ur writing is just idk how to explain so full of meaning and feeling its hard not to love it and some of ur poems may be sad but being sad is part of life so i find ur writing to be intriguing
wow this is also funtabulous from all the poems i've read it seems as though some idiotic boy hurt u rly bad :( stupid fool ( if my theory is true) he missed out on a magnificent and wonderful poet :)
awww i luv it 2 :) i'm running out of compliments cuz they're awesome and i don't wanna say the ame thing over and over but this is jus spectacular
wow somehow ur writing never fails to amaze me yay i luv dis one 2 ur a phenomenal poet sad poem but i luv da ending Fabulous :) <3 this poem very much
wow another splendid masterpiece wish i could relate 2 this poem 2 but i haven't that perfect somebody *sigh and put heads down*
yup but hey its life it was a pretty sad stage though and thanks 4 sharing the cookie *nibble nibble*
omg that was so beautiful i luv it its perfect i can so relate to this beautiful mastrpiece *starts tearing sniff sniff* *gives catch the rain a big cookie for awesome writing skills*
*scratches head with confused look* that was really hard 2 understand took me a while to get it
yup they're not so bad i like the choices i said cuz i imagine edward as kinda young but extremely hot not all hot and no boy or muscle and i like alexis bendal ( ithink thats how u spell it) for bella
yup after i finsihed i was like *sigh* wish i had an Edward and for everyone wondering about the movie here is a link with the actors they have in mind http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/twilight_movie.html i sorta like Jackson Rathbone, and Logan Lerman for Edward but i doubt anyone can pull him off and i luv da possablilities for Rosalie and yup just chck out the page
OMFGosh i luv that book LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! i finished it yesterday and i was like on the edge of my seat the whole time cuz it so amazing i can't wait 2 read the sequal i like begged my mom to buy it cuz i luved it it is the most phenomenal book ever i could like talk about it 4ever :P OMG there is gonna b a movie *sigh* that kinda sucks cuz movies tend to ruin the image of the book :( they don't always put in everything and the actors don't always look like how they're described
i like the part on the left its nice but the part on the right eh iono could be a bit better but for 6 minutes it pretty good just work on the right part a bit more :)
thanks and ummm i believe u dont' have kh-vids rite on ur siggy but n e way i think u noe how this story ends :(
yes but i don't watch it cuz it doesn't have cable :(
can i join and be hmmmmm........lil baby sister or iono i'll keep thinking
that is a bit mean :( please don't say that cuz i noe mentally disabled people and its a bit offensive luv it mite use it 4 a bookmark :)) i luv dis thread cuz quotes are the most awesome thing ever <3
well it really depends on the teacher cuz last year i hated social studies cuz i had a stupid teacher but this year i have an awesome teacher so i luv it and i got exceptional teachers this year so i don't hate any subject well i hate my reading and lang arts teacher but the suject i like cuz i luv writing
poor u sounds like a sucky day i had to leave early cuz i got sick and was stuck watching soap operas with grandma tsk tsk tsk
they're all really good my fav one is the one with sora its really good do u have a deviantart acc cuz if u do i'll fav dat one 4 sure :)
llluuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvv it !!! :D