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  1. Day~Dream

    I Wonder...

    What would happen if every member here broke out in song and turned this into a kh-vids musical?
    and if u could, would u?
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Jan 14, 2009, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Day~Dream
    Okay, I know the tittle sounds silly, but does anyone believe in it?

    For those who don't know they call it a curse in Hollywood because of all the strange things that have happened including the deaths of the people related to to the films such as

    1. The Dark Knight (rumored to be the worst curse)
    2. The Superman Curse

    well that's all I can think of right now, but seriously. Do you guys think that there is paranormal reason why there's so much bad luck and death surrounding these 2 epic movies?

    Thread by: Day~Dream, Jan 13, 2009, 21 replies, in forum: Discussion
  3. Day~Dream
    what the title says.

    Mine is Tom Welling (aka Clark Kent from Smallville)
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Oct 22, 2008, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Day~Dream
    I don't know what to do anymore, It's becoming so hard to smile lately. I've been feeling like this for months but i've reached my limit. I just want to get away from my family. They dont understand and they never will, these damn thoughts of suicide wont go away. What should I do?
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Oct 20, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  5. Day~Dream
    so which is it?
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Oct 20, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Day~Dream
    I was bored.

    The "Chocolate Disco Fever" Disease

    symptoms: you're whole body becomes chocolate and you start to disco for no reason.

    *starts to disco and turns into chocolate* oh no. IVE GOT IT!!! *takes a bite out of my arm* hey, I taste good XD
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Oct 13, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Day~Dream
    I have a signature but I dont know how to make it appear everytime I post.

    can someone help me?
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Oct 8, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Technology
  8. Day~Dream
    can you change your name on this site?

    and if you can, how?
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Oct 1, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Day~Dream
    What's your most embarrassing moment? Post it here!

    mine was last night, I was outside and I was wearing a skirt and the pin that was holding it opened...

    and my skirt fell down... in publick XD

    I still feel embarrased *puts a bag over the head*
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Sep 21, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Day~Dream
    just go to movies/media rpg and look for One Tree Hill Season 6.

    If you decide to join which i'm hoping you will it'll be A LOT OF FUN!
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Sep 17, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Day~Dream

    Thread by: Day~Dream, Sep 13, 2008, 32 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Day~Dream
    The title says it all

    mine is Resident Evil. Out of all the resident evil's that ones the scariest.
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Sep 7, 2008, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Day~Dream

    Join Me.

    I started a forum family if anyone's interested in joining. The name of my family is called
    "The Lost-F@nt@sy" Family.

    In my family we talk about anything whether if it's a conversation about KH or FF and or anything related to the subjects. Even if it's to socialize and make friends my family is the right family for you.

    so far 0 member(s) have joined XD
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Sep 6, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Day~Dream
    Welcome to the 1st One Tree Hill rpg!

    This is my 1st rpg and in my it i've decided that it will take place in season 6 but it will have some characters that aren't from the season to shake things up a bit.

    You can have up to 3 character(s)

    1. keep the cursing to a minimum (* $ @) etc. are your friends
    2. try keeping it pg-13
    3. HAVE FUN!


    Lucas Eugene Scott (Roe) ( Lucas Scott) -

    Nathaniel Scott (Lee) (Nathan Scott) -

    Dan Scott -

    Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer (Peyton Saywer) - darkblademaster 907

    Brooke Penelope Davis (Brooke Davis) - kairi2011

    Keith Scott -

    Karen Roe -

    Deb Scott -

    Haley James Scott -

    Chase -

    Jamie Scott -

    Victoria -

    Skills -

    Mouth -

    Millicent -

    Lily Rose Scott -

    If you want you can also make your own character with a profile and what's they're role in the story.

    Clips note:

    This is after Q's funeral

    Keith is still alive in my rpg Dan killed his other older brother Jason (made him up)

    Karen is expecting another child, Keith is the father (3 months pregnant)

    Lucas and Peyton are together.
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Aug 30, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Day~Dream

    I'm Back!

    so did anyone miss me?

    I went to Boston for the week
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Aug 30, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Day~Dream
    OMG! last saturday was supah hillarious! I could not stop laughing. Me and my friends were hanging out like usuall and I told them about my little oopsie with family guy,

    right so I was watching family guy and there was a scene with the breakfast club and it was the guys from the cereal boxes so I'm telling my bro the names of the guys from the cereal boxes. So I'm about to say Tony the Tiger but I accidently said

    Then that same sat. We were talking about our favorite movies and my friend Steven comes out of nowhere and is like

    Steven: Yo, ya remeber superman 2 with Keanu Reeve?

    were all staring at him like Keanu Reeve was never in superman

    Steven: OH! and I love the Matrix. Johny Depp did a good job in that movie.

    and were all like is he inventing his own movies? Johny Depp was never in the Matrix. Then we all busted out laughing like there was no tom.

    Me: Dude that was Christopher Reeve!

    we laughed even harder. *sigh* I wish whoever's reading could'v been there, good times good times.
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Aug 20, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Day~Dream
    I know this thread is not supposed to be here, but i'm really desperate.

    I cant delete songs from Ipod. Everytime I hit the Ipod icon in Itunes all I keep getting is the software license agreement which I've agreed to a billion times already. I seriously need help! :(
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Aug 20, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Day~Dream

    Ipod Help

    I seriously need help. I don't know what else to do! I can't delete songs from my Ipod nano. I tried clicking the Ipod Icon like your supposed to but all I keep getting is this annoying contract that I've agreed and canceled to over a billion times! :yelling: I've even gone to google for help and nothing. I NEED HELP! :(
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Aug 19, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Technology
  19. Day~Dream


    Does anyone know when D.Gray-Man come out in the U.S. on adult swim?
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Aug 13, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  20. Day~Dream
    I need help. There's this song from B.F.S it's called endless possibility. It's the theme song for Sonic Unleashed. I cant find it. Not even in Limewire everytime I download it it's corrupted. So I wanted to know where I can dowload it or if it's even dowloadable or do I have to wait until the game comes out.
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Aug 13, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Music