Oh hello. It's alright. Wow Lebanon nice! Hmmm no not really. What's it like? :P
Kuso Mesorogi (TV Size) - Yosei Teikoku
@Ienzo -haha especially when its the only thing I give my friends to eat when they visit. @The Hero of Time - nice one. so what happened next...
oh, that's good to hear. yeah.
okay just don't be ashamed .. wait what?
I just read your thoughts, correct?
okay okay okay sheesh. but does putting it on your face .... really need to be done.
Is that your excuse to try another adventure finn? I love it alot to. Depends sometimes cuz when my mum makes it turns out horrible or .. nice. ooooooh Where are you from? I see what you both did there.
lool hummuusss is witchcraft. @Finn the Human omg! no don't tell me you put it on your face!
humus? As in eating it?
I really like God of death. She seems to have quite a great character to her. I also really like the her design, especially the addition of the bones. You also did a great job on coloring her and creation God!
I suggest we pick a word and draw it .. then we post it up here just for fun! I know it might be a bit of a hassle but we can always talk about artisy stuff ... like if someone has a problem with using a specific art tool we can help give tips and all. :3
OMG DINNY ahdfahsfhasfha! <3 bonjour llave ^^/ Stay alive ppl! Let's keep this place more alive :3
Wow. Most of you guys are bilingual awesome. @Firekeyblade haha have we crossed paths before :P .... wait do you mean by that I look familiar to you?
Just 3 .... ....
Elaborate mr.argyle. :P
Thanks! umm yeah this thread will close now. *awkward*
Don't know if this is the right place .. or if this question was asked before. BUT how many languages can you speak? jus curious is all.
I still enjoy spongbob but what makes me still cling on it are the dubs. The french and many other dubs where just so funny to hear! The original is always the best though.
BAD NEWS (TV-Size) by TripleH