I didn't snapshot each for just to that scene and put it in photoshop, yep traced every frame. Almost like clean-up work.Well, red is the color of the HOMURA! :''DWOW that's a great idea Chie, I might try doing this next time! Imma credit yoooou.
So I watched Wreck it Ralph 2 weeks ago and fell in love with all the adorable sugar rush characters. My friends started making their own version of sugar rushes and so I decided to do one since its fun! :D Mine is taffy, ofcourse. I hated the one in the film, if you watched it, that is not me! So my sugar rush character carries a whip called whippy.She drives and whips her enemies. And that is how Whippy Taffy was born xD Whippy Taffy
Hope this is the right thread to post this v-v Well, I did this a while back in Photoshop since I was obsessed with how the animated his skating movements, sugoi. [Link] A scene from the anime K, I think this is in, episode 1 or 2 in which Yata is skating. Critique is always appreciated.:3
This time I have something different to show you all.In my life drawing session this week, we were challenged to draw our model's head from 16 angles in order to create a head turn around animation! We were given 5 minutes for every angle. This was really fun since we did not have to concentrate on details and just drew freely (but really quickly xD). [Link] Critique is always appreciated.:3
Hey Llave! <3 Hope your great as well cuz I am. Just being a bit more busy then usual xD Thank you for your message =^^=
I did and I am still having a bit in my last days in japan. I'm going for my last manga and anime shopping today v-v How about you plums? How have...
Aww that means so much when I read it. Thank you! <3 I will be back once I return to england :D
Damn reply button is hiding from me. Thank you soo much MR WHAT for that amazing message. that AMAZING HEART FULL OF LOVE message of yours dear...
Dear LLAVE, THIS YEAR YOU WILL GET YOUR PRESENT MY FRIEND! Surprises sont amusants! After looking at your list, which I must thank you for since it made my decision so much easier, I decided to create a story with the gift I made for you. haha typical animator. Now, the gift is down there, just read patiently what I am about to write since the tension is worth it. So I watched most of the anime you listed but what caught me was Durarara!! I just got all the feels from the show after reading it on your list. So I picked Durarara!! then moved on to pick Celty my fav character from the show! (apologies if she is not your fav v-v) I wondered after how can I link Celty with your other options. An idea came to me and it was HER HEAD. HOW ABOUT SHE GETS A NEW HEAD. So guess who I picked as the NEW CELTY (HEAD XD) FOR YOU THIS CHRISTMAS.... * drum rolls* IIIIIIIIT'S.... Spoiler: UNLEASH Just so you didn't know who it was, KAREN GILLAN, since she was in the Most importantly list ;] annnd there you have it. <3 Let me know if you want the psd or any changes/additions like a title. I hope you love my gift ^^/ MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! <3
A-A-ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!! THEY DON'T SUCK OMG YUUTA JUST FINDING OUT THE DARK FLAME MASTER IS MY SECRET SANTA! AHHH I LOVE IT <3 Alright I am spazzing now! Changed my avatar to the first one cuz my baby lookin very hot there good choice! BUT I LOVE ALL OF THEM and they DON'T SUCK!!!!!!! thank you! let's talk sometime .. please! :D
Where do you live babe? I never see you on much .. I'm in Japan btw so the time zone might be a big difference. yes yes i will teach you glady <3!
OH MY GOD JUST ON TIME YES! THANK YOU MOSHI <3 Favorite games:- Persona 3+4+FES3 - Persona Portable 3 Persona game freak here. Anime shows I am currently in love with: K(kuro and misaki yuuta), pyscho pass (kogami), tonari no kabitsu kun (haru and shizuku OTP), shirokuma cafe (panda kun), hyouka (satoshi and eba OTP), E7 + E7 AO (renton and eureka all the way! OTP) and fullemtal alchemist brotherhood (roy mustang and hawkeye otp ed and winry otp). Favorite movies Whispers of the Heart - Spirited Away. In other words anything Studio Ghibl related. this is going to be so much fun yay!
well it definitely cheered me up buddy. thank you ^^/
awwwwwww thank you! <3 it put a smile on my face :'D i thought you were leaving kh-vids after reading that :O
yaay! i missed you v-v please come on skype sometime :D I'm doing fine and you? ahhh thank you! <33 i can show you how to use them ^^/
Ah its alright dear. Thank you for the message. I was worried about you v-v Good luck with all that work!! I'm doing fine, thank you. Yep I did....
luckky :'[ I hope I still remember how to use the car, haven't been riding it much hehe. OMG FOOD! SO MUCH FOOD YOU CAN BUY AND PUT IT IN THE CAR...
Ah really! Congratulations haha i know exactly how this feels cuz i got mine this summer hehe and it was amazing! Wow so you gonna start driving...