sounds good can't wait to hear the rest
yeah my friend has emo bangs and she wears a lot of black eyeliner so people label her as emo but she is the total opposite she is always happy and cheerful and extremly colorful and yeah its annoying but we all tend to do it without noticing
Luv this thread cuz i luv quotes:P mutual attraction + knowing favorite color = a boyfriend, girlfriend realtionship - me and my friend kt
mkay well they are everywhere and its impossible to get rid of them but what is your personal opinion on them? i sort of hate them but i tend to label people sometimes but its not bad like some people. labeling is quite common in middle school and high school and its is quite annoying because its pointless what is your personal view on labels?
i'm 50% mexican and 50 % american quite a boring person rly
ummm yeah i realized that but this wasn't me who i was talkin about its part of a story thing i'm writing 0.o
please CnC this :) thanks Dear Anonymous Boy, I know that I haven’t written to you for quite a long time and for that I sincerely apologize. There have been so many things going through my head that I don’t know where to begin. Well I guess I should start with the most important one, which is how I’m currently feeling. I get this feeling quite a lot and it always bugs me because it’s a feeling that makes me all confused, upset, and frustrated. It’s a feeling that is indescribable and undesirable. It normally takes me days and days to figure out why I have that feeling but today I think I know why. It could because He isn’t talking to me or because the feelings I have for Him are returning. I believe it’s a mix of both but who knows. A few days ago when I realized that those feelings for Him were inching their way out of the place I locked them I got freaked. I knew they were there all along but I was refusing to acknowledge them for reason you know best. An easy way to get rid of them was to poison myself with dishonesty yet I realize know that it doesn’t quite work. He was the only guy I had so badly liked that it was impossible to take him out of mind but I knew that through hard work I would get rid of him and in my heart he would be replaced. For the days that followed after coming to my senses and accepting that those feeling were back instead of thinking about Him I thought about someone else. I thought that if I daydreamed about another I would slowly accept that I didn’t like Him any more but had merely moved on. It worked, well sort of because I slowly started to really think that I liked this other guy. Happy of discovering a way to rid those feeling I had for Him I kept going on with it until yesterday. I had not talked to Him in forever so I barely took any notice of him. I was talking to the guy I was beginning to like and suddenly a feeling of total nervousness and love swept over me. I could no longer hear what he was saying but was mesmerized by his enchanting blue eyes. It was the most amazing feeling ever and I was wondering whether I had really been poising myself with dishonesty. Maybe I did like this guy after all and not Him but was being tricked by so many feelings. I felt like I was on top of the world when He showed up. Everything just collapsed and I was no longer on top but back down to reality where He exists in my life and I don’t exist in his. All my hard work had gone down the drain because He was back and I knew things would be same.
well people told me to and when someone's new i tell em 2 too but its like eeh whatev ya noe cuz its all pretty simple don't swear or say n e thing offensive and u keep learning them as go along so no i never read them and don't really plan to
awww muffin that is so effin sweet *sigh* wish i had a bf :( oh well its okay being single :P
well i never really thought about it but its one of those stories where there is a good guy and a bad guy and sora was the good guy and org 13 was the bad guy and well like most stories the good guys win so yeah....but you do prove good points :)
i watched it and iono it was okay not hilarious but not sucky either just inbetween :)
my first friend on the site was tummer73 :)
aww dat must rly suck poor nobodiesshadow :( *gives big teddy bear and enormous choco chip chip cookie* iono losing all my friends i guess..
u wanna b a lawyer or some kinda doctor hmm..... always thought u'd be an abercrombie model or something :P j/k
fine sora13 that video was a sorta (*cough*cough* really)messed up but funny :)
hey no prob its okay yeah i've had crushes and da thing is that then i tell my friends and they tell the guy so it all spills and it never works but its sad cuz there are guys who like me and wana go out yet i'm way picky well iono maybe i just don't feel ready
well u haven't talked to me at all till i called u 2day so no i don't <3 u i hate u but like i said its a good hate :)
yeah that seems a bit far fetched
lol.... um okay can my prize b a big choco chip cookie????
ummm.... iono i was thinking of being thins punk pirate girl thing but i'm not sure cuz i'm not goin to be trick or treating so i might not even dress up