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  1. T A F F Y シ
  2. T A F F Y シ
    Everywhere on Pixv :''''D​
    Thank you Chie and I love you <3​
    I'm excited to finish Ali baba now!​
    Thank you for your comment!​
    I am really glad you love it.​
    Trust me, they were a challenge for me so I went into hiding and spent practicing.​
    My past sketches make me never regret the lonely days I spent in my room practicing instead of improving my social life.​
    Like I always tell my lazy self, Hard work really pays off!​
    Practice makes perfect, there are many references everywhere. Just put some little time everyday at least to practice if you want get good ^^/ <3​
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 21, 2013 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. T A F F Y シ
    Thank you strfruit!​
    I am really happy to read that you like my style! :'D​
    I am really happy to know that.​
    As I said above I will be posting my other chibi collection of my favorite magi characters soon ^^/​
    I agree with you, the low resolution was my fault since I drew the lineart in a small resolution then later on expanded the image size. I will need to work on bigger sizes from now on v-v​
    I actually did not notice that! I will fix it when I have the time.​
    Thank you for your critique Jiku Neon!​
    It was really helpful ^^/​
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 21, 2013 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. T A F F Y シ
  5. T A F F Y シ
    Thanks Chie :''D​
    I'm really glad you love this pieve and my style, makes me happy to hear.​
    I will be making semi Chibi versions of all my favorite magi characters very soon.​
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 21, 2013 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. T A F F Y シ
  7. T A F F Y シ
  8. T A F F Y シ
  9. T A F F Y シ
  10. T A F F Y シ
    I know right, soo wonderful!! It's really nice to find another fan!​
    Please do, I always accept critique ^^/​
    My avatar is of a really quick sketch I have done of Judal.​
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 14, 2013 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. T A F F Y シ
    Yaay another fan, well I can guess you were a fan after your digital art entry ^-^​
    Well, I kinda wanted her back crouching a bit.​
    Thank you for your comment Chie.​
    I am glad you like it :''D​
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 14, 2013 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. T A F F Y シ
    You should watch it or maybe read the manga, story is good.​
    Yep, he is holding it between his fingers.​
    Thank you for your comment Chie. :D​
    Another MAGI FAN!​
    WELCOME!! :''D​
    Thank you soo much. I am going to make more fanarts soon and post them up!​
    I am so glad you loved it.​
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 14, 2013 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. T A F F Y シ
    Anime: Magi​
    Character: Judal​
    He is my most favorite antagonist character in the show.​
    Really adore his smile and that body of his!​
    Thread by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 9, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. T A F F Y シ
    Chie Satonaka - Really enjoy the fact that I am not the only one who watches this show. Lovely! The colors used here are great. It's a neat coloring, also you stuck close to the character color script. I really love this how you added the blush to their cheeks, just like how the artist would have done it. Probably a bit to much on their lips and noses also maybe add in their pupils with the sparkle, not that it looks bad without it but it would stick to the characters model sheet.
    Cherry Berry - THIS IS ADORABLE! The colors used here is great for the atmosphere ;] The texture could be different, like for example this [Link]. I really love the way you drew Yosuke Hanamura, so fluffy. Overall, this is a really cute piece!​
    Jiku Neon - Animation, now this is my field of study! I really love the line quality drawn here, gives the character great sense of volume. Also I like how you included the hair and hoodie flap or what they call it in animation, flag wave (not many people remember to put those precious details). It does look like she is running, you have achieved that. I would look at the arm infront of us that is moving to quickly to the right, maybe redraw one frame with that arm positioned slightly in the middle. Overall, this is a great piece of animation.
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 9, 2013 in forum: Competitions
  15. T A F F Y シ
    And its also good to see another fan as well.​
    Seriously, this show needs more love!​
    Thank you for your comment!​
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 5, 2013 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. T A F F Y シ
    Really hooked up in this show (絶園のテンペスト - Zetsuen no Tempest: The Civilization Blaster - Blast of the Tempest) since I also love Shakespere work, partically Macbeth, Hamlet, The Tempest and Romeo and Juliet..​
    After the soundtrack got released. ​
    I just had to quickly sketch this beautiful character.​
    Thread by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 5, 2013, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. T A F F Y シ
    I really like this piece, the title gives it a nice story.​
    You chose the colors well here, gave it a nice atmosphere.​
    I also like the way you did the cross hatching on the rib cage,​
    and the addition of newspapers makes it seem so vintage.​
    Is it only me or are there dolls inside or something human?​
    (because I see tiny human body figures side, each with own color, how cute!)​
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 4, 2013 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. T A F F Y シ
    Anime: Magi​
    Morgiana is by far my favorite female character in the series.​
    She is so adorable and strong!​
    I love this show.​
    Critique is always appreciated.​
    Thread by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 3, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. T A F F Y シ
    Thanks Ienzo for moving it, hopefully I won't repeat the same mistake v-v​
    Hmmmm, this was about 50 frames since I had to make the gif 1MB for it to be able to play on tumblr.​
    I'm glad you liked it! Thank you ^-^​
    Once I have some time, I will try shading it.​
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Mar 3, 2013 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. T A F F Y シ
    Profile Post Comment

    MR.PLUMS *feeds you plums* <3

    MR.PLUMS *feeds you plums* <3
    Profile Post Comment by T A F F Y シ, Mar 2, 2013