YES I WILL WATCH IT SOON AFTER ALL MY SHOWS END :'''{ OMG really!! Osoya, Yoshimasa voices Hyuuga, Junpei woooow !! he also voices Hidaka, Subaru...
This is gonna be interesting to see.. please more screen time for SHIN ... that boy is adorably beastly.
aww they made the sleeve a tad big longer.. hope i still get to see more of their armpits hohohohoho! I love kise's arms+armpits the most hohoho
amazing seiyuuu!! this is an art form, how can someone do this, change their voices many times for a character but yet still sound like the...
Then I better get my ass on this show now!
omg that is on my list! Junjou Romantica everywhere!!! Yep, he voices Alibaba, such an adorable man. He does alot of screaming for this one,...
FORTY THOUSAND BROTHERS WITH ALL THEIR QUANTITY OF LOVE, COULD NOT SUM UP TO MINE! All the show in one line omg damn yoshino .. so romantic I hate...
Surprise Surprise! He is my second fav character in the show .. desu. opps :D
hahaha babe I will be truthful with you, I don't really like Mahiro .. its just that ******* is sooooo romantic and I'm jealous he dose not exist...
Hehe, already on it ;] <3
another Yuuichi-kun fan and lover! WWWEEEELCOME! <3 haha you sure know your seiyuu's well! DONT watch magi anime, ruined the beautiful plot :[...
i KNOW RIGHT ONLY 2 EPISODES LEFT :'[[[ I just started reading the manga and wow did the anime took out some good parts in the beginning, stupid...
Started watching Kuroko no Basket recently and I think I fell in love.[Link] A quick sketch of Kuroko.Critique's are always appreciated.:3
I will watch the latest tonight ... maybe .. to tell you the truth I'm like really scared to watch zetsuen no Tempest cuz 1) i will get a heart...
oh my god. I'm in for some heart attacks from this show AGAIN! It's always been like that for this show, wtf happened now!! D'''': NOOOO ONLY 1...
Commented ;]
I'm here to say that I really like these concept sketches.Every sketch tells a kind of story. Quite love the young (child) version of her on the bottom right, so adorable. I like the expression and her movement there. Nicely done!Your quality of line adds good volume to the character and I love that!Every line is nicely drawn and clean. I want to ask how do you get those nicely done lines and what kind of tablet do you use?:3
*gasp* Your pencil-crayoning is NOT terrible!I really enjoy the coloring you have done here Chie!The way you left the shine in their hairs, really nicely done!Your coloring really gave a great feel and life to the characters (although I have yet to watch this series) v-v All I can say for improvement is to add color shade to their clothes, skin and hair, this will make the characters pop out one by one.You have done color shade to those two characters at the bottom left. LOOKS GOOD.You should try doing that to all of them ^^/
Mr.What.Your coloring is indeed very beautiful!You did great in coloring her hair and eyes.I really enjoy the line quality here.Very nicely sketched!