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  1. Styx
    They have a word for that: "boss".

    Seriously though, people who are in a position with authority always seem more results-driven than the folks working for those people. Or does being results-driven increase your chances of acquiring such a position? Chicken-or-the-egg thing, I guess. Anyway, it's easy to forget that people aren't machines when your projects determine whether the company sinks or swims.
    Post by: Styx, Nov 7, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  2. Styx
    (For the sake of convenience I'm going to assume the deity in question is the Christian of Muslim god.)

    Neither. If he turns out to be real, I'd dislike him like a son would dislike a neglectful father. I can only speak from my frame of reference, but giving cryptic advice through a book and then getting pissed when we don't follow it to the letter is generally considered bad parenting. I'd return the favor in kind by ignoring him as long as possible.

    I choose this rather than joining any of the two groups because the outcome would be eternal damnation either way. Fighting God seems futile and as for repenting... Well, just because God would turn out to be real doesn't mean he is just in my eyes. I can't wrap my head around the fact that a sin of limited consequence (no matter how grave) is met with an infinitely lasting punishment. Again, I can only speak from my frame of reference, but who'd be to blame for that? There are several other rules imposed by God that I simply don't agree with because I've never been properly shown how I could be wrong. I can't with a straight face repent for this, and I trust God is clever enough to see through fake attempts.
    Post by: Styx, Nov 7, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  3. Styx
    Really puts my recent ebola infection into perspective, thanks.
    Post by: Styx, Oct 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Styx
    Try not to brie annoyed by it.
    Post by: Styx, Oct 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Styx
    Beatrix Kiddo would tell you to just wiggle it.
    Post by: Styx, Oct 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Styx
    Shadow Hearts: From The New World. Haven't played it in forever since I had gotten to the point where you had to do a million sidequests lest the final boss puts its foot up your ass. Didn't feel like it at the time, but I'm giving it another shot.
    Post by: Styx, Oct 9, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. Styx
    I remember a case where two Belgian bus drivers were sent to the Tanger prison for drug trafficking. One of them caught tuberculosis and both suffered severe psychological damage. That was 1996; this is 2014. It's sickening that things haven't improved a rat's scratch in almost two decades, and that's not even going into the nature of this Brit's "crime".
    Post by: Styx, Oct 9, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  8. Styx
    It's not as big of a deal as people are making it out to be, sure, but snarky images such as the one you posted are misleading regardless. You don't have to wade your finger through a patient's puke to get it, using a towel they used before you or sipping their drink can be enough. This can of course be avoided by minding your personal hygiene, but these indirect agents are often overlooked because "it doesn't live that long outside the body anyway".
    Post by: Styx, Oct 9, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  9. Styx


    I like them and I've seen them live once but I'm not a fan per se. I'm not up to date with their newest work, I think. My favourite songs are "Medicate" and "Girl's Not Grey".
    Post by: Styx, Oct 6, 2014 in forum: Music
  10. Styx
    I agree with Makaze and won't re-iterate what he already said.

    In addition, a designer needs both a mechanism and a purpose while natural selection only requires the former. I don't know whether this falls under "better" or "more likely" but either way, I think it's always better to have only one huge question to answer.

    What's the difference between a designer saying "And now I will let everything go its natural way..." and actually letting everything go its natural way? In other words; what is there to design?
    Post by: Styx, Oct 3, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  11. Styx
    How you feel isn't the only thing that matters. If you come to work with green stuff oozing from all your orifices, tissues in hand and saying you feel fine, you're not a fucking hero. You're an infectious barrel of disease that compromises the health of your coworkers.
    Post by: Styx, Apr 25, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  12. Styx
    A woman's lower spine has a more pronounced S-curve and is generally more flexible than a male's, in order to counteract the change in the center of mass during pregnancy.
    Post by: Styx, Apr 25, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  13. Styx
    I'm a primitive man child, so I had to work with a sanction system. Every time I broke my personal code, I'd donate to charity. This worked well for a time, until I realized how arbitrarily I started to apply it. I didn't feel like I deserved a "sanction" every time I made a decision I didn't completely like, which begged the question of what I should count and what was still somewhat acceptable. This proved a question too difficult to answer, so I tossed the entire system overboard. I don't have any alternative at the moment, but I don't think I quite need one. If I break a bad habit now, it's probably becaused I've been called out on it. You could argue that this is "too late", but I'd say it's better late than never. Nobody's perfect from the get-go, and as long as you're willing to turn your vices around, you should be given a chance to do so.
    Post by: Styx, Apr 25, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  14. Styx


    When you access Facebook or any site containing memes, you will get the feeling that the entire world revolves around the immensely popular show "Game Of Thrones". Of course, that means that people will talk about the past episode. There has, for instance, been a friend of mine with a status update which was literally nothing more than "X happens to Y", where Y is an important character in the show.

