Search Results

  1. Shadow_Rocks
  2. Shadow_Rocks
    Oh my god
    Why did
    Nobody tell me about this
    I love to sing

    Participating for: ALL OF THEM 8RO
    Absolutely Cannot Sing: I don't normally sing really really fast paced songs and due to the fact that I am an alto, most high range notes in a song I wont be able to sing.
    Anything Else: I can somewhat change my voice a bit. Also I'm pretty good at singing in different languages, but mainly spanish, Japanese, and English, but if we sing songs that are in other languages then I can probably sing those to once I listen to them long enough.
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  3. Shadow_Rocks
  4. Shadow_Rocks
  5. Shadow_Rocks
  6. Shadow_Rocks
    Profile Post

    yep~ so whats up?

    yep~ so whats up?
    Profile Post by Shadow_Rocks for Dman23, Oct 2, 2011
  7. Shadow_Rocks
  8. Shadow_Rocks
  9. Shadow_Rocks
  10. Shadow_Rocks
  11. Shadow_Rocks
  12. Shadow_Rocks
    Profile Post

    Hi there :I

    Hi there :I
    Profile Post by Shadow_Rocks for Dman23, Sep 12, 2011
  13. Shadow_Rocks

    where do I start posting -oblivious- owo''

    Never mind I found out -doesn't understand anything anymore-
    So what do I have to post really
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Aug 13, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Shadow_Rocks
    Username: Shadow_Rocks
    Ranger Name: Daniela Rivera ( though everyone calls her Danny )
    Age: 17
    Ranger Color: Yellow
    Ranger Zord: Penguin ( I am really friggin glad penguin was still open..who doesn't want to be a penguin )
    Ranger Weapon: Bow
    Personality: Danny isn't really talkative and usually keeps to herself.Danny has a hard time working with other people as well. She seems to be a tomboy on the outside, but in the inside she can be rather girly. Danny seems rather emotionless and has a cold exterior. She can be rather violent if you her her angry enough. Danny actually loves fighting really, but she doesn't really like fighting for no reason. She can't read the atmosphere very well.
    Biography: Danny was born in Angel Grove and has lived there for all of her life. She was raised by her aunt and uncle since her mom died and her dad was not able to get the money to care for a child. Danny grew up in a house that had all boys and the only other girl besides her was her aunt. Due to being around such an atmosphere she soon developed a rather tomboyish personality, but her aunt made sure she wasn't a complete tomboy, by getting her interested in things that were considered girly. Danny sings rather well and knows how to play the piano. She also knows how to cook,bake,sew, and draw , but she has never told anyone she could do these things. Danny also knows archery and has been doing it since she was 9 yrs. old. Danny currently works part-time at a small, but rather popular, bakery in Angel Grove. Whenever she isn't working she is usually at the local music store or video game shop.
    Other: She has a pet German Shepard puppy named Ace.

    it has been a long time since I've RP'd on this site.
    Hopefully I get accepted
    This was an rp that appeal to my interests ( interests being Power Rangers)
    if there is anything that needs to be changed just tell me and I will change it.
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Aug 13, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Shadow_Rocks
  16. Shadow_Rocks
  17. Shadow_Rocks
  18. Shadow_Rocks
  19. Shadow_Rocks
  20. Shadow_Rocks