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  1. Shadow_Rocks
    I think I have her as a contact on windows messenger (I added her back when she wasn't a mod)
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  2. Shadow_Rocks
    I'm not in many forums :I
    The only other one I go on alot if a roleplaying one, but right now it's been down for a few days orz

    The only other site I would think of is a digimon site itself, but I haven't been on there in years
    I actually did that
    back when me and another guy first tried to do this
    I think, I was threatened to be banned if I wasn't able to start the thing
    /doesn't remember much
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  3. Shadow_Rocks
    still need a video editor
    I'm not really good with that stuff myself
    /15 years old.
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  4. Shadow_Rocks
    w8 what lines
    from the show itself???
    either way
    I still need to send ya the line I was talking about
    that way we can make sure it doesn't sound wrong
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 20, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  5. Shadow_Rocks

    Yeah :B
    Well I just need everyone to tell me which roles they want to audition for anf PM their email (if they don't want to post it in here)
    and I'll send them some lines
    I'll send people wanting to audition as marcus that specific line we were talking about just to see if it will sound alright
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 20, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  6. Shadow_Rocks
    I never noticed any of the triggers in YGOTAS and other abridged series, mainly because I only notice things like that when actually reading

    I guess it's fine then :B
    I think more people notice triggers when they're reading things or if they're watching something that reminds them of w/e

    but I guess it's fine :U
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 20, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  7. Shadow_Rocks
    A trigger
    We're not talkin bouta gun trigger okay. Let me establish that first.
    A trigger can be seen as something would trigger emotions in a person or trigger past memories in a persons life that were terrifying for said person
    Sometimes you will see posts on some sites that state "trigger warning" which indicates to people that the post my trigger emotions/memories that you would rather not remember/have

    When you put in the rough script: "just like when I beat up my sister! [Punches] Domestic abuse punch"
    This could trigger a viewer :I

    Krowley: Writing or Dubbing?? If you want to be another CO-Writer then Imma have to see some examples of your work (mostly works involving comedies and such, considering this is an abridged series thing we're doing_
    and for dubbing, which character would you consider trying out for??
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 20, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  8. Shadow_Rocks
    I have been re reading it
    It looks good so far
    But I think you should change the part where Marcus says something about domestic violence since that would be considered a trigger
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 20, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  9. Shadow_Rocks
    One piece is my favourite anime 8ro
    I have seen None Piece
    It is p goddamn funny
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 20, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  10. Shadow_Rocks
    well first I gotta see some examples of your work :B (or maybe type of the stuff you're thinkin of right now)
    just email them to me or maybe PM me some examples or things like that
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 19, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  11. Shadow_Rocks
    Can't w8 to see what you've come up with Sage 8ro :o)

    Since it's technically sort of a rough draft things like what scenes they're meant for can w8 till I say "yes" (which I think was what Sage was trying to say)
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 19, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  12. Shadow_Rocks
  13. Shadow_Rocks
  14. Shadow_Rocks
    i WOULD SUGGEST emailing it everyone interested so far (AND ME)

    if you know anyone that would be interested in an abridged series like this then send it to them too for auditions and stuff
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 17, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  15. Shadow_Rocks
    I don't want her to 8e too much of a girly girl :I
    but luckily I can sort voice that girly girl tone of voice

    I also think thomas would be sort of a know it all as well

    @Wingly: You still have to audition 8ro
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  16. Shadow_Rocks
    Yay ::::]

    @wingly: Oh really? Are you talkin about the one by GangXinba (I think that's the username)

