well when i'm sad i like to be sad like just get the whole emotion out so i listen to anything really depressing or just music that has a sad topic even though it could be really catchy but as long as the topic is sad like yesterday i cried cuz i got upset in this one part from new moon so i listened to heels over head by boys like girls cuz the topic was about the girl leaving him and him hoping for her to return which what i cried about in the book so i get me more sad but i eventually got a bit happy
mkay thanks and dude chill i won't get raped i'm always around places WITH A LOT OF PEOPLE i doubt ppl will try to rape me and no i didnt' think it would happen but it did and u HAVE to come to one of our games to see me plz mkay luvs ya and will u go online soometime
Peanut Butter Jelly and...................... Bananas
mkay :) GO LINCOLN WIDLCATS COME ON LETS GO!!! YAY!!! hmm i think candy should gimme a lil more spirit....* off to get sweets
thanks big sis iike i said i'll try but its hard cuz they like say it around u one girl even pushed me cuz she was upset and its liek geez i can't help it that i have talent and u don't so control ur attitude
yeah that really sucks :(
here are my halloween pics :D yeah thats sora 13 with me and in the first pic its fall_out_girl :D
yup i agree and well i can be superficial which is something i hate bout me but when i saw the list i was like are u 4 real cuz it wasn't like the past years all skinny and pretty this time it was diverse and i was like well i guess this years coach really bases ur spot on talent and brain cuz if had low grades she wouldn't let u try out she has a big thing on school
thanks that really made me smile :D
lol no prob and yea i'll try not to but its hard cuz they make it sound like i don't deserve to be there and some popular girls who did make it kept giving me dirty glances :( but i'll try to be happy after a cheerleader always has to be happy
purple carrots??? how weird.... never heard of em till now
OnE wOrD : Octopous!!!
thanks you means a lot ur awesome :D
mkay well today was the first day me being at skool since they announced who made it in cheerleading and it was horrible out of 74 girls i was the lucky 20 who made it and the thing is that the majoriy of the girls hwo tired out were popular and pretty and skinny so when they found out that some not so pretty girls made it they got mad and started talkin smack and were like they only made it cuz they sucked up to the teacher they are all ugly and fat andi felt upset cuz they mentiioned my name and so in order to be a cheerleader do u have to be a skinny blonde model or is it the talent that counts? what do u think about this ???
mkay and u took 4ever to get bak on da phone :( oh well it ok
no prob people like you should be recognized cuz ur writing has me crazy its something real amazing please keep writing cuz its awesome and i hope we can become best buddies :D
yeah when i'm the saddest all these amazing words come to mind and form something beautiful and when i'm happy i don't know but its like i don't seem to care as long as i'm happy is all that matters so not mnay things will come to mind only sometimes
well i luv writing and i look up to people who are fascinating writers like u but i'd have 2 say ur the first who has really got my attention cuz ur masterpieces are beautiful so i look up 2 u and sry but i've officially made u my older sis and role model cuz ur an amazing person well i'm not sure well i'm sure u are an awesome person but i hardly know u yet ur writng is incredible
yup totally understand geesh i'm in luv wit ur writing cuz it so phenomenal and i can relate to some ro at least understand the feeling
sry if i keep complimenting so much but once i saw the first one i loved and i knew u had more so i kept looking and once i love one i can't stop and end up loving all the rest cuz writing is the most amzing thing ever and i believe u have an amazing talent