lol i like it its funny but i don't get the ending what did riku do to sora?
hmm...if you really like it why re-rent it just buy it :) aww dat is soo cute cin ur not gonna say no to the cute lil kitty are ya
well this is another one it okay but what do you think? No Title Everyday I'm full of sorrow and everyday I cry, which is why my heart is hollow. Yet I still try. Even though I get in trouble my hopes are still high. I'm no longer in my bubble and people wonder why. He had me like a puddle because I would always cry. Now i have someone to cuddle someone I can call mine.
well i was attempting to write a poem and i came up with this i don't think its very good but i don't know what do you think? EnoughI sit in my room as I hear the screaming begin. I listen to my ipod raising the volume knowing I won't win. I hear the glass break and rush to the door Just in time to see a knife on the floor. I rush to my mom's side pleading her to speak as my dad tries to pull me away telling me to not freak. I free myself from his grip to get the cell phone. I dial 911 and tell them to hurry as I hear someone moan. I rush back to my mom only to see my dad dead beside her. I fall to my knees and I feel the pain in my heart burn. It is hard to believe that in a flash both of my parents are gone. Something is buzzing in my hand and i look down to see the phone. I ignore the call because nothing can be more important than this. I grab a piece of glass and I try to cut my vein but miss. Instead I have made a long gash next to my wrist. I cry in dispair and continue to cut myself because I just can't resist. The pain of my wounds is nothing compared to the pain of my loss. The police arrive and take me to their boss. The boss takes the piece of glass away and sends me to a nurse. I go to the nurse knowing that life is a curse. Three days later I am with a shrink who I really hate. She is upset because I have arrived late. I tell her that she can't help because I am mentally dead. She writes some notes down and nods her head. I get up and without a word I leave. Conclustion to My life: I'm alone and dead. Day and Night I walk around seeking physical death, something I will never get. I continue to cut myself because i have no life and no family. I'm forever waiting the day to serve the same fate as my parents. But while i'm confined in these white walls no matter what I do it won't be enough...
yes in episode 4 i was way creeped out and i've seen all 8 and i don't get it like what the fudge is wrong with him its weird and creepy and disturbing and now i feel very weird :( *runs to hide*
yeah its pretty funny 2 i knew you would know bout it cuz 4rm ur former icon :P
i was at sora 13's house with fall out girl and she wanted us to watch this thing on youtube that was called salad fingers it was way weird and a bit disturbing yet u wanted 2 keep watching cuz of curiosity have any on you seen it??? if not just go to youtube type in salad fingers and watch episode 1
my hasn't gotten closed .......yet it probably will though =P
!. Boys Like Girls 2. Fall Out Boy 3. Sum 41 4. Simple Plan 5. Blink 182 6. Linkin Park These are just the ones i listen to the most :P there are A LOT MORE :D
Well it doenst matter much cuz avatar and kh are pretty distinguishable so if avatar copied kh oh well proves that the ppl who created it were just lazy but its not a rly big deal.....but nice observation :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy birthday !!!! :D
yeah guess ur rite maybe i don't like that person as much but there will always be a small part of me that has those feelings but what does it matter its not like he cares and i'd just hurt myself more besides rite now i sorta like twizzy and i wanna b his friend cuz he is awsome but yeah ur rite that person is still deep sown somewhere but hey i'm living in the present so oh well :D
lex y u being so sad??!!! like cheer up buddy :D
*clap clap clap* u never fail to amaze me fabulous poem CtR =D
OMG i wuvv ur avy i'm so gonna steal it :P
OMG that had me on the verge of tears :( that was such a beautiful poem and it was like about love and a guy wrote it which is just like wow cuz it has such a powerful meaning its awesome :) btw who is the lucky person? and u sure u okay cuz if not i noe how u feel maybe i can help u
wowzers awesome reminds me of isabella and edward in new moon btw i cried in the part where he left her i was like a wet mess :((
well although it made be hard to believe especially for me it seems as though that person "HIM" is out of my heart i no longer like him cuz fortunately i've been able to move on so i don't have to tell anyone anything well for now anyway cuz i'm bound to crush on someone b4 the year is over :P
yay another poem luvs ya its beutifully written *gives Ctr a big hug and best poet award* =D
aquamarine angel is my cuzin but she NEVER goes on and i have !. Tummer73 2. Ultimate Sora 3.Fall_Out_Girl 4. Aquamarine Angel 5. Sora 13 and i think i also have Catch the Rain