    Don't worry I sorta fail too
    But it's always fun to try!
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  17. Shadow_Rocks
    Well you don't need to sound exactly likethe character!
    Making changing the voice entirely is pretty fun too!
    You see abridged series where the voices sound nothing like the voices in the original dub (take Abridged Tristain for example, LK was mocking how in the few episodes of YuGiOhm, Tristain had a weird sounding voice)
    Plus digimon's voices don't always sound the same in each series
    I think agumon Digimon 01 had a much deeper voice than the Agumon in this series
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  18. Shadow_Rocks
    So Yes
    I've been meaning to try and start an abridged series for once.
    I have tried before, but we couldn't find enough people.
    On to the point.
    Basically I want to create an abridged version of Digimon Data Squad. It's always been something I've wanted to do, and I think it'd be really fun! Making fun of a show that we may or may not like. You don't even need to know what it's about for the most part. I picked Digimon Data Squad because there aren't that many abridged series of it as of yet
    Anyway here's a part of the first episode:
    It's been a while since I've watched this series myself, so I don't remember the episode where Thomas comes in. If you continue watching, or at least continue watching bits an pieces, then you can probably get a better feel of what the characters sound like.
    It would be even awesomer if you already know what they sound like for the most part.

    You don't even need to be a voice actor really do join this production! If you have any other talents that are suitable for a project like this, then go ahead and sign up.
    Non Voice Acting related roles:
    Video Editor (to help with the syncing of the audio, and maybe add in awesome affects and stuff)
    Audio Editor ( May be needed, but if you are a good one that be my guest and sign up for the spot)
    A Writer (I've never been good with writing. Remember, abridged series are filled with tons of comedies, sometimes internet references, and meant to make fun of/mock the original show or the dub. If you can do any of these things then sign up.)
    if there any other things that aren't voice acting roles, but can help in the production of this abridged series then go ahead and tell me.
    I might also need a Co-Manager sort of person
    I'm still in highschool (a freshman to be exact) so I'll probably need someone to help manage things whenever I'm unable to (preferably I want someone who is older than me or has much more free time than I do )

    Anyway to apply for any of those roles (except for Co-Managing, though I would like to here how well you may be at doing that) I need to see some examples of your work, whether they be past examples or examples you made especially for this project.

    There isn't a specific deadline for auditions considering that people may still be in school or have jobs to do, so whenever you have the chance to create and send me your audition, do so.

    Recording information for Voice Acting Roles

    For voice acting roles I would prefer if you find a line or two from the show for the specific character you wish to audition for, and use that. Emailing me the recording (or if you have Messenger or skype and would prefer sending me the audition while conversing you can do that) would be preferred.
    I would like the format of your recording to be MP3 or WAV and sent in an attachment through email or a file through messenger or skype
    You can name your recording(s) whatever you want really.

    Contact Info
    My emails:,,
    skype: portgas_d_anne

    When I get a co manager then I'll put their info on here too

    Marcus Damon
    Taken By:

    Taken By:

    Thomas H. Norstein
    Taken By:

    Taken By:

    Yoshino Fujieda
    Taken By: Shadow_Rocks

    Taken By:

    Keenan Crier
    Taken By:

    Taken By:

    Miki Kurosaki, Megumi Shirakawa, and the PawnChessmon
    Taken By:

    Commander Richard Sampson and KudamonEdit
    Taken By:

    Commander-General Homer Yushima and KamemonEdit
    Taken By:

    Marcus's Mom
    Taken By:

    Kristy Damon
    Taken By:

    Taken By:

    I honestly don't know all the characters since I'm having trouble finding a list with the ones we will be needing since they show up a lot

    so here is the wiki list:

    Other character roles will be added once we get farther into the whole thing

    We'll also be needing voices for the different digivolutions of each digimon
    I mean, if the voice actor for a digimon is capable of doing the digivolution then that's fine with me.
    Also Fill-Ins will most likely be needed in the case the original VA for the abridged role is going through some tough times and can't do it, is too busy, gets sick, is going to be gone for a while, or quits.

    Anyway I hope to get this started!
    I'll be upd8ing this post whenever there is new info ya'll need to know.

    Also for voice acting roles. You don't really need to stick to how the character sounds in the eng. or jap. dub. Don't be afraid to change it up and create some funny sounding voice. Abridged series are meant to be parodies and are normally funny.

    For examples of abridged series go to this channel:
    (will add more if anyone knows any good ones)

    Oh yes one more thing:
    It would be lovely if one of the people who joins this actually owns a DVD for this
    If they don't
    then we'll have to stick with downloading the episode content orz
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Apr 15, 2012, 115 replies, in forum: Project Casting
  19. Shadow_Rocks
  20. Shadow_Rocks