Search Results

  1. Shadow_Rocks
  2. Shadow_Rocks
    i could try duck
    he's basically me somehow

    valley girl

    how exactly does that sound again

    because when I try to say something it sounds like a stereotypical gay fashion designer
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Aug 21, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  3. Shadow_Rocks
  4. Shadow_Rocks
  5. Shadow_Rocks
    Profile Post Comment

    how's it going?

    how's it going?
    Profile Post Comment by Shadow_Rocks, Aug 21, 2012
  6. Shadow_Rocks
    oh wow
    this seems interesting
    I wish there were more female roles orz
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Aug 21, 2012 in forum: Project Casting
  7. Shadow_Rocks
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Shadow_Rocks for Jayn, Aug 21, 2012
  8. Shadow_Rocks
  9. Shadow_Rocks
  10. Shadow_Rocks
    Picture: This picture here
    ( As long as you use from the chest and up I'm fine)
    Size: I honestly don't know on this. I suppose what you think would fit really!
    Special request: I suppose a kind of red colour scheme would be nice, the theme of it is up to you really and if possible can you add the text: "I am very much alive, and I intend to stay that way"

    it's been soooo long since I've requested a signature from anywhere on here really, so now I feel like I'm doing it wrong /sobs quietly
    Post by: Shadow_Rocks, Aug 21, 2012 in forum: Art Shop
  11. Shadow_Rocks
  12. Shadow_Rocks
  13. Shadow_Rocks
  14. Shadow_Rocks
  15. Shadow_Rocks
  16. Shadow_Rocks
  17. Shadow_Rocks
  18. Shadow_Rocks
  19. Shadow_Rocks
  20. Shadow_Rocks