VOUS ÊTES ma personne préférée! hehe I'm doing fine ^^ how about you buddy?
its alright! i hope the mid terms went well for you dear. ahahaha omg candy is like a drug xD especially taffy ;] ahhh i can't wait to start...
haha that is actually the origin of my name! I love taffy I used to eat it every single day until my teeth went all bad so I had to fix them haha...
I will for now put a smile on my face! I promise! I have been drawing for almost my whole life .. ever since I was 7 :P Sadly I don't have msn...
Spam zone is a scary place actually. Can't seem to understand it yet. Can you recommend for me an rp's? wait rp stands for Role Play if I am correct? Where can I find them, in the role play section? :P THANK YOU BTW YOUR ARE GREAT FOR HELPING ME!! :3 \ MR PLUMS! I really like chatting to you to but its takes long for you to answer .. so maybe skype would be better since I wanna talk to you .. quicker :P ah this is embarrassing! Wise words indeed .. I will take that into consideration after obtained some courage and ease myself (anger side mostly) v_v' I never thought internet friends would be the same as the real life ones but at least that's something new I have learnt. THANK YOU FOR THE ADVICE AND HELP *cryin* \o/ I'M GLAD TO HAVE YOUR FRIENDSHIP MR PLUMS! LET US ALWAYS HANG OUT FOREVER K? Llave ce que le chouchou <3 I don't think you need to put yourself at fault .. I need to be more active and talk more to you. I need to start the conversation! Sorry! I gotta keep our string strong and attached. AND YOU ARE NEVER THAT ANNOYING POPULAR GUY WHO WANTS TO BE FRIENDS WITH EVERYONE.. DON'T THINK LIKE THAT. I WILL BE SAD! Just having you say that you love my art will allow me to continue posting .. to update you. No need for critique .. I just wanted to stop posting my art here cuz I don't want my art to show who I am on here only. I WILL NOT LEAVE after reading what you wrote I think I WILL NEVER LEAVE NOW! Je vous remercie beaucoup pour vos conseils!! V-V <3 Wow, is something like this going on! I will definitely love to join! aahh thank you! =^^=/ I love to help out with events so I will definitely find them .. I think its in the home page. haha singing .. i know i suck but I wanna give it a go! Skype chat! I want to join! haha if they bite I will .. since skype is a bit of a quick answer chat place so I feel more like myself. My skype is Taffyvib. Thank you Halcyon for your help <3 Really made me happy! I would like to get to know you! Its always a pleasure to meet new friends! I will not be discouraged anymore, thank you! ahaha I will still need a bit more understanding of this world before throwing myself out there but I will try. I will follow you now, Peace and war. Nice to meet you! :3 MISTY! WOW HELLO THERE! I would love to join these projects, for the fun and to meet people. Yes, always will squeeze some time to work on them! AH thank you so much for the compliment you are also very talented in graphics! love your displays pictures all the time! <3 True, learning is from your mistakes and others. I will keep my active friends close always! Thank you for your post Misty, really put a smile on my face. Your an amazing and inspiring person, you know that right? We are now friends DOC. Nice to meet you. I am always here to talk about your problems and concerns! ARTIST BUDDIES FTW WAHOOO :D
Hello new friend! ofcourse yes please! I certainty turned that frown upright after your message! Thank you! Let us then be art buddies. We can...
I actually am feeling sick now haha. MR PLUMS giving me your msn is indeed a great thing to happen but sadly I don't use msn .. skpye would be...
The problem is actually I don't know how to do those stuff correctly .. either I will turn out to be a total idiot infront of everyone .. or just be ignored like last time. I kind of feel this place is like my ****** class where people ignore me for no reason. Don't get the wrong Idea .. I am a very happy and cheerful person to talk to in real life got no problem with that. I just can't seem to do it right online .. don't know the rules or something. They just leave me in the end although we can always talk just after a click .. is how I see it.
Don't really know what to do anymore on KHV.
I mean I love it here and all but when problems in my life come about and destroy my time on the internet for many months, this is why I disappear most of the time. I tend to drop by on KHV but have no one to talk to my problems to. I just have no one to talk to on here a place where I really was introduced to the forum world many years ago. I feel I am not wanted here as well so I am sadly stopping with posting my art work on the traditional art forum because that is not why I come on here only to post my art. I wanna meet more people on KHV and get to talk to about my problems in life. I mean I think some of my friends might have forgotten or left me for some strange reason. I always want to talk and message alot! send lots of love as well. I don't know what to do, I don't want to leave KHV at all but what reason is there to stay if you have no friends to talk to anymore... I'm actually scared to go back and talk to them .. they might think I'm some person that goes and comes only when I want help. But that's not the point! Damn, I'm bragging alot about it huh.. God I don't even know if this is the right place to put my thoughts! I was never to angry or concerned before in my life .. but I guess internet friends are special in my heart. I'm in a stage in my life where I can choose to live outside in the real world but I would rather choose KHV instead since I feel more myself on the internet. Please help. I don't know what help I want ... mentally I guess... I just find my life ****ed up without people to talk to about .. personally. Taffy has really gone overboard!
ah i hope you feel better by now Mr.plums! no worries sir! spelling mistakes are only an illusion. It's didn't come in the end .. yay! :D
what is ick? It's amazing! Great people, food and scenery. Although there is a hurricane coming tomorrow so no class yay! Yes I am excited.
hahaha no worries plums these past days I was without internet cuz I am in Kyoto, Japan. Now i have internet soooo how are you doing?
WOOW DINNY I REALLY LOVE IT! LOOKS OH SO COOL! ahah its looks like you gave him a mechanic arm! :P Great job guys! We produced great creativity! :3
Doing finee bro. It's been awhile. What have you been up to lately?
Food is always yummy, expect the spicy ones. Never feed me them. Imma die. Great to hear we have a FAV. song in common :3 oh yeah! IT IS TOTALLY...
and how are you doing this fine day, lord The Fuk? ?
I AM BAAACCCK AND ALIVE. Today was such a rough day, glad to do know I survived!! ahah alright then I have not slacked off and this time worked on the project we set out. Apologies in advance for the lateness. Spoiler CD COVER collage since they were all from music albums. I took some time on it... could have done better buut was to excited to show you guys. HOW IS EVERYONE DOING BTW?[DOUBLEPOST=1347105486][/DOUBLEPOST] omg i thought i comment on yours. Sorry buddy. I love it though .. really inspired me to start on mines! I Love how symmetrical it looks! <3 Great job :D
Worth it then! :D cuz money is food. Nice! Brings back the old days of school for me. My favorite tracks are It began with a letter and Lazy...
Don't care. Still voting for ya!