Search Results

  1. sinister
  2. sinister
  3. sinister
    Profile Post

    .... why...i leave...?

    .... why...i leave...?
    Profile Post by sinister for jettie, Feb 14, 2009
  4. sinister
  5. sinister
  6. sinister
    maybe it's to much fighting?
    Profile Post by sinister for lil woj, Feb 14, 2009
  7. sinister
  8. sinister
    Profile Post

    it does...? how so...?

    it does...? how so...?
    Profile Post by sinister for lil woj, Feb 14, 2009
  9. sinister
  10. sinister
  11. sinister
  12. sinister
    ...what made me an emo...?
    Profile Post by sinister for lil woj, Feb 14, 2009
  13. sinister
  14. sinister

    that makes you a very um...sweet person, miss...
    Post by: sinister, Feb 14, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. sinister
  16. sinister
  17. sinister
  18. sinister
  19. sinister
    only one thing?
    if not....then...
    i have short but sharp teeth which i love to refer to as fangs...
    the same goes for my claws...
    i wear my scarf as a ninja hood...
    i daily practice assassination combat and different running techniques...
    i roar and howl sometimes even in crowded areas....
    i have an evil laugh and usually i sound like snake from MGS....
    i can't stand sunlight....

    will people finally accept how weird and freaky i am, now?
    Post by: sinister, Feb 14, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. sinister
    Profile Post

    ...i am also an ass!

    ...i am also an ass!
    Profile Post by sinister for jettie, Feb 14, 2009