Because shut up~ =7= so have you ever watched YGOTAS
Mwahahahahahaha comment/visitor message virginity has been stolen by me, bakura
hhhhheeyyy lol You obviously know me already :'D listen to ze rules and all that stuff have fun and here is a cookie made with love..and the souls of many
>:I Hello there Mr. Jaden~ whatchya doin
HELLO THERE JADEN [IMG] whatchya up to :3
I don't know really .-. :I My friend showed me that face while we were RPing and I started using it *tends to do that a lot* .-. OH YEAH I...
Hey there Jaden owo how ya been~ >w<
Hello there
Whatchya been up to o3o I've been drawin this OC of mine a lot I've been asking people ( and by asking I mean yelling at ) to give me ideas of...
hey hey jaden Hi lol whatchya doin I've been drawing stuff~ liek this:
yep~ I've already figured it out for the most part .3. since it's a real sewing machine I sew more stuff than with a kid's sewing machine~
Hey jaden i finally got my sewing machine~~~~
All three -3-
Left 4 Dead 2...I frikkin love that game it is amazing .............I don't know *clueless shrug*
( HEY I DON'T *raeg* >:I )
Technically the fangirl was talking not me ( I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT MAIIIIIII.....actually I hate mostly every woman in YuGiOh and YuGioH GX except for Rebecca one in 5d's because I haven't watched that one enough to hate anyone in their )
( if you are talking about mai........I will kill someone *has a irrational hatred for love interest's of character I like...unless it is yaoi* )
( *is a 14 yr. old girl* CONTINUE IT IS LOVE AND LOVE SHOULD NOT BE HIDDEN...........IT ESPECIALLY SHOULDN'T BE HIDDEN IF IT IS YAOI *nosebleed* ) Bakura: Dear god