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  1. Styx
    Time for the annual "taking this shit seriously" CnC.

    I've always like Jayn's style and she does not disappoint this year. Even without knowing what they reference, if anything, both pieces intrigue me. The first piece suggests an entire story in as few as three images. I also like how they are neatly divided between filling up the heart and filling a half each. Gives the whole thing a sense of...completeness (struggling to find the right word here to be honest). The second piece is beautifully dark, enticing the viewer out of their comfort zone. Using static before restarting the loop was a very good choice. The transitions in both pieces may come slightly too fast, but that is just a minor complaint. When compared to last year's pieces though, Jayn managed to rise above herself. That's good; I like artists that grow.

    Trigger Warning
    It's always interesting when an artist takes an existing image and lets his imagination run wild with it, but in Trigger's pieces, the results have been very hit-or miss. Changing the emphasis of a color scheme from blue to red may seem like a minor alteration to some, but it carries a lot of implications. Raiden's blue-dominated scheme was there for a reason. Nevertheless, the first piece hit the mark. Changing from cold blue to aggressive red, in addition to the phrase in the center, has further intensified Raiden's gaze and gave it a whole new meaning. It did not work, however, in the second piece. The original image, with its dull and dreary colors, conveyed every sentiment it was supposed to. Changing the atmosphere from "Holy crap!" to "Hi, wanna play?" feels like a loss of meaning rather than a logical change.

    I remember I saw a bunch of images similar to What?'s first piece last year: hero(ine) looking badass with fancy colors and maybe a quote or other phrase surrounding them (usually in rectangular form). I also remember that I usually had at least something to nit-pick on in those pieces, but What? gives me no such opportunity. I have no idea where this character is from (I hardly ever do these days...entirely my fault) or why she's holding her sword like that, but she can now say that she has a slick-looking background to go with her.
    Alas, my Russian isn't what it used to be (actually it is, and I'm not even 100% sure it's Russian) but the second image is a remarkable one, and elevates my impression of What?'s work from "solid" to "fucking niiiiiiiiiiiiice". It seems to unfold like a theater. I somehow associated the arrows (unfortunate transition notwithstanding) with missiles, and I was soon reminded of the USSR, which I hope was the intention. It looks surprisingly light-hearted for the implied serious themes, but it all adds to the power of the piece in thie case. A bit of English text to give an ignoramus a clue would have been nice though.

    A great first piece: blunt in its disturbing nature but discreet in what it shows and tell and what it doesn't. Only half of the entire frame is anything other than black, which I could attribute to laziness in any other piece, but it adds to the subtlety of the picture here. The second piece is interesting but gives me little to comment on. The contrast between living in the shadow (darkness) and Thor's greatness (light) is clever and succeeds in making this piece more than just another depiction of good vs evil. Would have like to see the characters' expressions though. The entire image could (and maybe should) have been larger.

    muff monkey
    The reddish blot in the center should be calling the viewer's attention to the phrase and it does, which is why it's unfortunate why I had to peer so closely to disentangle it. Outstanding choice of image with the right facial expression, I only wish you wouldn't have cut off Sora's head. It was in this image, maybe because his face was so important here. The second piece was...odd. It fades on one side but not on the other and the bubbles don't seem to serve any purpose other than making the piece more complex. I quite like the colors chosen though. Muff monkey is by no means a bad or even an average artist, but I've seen better pieces in this thread.

    Vinyl Scratch
    Who'd have thought My Little Pony could look The image begs for a good beat to go with it since I was reminded of a booming club or dance hall. Just to nit-pick: switch the yellow and green in the "rainbow". It gives a more natural and logical color transition. Swell piece nonetheless, amusing and surprising in a good way. The same can be said about the second piece. Depicting the pony in a fetal position, thereby making the piece rife with (re)birth symbolism, is a bold and interesting approach to My Little Pony (now there's a sentence I never thought I'd say). Both pieces are different yet similar in their refreshing nature. I have a hard time picking a favorite between the two, which to me implies that the artist consistently delivers good work.

