uhh....48 i think why???
i'm so bored that i stuffed myself with sour lifesavers gummies and now i have an awful stomachache :(
lol i had that song stuck in my head 4 quite a while but eventually i got it out and although sometimes it gets annoying its pretty catchy
yeah good point and he may have done mistakes but with it he brought the country down 2 so it stil makes him bad and a few good things can't rly make up 4 it
i had to favorite it on youtube and den i downloaded it and put it on my ipod and i can't stop listening to it :)
yeah it left like huh??? and then i was like question question question but i was like oh well so many questions no answers so i was like hmmmm this is an amazing book if it has left me thsi stumped the sequal also left me a bit stumped but not as much as the first one
woah somebody's really obsessed and i thought me writing jason davis on every page of my math notebook was bad that right there is just incredible
..................* 2 speechless 2 say anything so runs away 4 a freeze pop and hides in corner* yup of course u guys count its only fair wow i luv da song now 2 :)
thanks for the link i'll have to check it out
just noticed what the green scrolling letter said and lemme just say that i luv dat quote if u came up with it ur a genious =)
unfortunately i haven't played kh2 yet but it does look like more fun
lol wish i could've been there my school has never read it together and i have a feeling some guys actually liked it but were being to "cool" to admit it cuz its such an awesome book
I"ve read that book for like the 3rd time and i can't help but 2 fall in luv wit it every time cuz its such a well written book and everytime i finish it leaves me so thinkative and quiet cuz i'm just stunned by it and the same thing happened with Love, Stargirl the sequal is also incredible 2
yeah makes sense :) and like the last part yeah i agree to what allison said so guys just do what she says
isn't that cuz ur a guy >__>
well if guys can express their pain on not having a gf so can girls and yeah i've never had a boyfriend boyfriend they've asked but i've said not cuz they werent my type
i luvvv da colors they looks so cool and flowing nice Job :D
yeah what the title says i have no idea what highschool i wanna go 2 but i noe i wanna try to go to yale college/ university
yup my phobia is bugs and going in front of people ( well not so much any more) and my worst fear is losing all friends and being alone