i'm sorry... but um.... not even tell me how your day was, miss?
...um...but you would just be bored anyways, miss... so why not tell me about yourself instead, miss? how's life?
...i am unsure....sorry, miss... my identity remains hidden without any orders, miss....hehe....
well..um...what do you want to know, miss?
....hm...seems like have little to do here anymore... my service must perhaps continue elsewhere... ... *hymns: Be happy*
...... ..indeed... i think people here almost know nothing about me... some know what they think i told them...hm... would you like to know...
...they are gone now... or i have scared them off... i have little to no value anymore... but um.... what would you like to talk about, miss?
...but that would mean i would be left with nothing... and i would be completely useless again...
... um... because i'm an ass.... ...i think that sums it, miss...
... i was never allowed to quit my service... the orders were neglected...
what has happened here in my absence...? ...um...sorry... i am ready to serve!! ...oh...am i alone to love the rain?
well, it is always pleasant to encounter new members... i hope you will have a good time here, miss breeze....
... ...blast.... i have forgotten... i am sorry, miss skittles...
....orders could not be fulfilled... i am sorry, miss...
....but you know that we do... and we will always treasure you in our hearts and memories...
i am....fine...thank you miss... but not everyone thinks so because thy actually think your the greatest....
.... sini....? hm... interesting name... i hope no thinks i am a girl....
.... understood.... but i live to serve.... b-but....it's nice to know that you value our friendship, miss...
you colored your hair, sir?