yeah you know about mine and mine were short but i tried all except binge didn't work out and so now all i do is skip a meal and do a bit more excercise but yeah thats all and i'm confused as to why you started this thread =o
hmm idk lose weight ( doubt it i always end up gaining instead of losing) and be a better daughter, friend, cousin, neighbor,yadi yadi yada and iono make this year the best year ever
i've gots like 6hrs more :( oh well hope u all have a funtabulous NEW YEAR !!!!!! :):):):):) yay new year new beginnings
hihi yeah uh what sora 13 said read rules yada yada yada but ummm ...... we're friends???? waffle?
huh??? but....but...but the story isnt over why are they taking him away ??????
OMG i totally <3 the new look it is awesome!!!!! Happy 2nd Birthday Kh-V :)
Username: Very Berry Render (image Link) : a pic of kairi and namine in kh2 please Font: Big enough to see Scalelines(yes/no): What size (default 400x125):default Backround color: different value pinks and reds Text: It Will never Be Enough Text Placement: Bottom Left Other (any place or person you want in background) :if possible put sora/roxas in the middle like between kairi and namine Thanks :)
awww i didn't see this thread i made one a while ago with the smilar question *sigh* guess mine is going to get closed :(
well i'm part of this family but i don't post cuz i don't rly know what to post and it may be part of the reason i still don't have my sig so hi everyone
agreed wish 8th grade never came but whatev it hink u noe my answer to that question
What is on Your Christmas List? So christmas is coming what is on your xmas list? me : * guitar hero III for Ps2 * Twilight * New Moon * digital camera * Abercrombie Sweater * and thats it for now
they do but they don't know anything about and i've tried explaining but they don't really care
yup i'm considered young cuz i'm only 13 but so many times have i wished to be 4 or 3 again where i had no worries and all i cared about was playing where i had no choices to make *sigh* i really really really miss that life of which i remember nothing of
i believe mine is the precious and beautiful ruby :P
Nice it actually does look some what like sora 13 :D
its good but maybe change the color of the second verse cuz it was rly hard to read otheriwse nice job
LOVE it they cheered me up keep drawing more doodles
this a short story that i wrote in the middle of the night when i couldn't sleep its not good cuz i havent perfected it but what do you think ? I tried to control it but I just couldn't resis. He was upset and miserable and it was all my fault. I couldn't forgive myself for hurting him and the knife was right there, innocently calling my name. I fought against the urge to useit but it was too strong. I grabbed the knife and stared at it for a long time. Seeing no reason to wait I began. Cut. Cut. Cut. The blood gushed out and began flowing down my hand. Ahhhhh. The pain made me feel good. It felt like I was doing the right thing, after all I had hurt him much worse that what i was doing to myself. I headed to the bathroom and quickly cleaned my mess and the evidence. Then I looked at the cuts. So perfect yet painful to at at. What have I done? I can't start this now. I don't want it to happen again. If I get caught I'llb e taken to that crazy lady again. NO! STOP! This is not right and i mustn't do it again. But... wait nothing will happen if no one finds out. Besides its winter and I'm always wearing sweaters. What no one knows can't hurt right? After all it is my life you know.
cuz its "entertainment" and cuz i'm in middle school my skool gets soo picky i mean even pbs is blocked we can only use it 4 homework but then it blocks all these sites when we're researching *sigh* stupid ppl
that was fabulous luv it ! it totally cheered me up :) NICE JOB!