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  1. T A F F Y シ
    I didn't snapshot each for just to that scene and put it in photoshop, yep traced every frame. Almost like clean-up work.​
    Well, red is the color of the HOMURA! :''D​
    WOW that's a great idea Chie, I might try doing this next time! Imma credit yoooou.​
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 2, 2013 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. T A F F Y シ
    So I watched Wreck it Ralph 2 weeks ago and fell in love with all the adorable sugar rush characters.
    My friends started making their own version of sugar rushes and so I decided to do one since its fun! :D

    Mine is taffy, ofcourse.
    I hated the one in the film, if you watched it, that is not me!
    So my sugar rush character carries a whip called whippy.​
    She drives and whips her enemies.
    And that is how Whippy Taffy was born xD​
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 2, 2013 in forum: Competitions
  3. T A F F Y シ
    Hope this is the right thread to post this v-v​
    Well, I did this a while back in Photoshop since I was obsessed with how the animated his skating movements, sugoi.​
    A scene from the anime K, I think this is in, episode 1 or 2 in which Yata is skating.​
    Critique is always appreciated.​

    Thread by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 1, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. T A F F Y シ
    This time I have something different to show you all.​
    In my life drawing session this week, we were challenged to draw our model's head from 16 angles in order to create a head turn around animation! We were given 5 minutes for every angle. This was really fun since we did not have to concentrate on details and just drew freely (but really quickly xD).​
    Critique is always appreciated.​
    Thread by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 1, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. T A F F Y シ
  6. T A F F Y シ
  7. T A F F Y シ
  8. T A F F Y シ
    Profile Post Comment by T A F F Y シ, Jan 12, 2013
  9. T A F F Y シ
  10. T A F F Y シ
    Dear LLAVE,
    Surprises sont amusants!
    After looking at your list, which I must thank you for since it made my decision so much easier, I decided to create a story with the gift I made for you. haha typical animator.
    Now, the gift is down there, just read patiently what I am about to write since the tension is worth it.
    So I watched most of the anime you listed but what caught me was Durarara!! I just got all the feels from the show after reading it on your list. So I picked Durarara!! then moved on to pick Celty my fav character from the show! (apologies if she is not your fav v-v) I wondered after how can I link Celty with your other options.
    An idea came to me and it was HER HEAD. HOW ABOUT SHE GETS A NEW HEAD. So guess who I picked as the NEW CELTY (HEAD XD) FOR YOU THIS CHRISTMAS.... * drum rolls*



    Just so you didn't know who it was, KAREN GILLAN, since she was in the Most importantly list ;]
    annnd there you have it. <3
    Let me know if you want the psd or any changes/additions like a title.
    I hope you love my gift ^^/
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Dec 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. T A F F Y シ
    A-A-ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!! THEY DON'T SUCK OMG YUUTA JUST FINDING OUT THE DARK FLAME MASTER IS MY SECRET SANTA! AHHH I LOVE IT <3 Alright I am spazzing now! Changed my avatar to the first one cuz my baby lookin very hot there good choice! BUT I LOVE ALL OF THEM and they DON'T SUCK!!!!!!! thank you! let's talk sometime .. please! :D
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Dec 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. T A F F Y シ
  13. T A F F Y シ

    Favorite games:- Persona 3+4+FES3 - Persona Portable 3 Persona game freak here.
    Anime shows I am currently in love with: K(kuro and misaki yuuta), pyscho pass (kogami), tonari no kabitsu kun (haru and shizuku OTP), shirokuma cafe (panda kun), hyouka (satoshi and eba OTP), E7 + E7 AO (renton and eureka all the way! OTP) and fullemtal alchemist brotherhood (roy mustang and hawkeye otp ed and winry otp).
    Favorite movies Whispers of the Heart - Spirited Away. In other words anything Studio Ghibl related.

    this is going to be so much fun yay!
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Dec 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. T A F F Y シ
  15. T A F F Y シ
  16. T A F F Y シ
  17. T A F F Y シ
  18. T A F F Y シ
  19. T A F F Y シ
  20. T A F F Y シ
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by T A F F Y シ for Guardian Soul, Oct 11, 2012