no its actually spelled serinuh weird i know and yeah it was interesting i regret not having my camera with me lol mkay and i finally remembered my password :) yay btw <3 the avy
hmmm...i love hershey's almond and ferrero rocher ( idk how you spell it ) but i really will eat any chocolate as long as it doesn't have any weird feelings and i hate dark chocolate
i don't think any of you care but i was hanging out with my friends yesterday and well we met with these two other girls serinuh and nancy. anyway you can't tell serinuh she can't do something because she will prove you wrong by doing it so my friend accidentally said she couldn't pull down his pants and she got mad so she chased him all around the house trying to pull his pants off. when she got to the front yard she put him on the ground and went on top of him trying to take his pants she didnt get to far because me and the rest of my friends stopped her but she had the belt off and was close to getting the pants off it was a really funny yet horrific sight but yeah that's it and the person who got "violated" is someone most of you know but i won't say anything unless he lets me but yeah toodles people
its nice i really like it :) but maybe you would like to make the hair a bit more natural looking like i don't know flowy but otherwise its really nice *gives big A+ and cookie*
well that's just nice alex really nice each their own i pretty much like most groups form fuled by ramen i believe it is because i hang out with 4 crazies who are nuts about those groups like one wants to do all the guys in panic i find it sad but then again i want william so i just keep my mouth shut and follow along :P how is is personal?!?!? but *sigh* whatev * looks for phone and attempt to remember numbe*r j/k know your number by heart * dials*
i thought we had this straight you learn to type normal and maybe i'll have some clue to whate the L your saying and i'm saying happy b day cuz....oh your know what nvm it shoudl be pretty obcioius why
try listening to some of their songs they really aren't that bad i mean if you like fall out boy and panic you might actually like them but to each their own opinion
aww that too bad i rly like them but its could be possible that its because i'm spazing over william he is my new obssesion icon for now :P
thanks every1 i'm glad you liked me poem i seriously think i'm a sucky writer but writing is the really the only way i'm able to express my self so i try but either way thanks :)
mkay just sorta random but today is William Beckett's Birthday the hottest most gorgeous guy ever so Happy Bithday William Beckett!!!! btw. if you don't know who he is he is the lead singer from The Academy Is...
mkay bye can't wait to see the poems u write if u decide to post them
yeah i post my poems on another site and if i see that people kind of like them then i post them here to see what other poeple think
well that is how it can start as you keep progressing i'm sure you will find a way to improve it and modify it with something that pleases you
here is another poem i wrote quite a while ago i'm not really happy with it because i think it sucks but what is your opinion???? In my life there is a path in which I walk alone. I have no one beside me and am always on my own. Everytime I fall I have no one to whom I can turn. Mistakes and heartbreaks are all I will ever learn. I wish to have someone to catch me when I fall. A person that is there everytime I call. My life is a big blank where everything stays the same. I was not always like this and he is the one to blame. He came and all he did was break my heart into pieces. I was condemend to do as he pleases. Scarred and hurt was the way in which he left me. I guess we were just never meant to be. My looks were all he had ever admired. But of them he eventually got tired. He left me all alone and miserable. So long was this yet the pain is still visible. Now I have no one left except you, So tell me you will be my friend and that all of this is true. I know that you love me and I'm sorry because I can't love you back. It is because of him that love is what I lack. Sorry you had to be second but please please don't go. I need you in my life now that it is so cold.
no....>.> Ctr is a girl and she is also a magnificent writer i think you should try to learn a little bit more about the people on this site especially the well known important people but anyway glad you've decided to write some poems i can't wait to see them good luck!
yeah! she's written some really exquisite poems it has been forever since i have been on the site and i'm not sure if she still does but yeah i love her writing its fabulous
yeah i don't consider myself good at all this poem i know its good but its really quite nothing to other writing i've seen especially on this site we have some fabulous writers....Ctr
thanks and if you really like writing then don't give up all writers at one point suck i mean i've looked at my past pieces of writing and they were all poop
this is a poem i made a few days ago i already posted it on another website and people were pleased they just said to add commas and periods which i will get to but besides that what do you guys think about it I saw you across the hallway And thought I lost my mind For love at first sight I never Meant to find Yet there you were long shaggy Black hair and gorgeous golden eyes Just the sight of you caused my stomach To burst into butterflies You smiled at me and I noticed That you had adorable dimples I quickly touched my face feeling For any pimples You continued to look in my direction And began to walk towards me I forgot how to breathe and my head hurt As if I had fallen off a tree Then you stood in front of me with that Magnificent smile plastered on your face Your hand rubbed against my cheek And it felt smooth and silky like lace Suddenly everything all around me stopped Moving and I was no longer in school I wanted to let you know that I loved you Yet I stood motionless like a fool I looked into your eyes and bit by bit you Kept getting closer never losing my gaze Your gorgeous golden stare had me Paralyzed and fazed Then your lips touched mine and we Kissed as only a couple can I no longer saw you as a boy like the rest But as a man A man I could love and cherish Forever not having to worry That one day you could leave me Being able to always kiss those lips of cherry So remembering this special day of ours On which we met I ask a very important Question will you be my valentine this Day of love my love?