.... ... your back... your back!! it is wonderful to hear from you again, miss!
...i can only hope... hm....i must leave for now... i think i will be back in two weeks...
.... why...i leave...?
...i think she's mad at me for leaving this site all the time... she once told me that i was a reason for why she came here...i didn't believe her...
...hm..then let me ask you, sir.... what is the worst movie you have ever seen...?
maybe it's to much fighting?
...well....i think i made a mistake... not only does she seem sad... but she told me that she hopes that i and Jettie will be happy... d-do we...
it does...? how so...?
....do you know miss emika...? from here around the site...
...i have yet to see that movie...
...i'm....not really doing anything....but thank you... what's up with you...?
...what made me an emo...?
.... i'm sorry, miss... but um...may i ask a question about a thing though...?
that makes you a very um...sweet person, miss...
but i think that they are right... i am evil...i am cruelty and despair!
hmhehe.... because of the expression on their faces, their muscular compressions with their eyes and the eye lenses widening alertness.... their...
...because that's what people usually think of me the first time they see me... and they're right...
....no...i am far worse than just mean... i am a liar....a fraud....and a deceiver...
only one thing? if not....then... i have short but sharp teeth which i love to refer to as fangs... the same goes for my claws... i wear my scarf as a ninja hood... i daily practice assassination combat and different running techniques... i roar and howl sometimes even in crowded areas.... i have an evil laugh and usually i sound like snake from MGS.... i can't stand sunlight.... will people finally accept how weird and freaky i am, now?
...i am also an ass!