    I've seen some amazing things here and overall I liked these pieces better than last year's nominees (no offense to them). Jayn can curse the high expectations I have of her (not that she didn't meet them, quite the contrary), but I'm voting for the artist that most surprised me in a positive sense: Vinyl Scratch.
    (Besides, it's not like Jayn is gonna have a shortage of votes.)
    Post by: Styx, Aug 30, 2013 in forum: 2013
  2. Styx

    Best Poet

    If it's not too much trouble (and sorry for not having done this myself), I'd like my first poem to have bigger print. I think some people may not bother reading it otherwise.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 30, 2013 in forum: 2013
  3. Styx
    Nah, I don't think the situation there will improve anytime soon. Syria used chemical weapons, and the response from the West has been lukewarm at best (but not without reason. Solving these conflicts internally, every country for itself, is not an option I'd place big money on either. Successful protesters in one country still seem to inspire protests in another, and any government intervening drastically just pisses its people off even more. This isn't even going into neighboring countries or organisations that actually benefit from a lengthy conflict or the direction it is taking.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 27, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  4. Styx
    This last one was not your best, but still has more than enough brilliant moments to remain a solid piece. I dig how the tone in the piece gradually changes like a crescendo.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 27, 2013 in forum: Archives
  5. Styx
    I'm going to use this as my next pick-up line.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 27, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Styx
    By being a pure maiden. That's why we need innocous existences: as bait.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 26, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Styx
    Catching unicorns.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 26, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Styx
    Because she was into tough guys and nothing says "I'm badass" that being impaled by a nail and not being fazed by it. The "not being fazed" part was harder than expected though. She was really worried in fact, I thought it was sweet (and not at all like her usual tomboy self). We didn't hook up, but I got to see another side of her. It was worth it. But yeah, I was as clueless about women back then as I am now.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 26, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  9. Styx
    I like how these last two poems tell a tale with a message. They're like the parables of old in a modern new outfit. I especially dig the anti-climactic ending of "Are You Happy Now?". I ought to read the rest of your works sometime. Keep doing what you do!
    Post by: Styx, Aug 26, 2013 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  10. Styx
  11. Styx
    Ah, so here's your poetry thread. You know that I really like what I'm reading here. It's hard to pick a favorite, but "Lethal Yet Caring" is a masterpiece. Slick rhymes, lots of depth and boldly written. Keep it up, man!
    Post by: Styx, Aug 26, 2013 in forum: Archives
  12. Styx
  13. Styx
  14. Styx
  15. Styx
    I was about 10 when I went to the teacher's room, almost in tears, because a rusty nail had stabbed me in the foot.
    I did it on purpose to impress a girl I had a crush on.
    I don't remember how my mom found out but she went mental when she did.

    I didn't get into trouble all that often but I remember many instances where I did. Taking a shortcut through strangers' backyards (multiple times), throwing freshly picked grapes at people, dumping washing powder in the town square fountain at night (which wasn't all that long ago...), various April Fool's jokes, chucking dirt in my friend's neighbor's jacuzzi, several experiments involving small firecrackers, comparing the lunch lady to Hitler, getting up early to play video games and basically whenever my younger cousins did something because I was supposed to be the "responsible one". Some of the scoldings I received were fully deserved, but some not so.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 25, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  16. Styx
    I Refuse

    The body is an observable nothing
    With all its fleshy limiters
    Arrogantly deemed irrefutable
    How dare it pulse me into shirking
    When I’m only halfway there

    I’ll go beyond my inept self
    Incinerate the schedule’s paper brakes
    For if you can be defined in numbers
    Then it’s time to lose count
    I will not be a sum of parameters
    No matter how much truth they hold

    One more lap of addictive torture

    The naked verdict, seasoned in the salt of sweat
    Is that I am still organic weakness
    But within it gnashes an ache betraying
    That I prevailed nonetheless

    Comment: My new mantra for running laps.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 24, 2013 in forum: Archives
  17. Styx
    Basically the audience would crap a load in their hands and throw it towards the screen.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Styx
    They forgot to draw the manhole that represents tumblr.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Styx
    Leprechauns. Like the one on your shoulder right now.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Styx
    Oh come on, you weren't that nice.
    Post by: Styx, Aug 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone