Well sure, but the result is the same. I admit that giving Justin Bieber more attention than Syria or Sudan sounds horribly shallow, but what can we do? As ordinary folks, we have more of an impact on the entertainment industry than we have on international politics, precisely because the entertainment industry caters to us ordinary folks. He's just that little bit closer to what we can have an impact on. We can choose whether we worship or hate Justin Bieber, but we can't choose how many bombs will fall on Damascus. You can contribute to charity, but that's not mutually exclusive to talking about something entirely unrelated. Also man, there's no shame in being wrong every once in a while. Try to show a bit more grace when you lose an argument. It's no use getting upset.
Do cars pack pillows on the outside where you live? Because where I come from, driving at ridiculous speeds and under the influence does cause deaths. It's damn fortunate Biebs didn't cause any that night. Your idea of "they should be spending their energy on something useful" is horribly short-sighted. We could probably solve world hunger if we really wanted to, regardless of whether or not it precedes Bieber's deportation on the agenda. You might think "energy" has got anything to do with it, but that's not how politics works.
You don't mess with Putin. The Sochi Winter Olympics are to be his moment of glory, his chance of being able to present a spotless event after all the controversies his regime has endured. My guess is that he's not going to leave anything to chance.
The network apologized, he apologized, and that's that. He's not going to change his opinion, flawed beyond belief though it is. The longer you'll beat him up over it, the more you'll end up looking like the bad guy.
I admit that trolling theists stops being funny after 16 and that deliberately offending any group is in poor taste, but a photo such as this isn't worth getting worked up over. You're probably giving the person who posted this exactly what they want. Just because a text is sacred to some doesn't mean all of us should treat it that way. Expecting that is in itself disrespectful. If someone makes clear that something you hold dear is of no more value than a dinner plate to them, grow a spine and strut along. Yes, you may base your entire life off that book, but ask yourself this. Isn't the notion that the Bible's teachings in their entirety are being crapped on by a single picture a bit absurd? I'd say it is. If someone genuinely wanted to criticize your way of life, they'd attack the content rather than the package. So no, you are not entitled to feel offended any more than I would when someone showed me a picture of my family's heads on monkey bodies, or placed me in a phylogenetic tree next to the sponges.
It's just you; Drew Barrymore and Maculay Culkin aren't musicians to my knowledge. It mostly depends on their entourages. Bieber's problem is that he's surrounded by yes-men, including his own parents. Also, the two examples you mentioned are groups. There's the whole image thing. Bieber and One Direction were both originally cast as "boyfriends to die for". Bieber was allowed to let his image get redesigned into that of a bad boy the minute his entourage realized the credibility of his original facade had gone to the dogs anyway. With One Direction, things are more complicated. If one weak-willed member of the group turns out to be a less than ideal son-in-law, it would cast a cynical shadow of doubt over the entire band. Thus, said member (if any) would be kept in check, either by the rest of the band or by the label or whatever.
But then you could live the apocalyptic scenario instead of playing it! Minor inconveniences about being able to actually die aside, aren't games all about immersion these days?
I can sort of understand why your mother thinks it's weird that your father puts his hands on your chest.
Does it pass the Bechdel test?
I don't think any government can tie the internet down to a globally noticeable degree, let alone permanently. Simply put, the internet is provided by a number of corporations that won't hesitate to look abroad if a bill they sufficiently dislike threatens to pass.
I didn't make any. Never keep them up for more than a few weeks anyway.
Ariel the little mermaid.
Still mad at you for taking my toaster along to the grave, 2013.
The alcohol itself is often not nearly as interesting as the accompanying stories. I do hope you'll share these too.
- Impressions? - Is "no comment" a comment? - How's the weather where you live? - What did you get for Christmas (if you celebrate it)? Sorry if this question's been asked 1000 times before. - Are you the kind of person that leaves the best food on his plate for last? - All silly songs aside, what should we do with the drunken sailor?
Happy New Year, NSA! I know you're reading this so I might as well let you know that there's a nice fellow out there thinking about you right now. Good luck catching terrorists, guys! <3 Spoiler Also, I didn't really plant a bomb in the Chrysler building.
Wings Like Daggers This falcon circles ‘round a shoulder He’s no longer allowed to claim. I tire myself out twirling, mesmerized By a target that used to be more than just that. Bless the carnage you left, little one… I pluck myself, I hunt myself, I’ll Do the damnedest just to keep busy. I keep myself in the dark where there is less to fear, Obsessing over togetherness, Crying bitter tears over the corpse of sanity Even though we were never close. Would that I could spread these wings To anywhere but here. Alas, I’m still blocked by this monstrous cage: (This ribcage housing guts of little value) My daggers are deflected until Gashes laugh their red regret. Can’t I do this one thing right? The time I waste… Am I too sore to soar? The life I drink… I’m molting without hope of new feathers Can you forgive this battered bird? Hissing, roaring, producing Sounds not entirely his own. Wheezes scram from his blunted beak. Encapsulated and stricken is he, by paradoxal metal: The freedom he desires, He desires not to need. Not being able to leave Without knowing he’d be missed.
She doesn't have to be put in jail per se, but what she did was incredibly stupid. Teachers should keep a respectable distance with their students at all times, if only to increase the odds of being taken seriously. She'll have plenty of time to reconsider her career options in any case...
I'd like to think that I likely have a better grasp of how people think than someone who is much younger than me. That being said, I would never use those extra years of experience as an argument unless I actually did have experiences with the matter at hand.