( and taking pictures ;3)
(*sits and watches duels because i am failure and would rather wait until iam actually better at dueling and will at least lose or win better than i usually am* ...... .3. .... *angsts in corner*) Bakura: Get out of the bloody corner Teddy: ....Hail satan ( I love this teddy bear)
I AM BACK AND I AM GOING TO TRY TO STAY BACK so whenever I start to leave someone randomly do something to make me not leave I am staying bakura...but at the same time being rebecca (because her deck is rather lovely, but I love bakura to death..and I am able to be two/3 people at the same bloody time so yeah.....woot) *stays still*
I remember the one where everything sorta went back in time.....good times
1. One word: Nyeh *noms on cookie* 2. Oh frik the frik out of frikkin hell -__-
I had tried to start a Digimon Data Squad abridged but I never got around to doing it WHY IS IT WHENEVER I PLAN TO DO SOMETHING I NEVER GO THROUGH WITH IT...except for when i try to make money
1. I don't think I've ever met you but I'm going to guess you are a pretty awesome person *is hoping I got dis right* .3.'' 2. Well...I do not know why I'm alive..I am going to guess there is more torment or awesome things I'm going to have to go through *noms on cookie* do u want a cookie?
So whatchya doing nyeh I've been rather bored lately I'm waiting for a yugioh rp I'm in to get more into the plot ( my character is bakura's...
I do not know...at all..... o3o *noms cookie*
1. Blood red,dark purple, and black 2. Ketchup that. is.a .food 3. That is a horrible question I hate her 4. I do not 5. would Animaniacs count 1. It's kayla 2. ...not long enough 3. Katekyo Hitman Reborn (as of nao..my second is Hetalia) 4. Left 4 Dead 2 @♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ NO I do not know what it is and I probably fail at life because I do not know what is.
hheyyy i for some reason have a question time thingy.......I think I should start keeping up with this site........ [IMG]
I'm scared somehow .-. *noms on cookie* I wonder if I'll even get asked anything *noms on cookie .3. doomdoomdoomdoom. lovely.
.........HOOOWWW EXACTLY DID I GET IT * was just in the middle of randomly RPing with friends on dA*
I think I'm just gonna stay up and watch or read some yaoi .3. seems like the most appropriate thing to do X3
Goals: Graduate from highschool :D Go to many different countries Learn:...
yeah...[IMG] at least there are people who know better I haven't been able to go to church lately so I don't know if they had said anything about...
OOOIIIII ONII-SAN you know how people think that jesus will come down tomorrow or the world will end...I don't believe it [IMG] no man should...
it is indeed very awesome I've watched it over 3 times and then watched the lets plays TFS made over 5 times .-.