I shadow, I guess."
"Gex, please... his darkness hurts, it needs to be controlled. So what are you gonna do, Hero? Its the darkness speaking, don't listen to that!" with a lack of comebacks, the disease upon the heart settled slightly. This didn't stop the almost painful looking pulses of the heart. "I can't be harbored in a light body. Because I would DIE. But you can make a dark body for me and control his darkness... right? You have to." Kenna stared at the heart, unable to comprehend the emotions conflicting within it. "I think whatever happened while I was out was important. Bad observation, but bottom line is she needs help."
"I think she just needs help." Kenna blankly stared, watching the heart as well. She couldn't hear it for some odd reason. "Please... I'm sorry if I say anything HURTFUL to you... I can't control myself. YOU LET HIM DO THIS TO ME. I forgive you! FOR BEING A USELESS MORON." The heart cried out again, little hopr of keeping her composure.
"I'm sorry Gex... But if you leave me, I think I might die from whatever he did. AND IT WILL BE ALL YOUR FAULT!" The heart screamed the last part, while the first was but a trembling whisper. There was guilt, anger, but the former more. Kenna stared at Gexln, somewhat worried as she put a hand on his shoulder. "Is she saying things?" You form a little orb of darkness in your hands. You think to yourself, as Xehanort of course, that your hands in this body are quite frail. You'll have to plump yourself up, like the other one. But nevertheless, you form your first Dark Child, formed from your own darkness and the darkness of another. Making sure that this one won't die like your last attempt to bitterly create life, this one has no heart, no blood, and cannot feel pain. Nevertheless, you'll have to keep her close, in order to keep her alive. Fondly thinking back to the little redhead, how pure she was, you only think to combat that. "Xikari..." you muse, it wasn't a perfect name, but would do. "Find the heart he took from me." his orders were quick and swift.
ooc: Val, they don't even know where everyone is. So you can't yell at us for that 8I And Glen, it's Chines. Not Japanese. bic: "Landing within the Land of Dragons." a friendly voice chirped. "Okay then..." Kenna fluttered over to Gex, worridly biting her lip. Staring at the heart, she wondered what had happened to it when she had been knocked out as Ashir. "Help me, Gex. Yes that's right, leave me like you always do. Please, I don't want to be alone. Just gives me more time to figure out how to kill you. Xehanort's darkness is making me ill. It's one more reason for me to let you understand the pain of no body. I'm sorry Gex. I'm sorry you are a coward." It hissed and cooed, begged and angrily jabbed at the Nobody with odd words. It was a real confusion, bipolar even, if only due to a madman. Within the darkness, Xehanort had stabilized himself from the attack. Growing ever more powerful, he set down his attack of heartless onto all worlds. Especially those with great traces of light. Reaching out his consciousness, he------ 011010000110010100100000011010010111001100100000011100100110010101100001011000110110100001101001011011100110011100100000011011110111010101110100001000000111010001101111001000000110110101100101-- You smirk. You are Xehanort, and whenever you are to be used by the beings higher than you, you shall be written this way. Believing this is fitting, you get to work creating your messengers. They will be perfect, created out of the darkness of the hearts around you. They will fetch the heart, and bide the Keybearer's time before they even think to mess with you. This is fun. Maybe you should try making sure you mess with Her more. Or Them. You smirk, but pet a tendril of darkness in idle thought.
"In a cluster of worlds. The map shows that one is the Land of Dragons." Kenna stared at the map, the gummi just aimlessly wandering. The Heart kept whispering, just for Gexln, louder than before. ""Gex, please, help me. Because then I can choke you. Don't listen to me! I will always be here, watching you fail. I know you can help me! You have let me die. I need a body. So I can taste the blood when you fade."
The diseased heart whispered as Gexln even attempted to rest, words bashed and mixed up. "Free me Gexln. I will kill you in your sleep. I will die like this. And it will be your fault. It hurts. You made me this way you filthy nobody. Don't listen to me. Denial won't make me any less real." The thing weakly pulsed, the light pained and the dark aura presenting a putrid stench to the Pure Dark one's nose. It was a terrible thing to look at really, how conflicted it was, how it tried to plead for a saving grace and yet couldn't. It was pitiful, and made the heart want to scream at itself.