    I love Game Of Thrones! I love it so much that I don't watch it right away. I'd rather watch several episodes in a row because it would allow me to pick up on smaller things in the plot that I would otherwise miss (I'm a goldfish like that). Because there have only been two episodes of the new season so far, I did not in fact know that X would happen to Y.
    I've been meaning to call my friend with the aforementioned status update out for spoiling me on that, but first I want to know if I even have an argument against her.

    The main problem is that "A Song Of Ice And Fire" is quite old, and the story has been "out there" for quite a while. I'd be willing to bet a sizable amount of money that my friend would use that against me if I accuse her of spoiling me. "Go read the books then", I can hear her saying.

    I find this bullshit. I should be allowed to enjoy the story at my own pace and in the format I desire. I hardly read any fantasy books because of their tendency to describe every single setting in detail, and doing so in an excrutiatingly static manner. I've heard, from several people who have read the books, that "A Song Of Ice And Fire" is really no better in that regard. Plus, I'm a slow reader, so I might as well focus on stories that are unlikely to ever get an adaptation.

    Upon discussing the Harry Potter movies (of which I did read all the books), I'd always ask the other whether or not they've read the books before mentioning something that could be a spoiler. I call this "common decency" (aka "good form", aka "politeness", aka "manners").
    I understand that shutting people up about the subject would be too much to ask, which is why I won't. Unliking the GoT page on Facebook when the new season began was a very deliberate choice of mine. There are plenty of possibilities to discuss what you just saw without involving people who haven't watched it yet though. Notice the word "discuss". What's the added value in just blurting out "X happens to Y" anyway?

    To end my rant, I'd like to ask you the following questions:
    1) Am I allowed to complain even when the story itself is older? Am I at least making sense as to why I didn't jump at the story first chance I got?
    2) When is something still a spoiler? What would be an appropriate time frame in calling something a spoiler or not?
    3) Is it all just me, and should I get with the program and just watch the episodes as they are released?

    Feedback is appreciated, as always.
    Thread by: Styx, Apr 15, 2014, 7 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  15. Styx
    If you think your average teenager can hoodwink both his parents and a team of experts, think again.
    Post by: Styx, Feb 14, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  16. Styx
    On the contrary, I think giving the child itself a say in this is telling about how seriously we take death. You don't get to chug vodka when you're 8, there'll be time for that later. You want to join the army? In a few years' time son, if you're still up for it. These kids are suffering though, without any real hope for betterment. Better get to work on that! Do you see why this possibility to act quickly acknowledges how death and suffering are very serious issues? I hope you do, because I myself find this hard to explain. That's not even going into justifications by the way.

    And like I said, the child can't make the call by itself. Other than the parents, a team consisting of the medical personnel treating the child, two (I think) independent doctors and a children's psyciatrist have to give their A-OK. That's quite an entourage. We have as little faith in sick kids' maturity as you do.
    Post by: Styx, Feb 14, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  17. Styx
    Parental approval is indeed still a requirement for the procedure to even be considered.

    Then you can't really be against the bill, because euthanasia is always a case-by-case decision. The age restriction being removed doesn't mean that all new requests will be approved (far from it). It just allows these new requests to be made.
    Post by: Styx, Feb 14, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  18. Styx
    I'm surprised by how big this is. The news reached all the way to CNN because we're apparently the first country who does this (The Netherlands still has an age limit of 12...pansies).
    High-fives all around?

    Thread by: Styx, Feb 14, 2014, 9 replies, in forum: Current Events
  19. Styx
    I'm not well-informed about their alternatives, but at least they should have done it after closing time. Their argument of "transparency" seems weak. Parents will teach their children about the harsh realities of life when said kids are ready to process it. By executing the beast during visiting hours, you're giving them an incentive to do it prematurely. Scaring the hell out of some preschoolers can't be worth it.
    Post by: Styx, Feb 14, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  20. Styx
    I noticed. You seem to have been busy.
    Profile Post Comment by Styx, Feb 1, 2014